New and want to talk

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well, after being in some sort of denial, I do have type 2 diabetes!

I was pre-diabetic and monitored myself every so often, usually around 6.5.
I have a lot of stress and I admit did do some comfort eating.

Got a new glucose testing kit, did the test not eaten for about 6-7 hours and it was 8.3.
What a jump, have joined the low carb program.

But I do have questions
Best wishes
Ms icemaid
Welcome to the forum. Someone will be along who knows more about T2 than me who can interpret those numbers. As I understand it tho the timing of the test matters - they will know more.
Were you told your hba1c, and are you on any diabetes meds?
Well, after being in some sort of denial, I do have type 2 diabetes!

I was pre-diabetic and monitored myself every so often, usually around 6.5.
I have a lot of stress and I admit did do some comfort eating.

Got a new glucose testing kit, did the test not eaten for about 6-7 hours and it was 8.3.
What a jump, have joined the low carb program.

But I do have questions
Best wishes
Ms icemaid
The definitive test for diabetes is an HbA1c. Have you had one or have you self-diagnosed on the basis of a single finger prick test?
Welcome to the forum @icemaid

Sorry to hear you’ve been at risk of developing diabetes for a little while. As others have said, it might be helpful to request an updated HbA1c from your GP surgery - that takes a longer view. your blood glucose levels over 3-4 months, so gives you a more settled overall picture without the day-to-day (hour-to-hour!) fluctuations that can be part of the usefulness of fingerstick glucose monitoring.
Hi, thanks for replying, my last HbA1c was 51 but no meds given, I lost weight and did finger prick checks and they were from 5.8 to 6.5 (fasting)
I’ve had my eyes checked at the hospital and that came back ok.
One thing I did have was a vitamin C effervescent tablet, thought it had no sugar but having checked online it says they do have sugar!

Would you believe bought a new glucose kit, my hand went jittery and it ended in a sink of water!
Totally ruined, it’s an Accu Check with the drum, easy to use.

Ordered a new one, again thank you all for getting back to me.
51 isn’t too high @icemaid Hopefully once you’ve got your replacement meter you’ll be able to do a little more testing to see how meals affect you. Remember that it’s not just sugar you’re watching, but all carbs, both sweet and savoury.
One thing I did have was a vitamin C effervescent tablet, thought it had no sugar but having checked online it says they do have sugar!
An effervescent tablet will weigh hardly anything so will contain hardly any sugar. Diabetes isn’t an allergy to sugar, it’s fine to have some sugar and carbs just needs to be quantities that when balanced with exercise and medication give BGs that you’re happy with.
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