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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am 39 and did have diabetes for 30 years on daily 4 injections, in 2005 i had to go onto dialysis and then in 2007 I had an amazing double transplant of a new kidney and pancreas, however since this my neuropathy has gone full speed ahead I cannot feel both my legs below the knees, and now my hands are going the same way, I have had lots of laser on my eyes, I was told on Tues I have it attacking my throat and the way I swallow (mobility of swaloowing difficult) my bladder and bowels now do what they want, I had a charcote knee which had to be replaced due to the diabetes, and an ankle that is now disformed and so 2 inces shorter on the one side and have to wear built up boots and irons to level me up just wondering is there anybody out there with all what i have through neuropathy and diabetes who is around their late 30's be interested to know, and where does it stop !! as I'm quite fearful!! :confused:
Hi ShazC, I'm sorry to hear all your problems.There are several people here with varying degrees and varying forms of neuropathy. I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you. In the mean time this reply will help keep you near the top for a little longer.
Hi ShazC,

Can I assume that your BG is checked occasionally to ensure everything is OK? If you can be classifed as non-diabetic these days it makes mre wonder if there is another underlying cause? Some doctors/consultants find it difficult to think outside the box since they have got hold of the "diabetic" label. I once was admitted to hospital with severe vomiting, alternating fevers and chills, and other symtoms. Although this should have suggested something was amiss I was treated, and lectured, like a diabetic who had been bingeing! It turned out I had samonella food poisioning!!!!!!!
I'm pushing this to the top again, incase anyone else is able to help.
I'm pushing this back tot he top in case anyone pops in ho hasn't seen it and can help.
Hi Shaz, I was recently diagnosed with neuropathy although it has not hit me to the extent it has you. Mine is moving more rapidly than the doctor expected though.
I am not able to offer any words advice as so far my experience is limited but I am offering you sympathy and kind thoughts from someone in a similar posistion. I hope you can get it under control soon, Hemase.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.UOTE]
Thanks all for your support, and I do hope that soon I will get some answers off the consultants but nobody can tell me how much more damage may occur from neuropathy,.... I will keep on pushing forward for answers ..
again all
shaz 🙂
Hi Shaz, I was recently diagnosed with neuropathy although it has not hