new advert

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone seen the new government advert on tv about eating healthly??
As usual they explained that your child will have high cholesterol and Diabetes
if you don't change their diet. No mention of type 2 diabetes just diabetes. Once again type 1 sufferers are going to have to explain the difference .
Isn't it about time that some differentiation was made.
I suppose I will have to explain to people when they ask me
How come my child is so thin but has diabetes
Why did I only feed him on sweets when he was little
It's ok as long as I give him a tablet he will be ok
It makes me so ANGRY.
How will people ever be educated if the government can't get it right.
Rant over.
Hang on a minute. You have made it sound like Type 2 are lepers or something. I am afraid that I take humbrage with this thread whereby you are saying that Type 1's are diabetics and Type 2's are something else. We ALL have diabetes. I am Type 2 not overweight, do everything right and am still taking 12 tablets a day and last HB1Ac reading was 9.3. I am very close to injecting. By the wy I am 51 and was diagnosed 2 and a half years ago.

I am afraid that Type 1's are not the be all and end all. Have you not thought that it might be down to a Type 2 to explain the difference.

Rant over.
I guess the government need to keep the message as simple as possible, so they just speak of 'diabetes' as a possible consequence of poor diet/obesity/lifestyle. Evidence of course, supports this, and by far the majority of people with diabetes are Type 2, so they're trying to get a general warning across to most people at risk.

I must admit that it can be annoying that some people assume that all people who have diabetes have basically brought it on themselves through their own lifestyle choices. I'd be interested to know what proportion of Type 2's do not conform to this picture - I wouldn't be surprised if it was a significant minority, so it's not just Type 1 people who are likely to be irritated by the generalisations.

I got a well-meaning lecture from someone recently who hasn't seen me for 25 years, after I told them I had been diagnosed. They told me how diet and exercise were the key to a healthy life (assuming I must be obese and therefore responsible), despite the fact I had also just told them I had been a marathon runner for the past 25 years and weigh 9 stone!
Wow!!!! Careful folks. We are all diabetics and the government (or rather civil servants) have spent ?millions on various so called health issues, creating stereotypes.
University departments are financially backed to produce the sort of claptrap we are remarking on.
Please, please, please avoid this T1 andT2 dichotomy.
Write to your MP and he/she might listen if it doesn't cause their reduction in salary/pension/healthcare.

Flaming on here is non-productive. We should be uniting.

I can understand where ur coming from with ur comment about the advert.
I saw it today and thought it was funny that it mentioned diabetes. but ur both right, yes, we all have diabetes but it does seem that the govt doesn't seem to understand the differences between the 2 and put us all under the same category but they are completely different!!
T1 is generally hereditory not due to overweight, stress etc
ok well iam supposedly type 2 ok here goes iam not over weight i eat healthy etc etc
i take roughly 800 units yes 800 units of insulin a day thats with my basal and bolus now using pump as 27 injections got a bit rough
i use concentrated insulin which is easier
my bs are roughly 12 thats good for me in the beginning was 30+ anything below 7 and iam hypo

so i dont fit in any were as my doc says iam a nightmare which is fine as he is fantastic and boy have i tested his knowledge
diagnosed in 2003 as type 2
but my grandfather and his sisters all type 1 it does run in the family
and if anyone asks i just say 'iam diabetic' types in my book shouldnt count everyone is different as my doc lol
The bottom line is we're all diabetic - whichever route it took us to get here...

There are so many of the things blamed for diabetes which are also hereditory - overweight, low metabolism etc being 2 main ones.....

I don't feel like a leper.... if I made some bad choices in my life which resulted in this, then what harder a punishment could there be? Is there anyone who hasn't made bad choices in their life?? Are they always punished??

It's really sad to hear people grading each other dependent on types - surely this message board is designed for us all to learn from each other and help each other - god only knows there's not a lot of that outside here.

Come on folks....fat, thin, healthy, unhealthy, we're all in the same boat.
I was in the bathroom and heard my brother shout out "ERRR DIABETES!" (yeah my brothers are lovely about it and say things like "u can't eat that, it will make u go blind!)lol. When I came out I was quite offended to hear it was an advert about healthy eating, GRR.

I'm sure MCR didn't mean to offend any type 2's. But im affraid that obesity is the _Main_ cause of type 2, as well as age etc... If anyone says how come you aren't obese? I just say, that's type 2!! Although I know this isn't always the reason someone is type 2, It's just easier to say that.

I do think the advert should say type 2 diabetes and not just diabetes. because obesity doesn't cause type one but it does cause type 2 :( sorry
Let's face it - there are only so many messages you can get over in a short advert focused on "eat well" and "move more". Whether we are Type 1s or Type 2s, we all have a condition that, judging by the posts on this site, confuses all of us at times and yet we sometimes seem to expect Joe Public to understand and differentiate readily

Like MCR I get tired of explaining the difference and I'm Type 2! My problem is twofold: firstly that people expect me to be able just to adjust my insulin (I don't take it) and secondly that the assumption is then that I have a mild form of diabetes because their granny/friend/negithbour had it and still ate anything they liked. If only that were so ...
My son of 22 (who is not any type of diabetic) was always very thin untill his late teens. People used to have a pop about me not feeding him. I have always given him a balanced diet with a good mix of all the right and wrong things. My son is very active, he walks 15 minutes every day to the station for work, and walks to and from the local shopping center which is a 20 minute walk when he needs to buy anything.

Because my father and an uncle are diabetic, and I am diabetic, there is a good chance my son will also become diabetic later on.

I haven't seen the offending advert, but agree the generalisations don't help. I know a number of people who thought diabetes was something you caught from someone else, rtaher like catching carnal flu. I will keep an eye out for advert.
in history cave men didnt live pass 30 and there was a very high mortality would be lovely to have fresh chemical free food and be able to use all our open spaces but in the real world do we really know what happens to food before we eat it and would you really want to use some of our public spaces.there are so many more medical problems becoming common place these days and they still use diabetes i wonder if diabetes uk had imput in the commerical.
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historical lifespans and upsetting Diabetes UK adverts

I think that historically (calculated using records such a skeletons and gravestones), the pattern of life lengths was very different - large numbers of children didn't live past their first birthday, sometimes only 1 or 2 children from a family of 10 or so lived into adulthood, death in childbirth was relatively common, young men died in violent warfare, everyone suffered during famines etc, but especially the young, old and sick. However, some people lived into their 70s or 80s or beyond. In other words, the low average lifespan was due to relatively more early deaths and the maximum lifespan was about the same. Many of the major killing diseases in western Europe today are due to living long enough to get fat / inactive to get Type 2 diabetse, for cells to become cancerous etc. BUT, some children & young adults get Type 1 diabetes, cancers etc, some people who get Type 2 diabetes have never been overweight or inactive. The important things are to advise people about the actions they can take to reduce their chances of developing eg Type 2 diabetes, cardio vascular diseases, cancers (last 2 are deliberately plurals as they are not single diseases).

I remember a few years back (around 1997/8, I think) being taken aback by adverts by Diabetes UK on the London Underground, showing views of people etc through a screen of black splodges, which is what the world looks like with retinopathy apparently. I think the message was supposed to be that if diabetes is detected and treated early, then complications are less likely, but I didn't like the unexpected assumption (I usually walk when visiting London and cycled when when studying MSc Environmental Technology [Health & the Environment option]) that I was undiagnosed and not looking after myself, and the prediction that I would definitely develop sight problems at some proint - and that nothing could be done if I did.

Overall I feel we should cut some slack to Change4Life campaign and I shouldn't have been as upset by DUK eyesight adverts. These are aimed at the general public, the majority or whom don't have diabetes, although possibly the majority know someone with diabetes (family member, neighbour, classmate, work colleague etc).
Further on from my reply my mother bless her was Type 1 and diagnosed at 57 years of age. She sadly died 2 years ago partly due to the diabetes. my elder brother has recently been diagnosed Type 2 and is like a stick insect with no fat on him at all.

Again at the end of the day we are diabetics. I feel (probably because I now take an interest in it) that more and more people are aware of diabetes nowadays and I for one let people know that I have it just in case of an emergency. Generally when I tell them it then takes me half an hour to explain about diabetes which I dont have a problem with as it is making them aware and it also may help a fellow diabetic in the future.

With the medication I am on I am apparently as prone to a hypo as an insulin user even though I am Type 2. The important thing in all of this is that getting diabetes (whether it be Type 1 or 2) in the public eye can only be good and spreads the message and makes people aware of it. Since diagnosis I can only say my treatment has been top drawer from the NHS and continues to be.

Long may it continue.
I was in the bathroom and heard my brother shout out "ERRR DIABETES!" (yeah my brothers are lovely about it and say things like "u can't eat that, it will make u go blind!)lol. When I came out I was quite offended to hear it was an advert about healthy eating, GRR.

I'm sure MCR didn't mean to offend any type 2's. But im affraid that obesity is the _Main_ cause of type 2, as well as age etc... If anyone says how come you aren't obese? I just say, that's type 2!! Although I know this isn't always the reason someone is type 2, It's just easier to say that.

I do think the advert should say type 2 diabetes and not just diabetes. because obesity doesn't cause type one but it does cause type 2 :( sorry
I'm afraid that you are wrong - obesity is not a cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity AND diabetes are a consequence of a COMMON underlying factor - METABOLIC SYNDROME

Regards Dodger
I have to say that I am sure that obesity could be a factor in being diagnosed as Type 1 as well. I cannot believe that it is only a possible factor in Type 2???

If someone is overweight and diagnosed as Type 1 would this not be a factor? It always seems to be in Type 2. If it is a factor in Type 2 then surely it must be in Type 1? I could be wrong but would take some convincing.
it doesnt matter what type you are we are all diabetics and from this site we have a strong voice and views. i just wish the medical profession and others would stop using it like a punishment for not looking after yourself this is so untrue and gives the wrong impression of what diabetes is
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and has no bearing on weight or lifestyle. The majority of people who get Type 1 are quite young, although there is always an exception to the rule. As the mother of a 9 year old boy who became very unwell just over a year ago and was promptly diagnosed with type 1, I can empathise why the difference needs to be made on this Advert. My son now thinks all his friendsa are going to think it's his fault he has Diabetes. I am in no way saying that anyone with Type 2 is to blame for their condition or that it is any less significant or important than Type 1, but the fact remains though that there is a difference and the awareness needs to be made in different ways for each type. I hope that they soon find a cure for everyone and anyone who suffers through Diabetes can soon be cured! Maybe then I'll start to sleep properly again!
Obesity is a factor in being diagnosed as Type 2 but what is not yet clear is whether a predisposition to Type 2 or undiagnosed Type 2 also triggers some weight gain and/or the "apple shape" with abdominal fat. However not all Type 2s are overweight at diagnosis (although I was) and it seems that for all of us, whatever Type, there remain many unanswered questions about the mechanisms that trigger our bodies into either not producing or using insulin properly

Unfortunately, for many, whether diabetic or not, losing weight and then maintaining that weight loss long term is incredibly difficult. Simple ad campaigns may raise awareness (or even guilt) but, for example, smokers are now targetted with NHS stop smoking resources yet people with diabetes struggle to get access to even the most basic of structured education that covers aspects of nutrition (eg DESMOND, DAFNE) let alone a broader population besieged by the latest celebrity fad diet. I suspect that I am not alone in finding the general advice to "eat healthily" at the point of diagnosis let me to all sorts of confusion as I tried to find out more - confusion that was compounded as I started to work out what affects my blood glucose levels.
I have to say that I am sure that obesity could be a factor in being diagnosed as Type 1 as well. I cannot believe that it is only a possible factor in Type 2???

If someone is overweight and diagnosed as Type 1 would this not be a factor? It always seems to be in Type 2. If it is a factor in Type 2 then surely it must be in Type 1? I could be wrong but would take some convincing.

i think this is a very sad comment to make i think it should be taken off the foram as my friends child was diagnosed at 9 months old don't think he was over weight and was breast feed which is ment to help prevent and was not on solids foods yet.
Wow this is a heated discussion LOL

Hi everyone,

Ive yet to see the advert is it TV based, paper or radio?
Please remember though we are 'Diabetic' regardless of type, I can remember only a few years ago when they started to group type 1's and 2's.
They stated a type 1 was on insulin injections and as people are aware there are now alot of type 2's on injections so this blows the original type 1 and type 2 out of proportion.

The one thing we must remember is it is a serious condition regardless of well how or badly controlled we are.

There is no cure and we must stick together and please do not argue about which is worse, they all are!!!:(
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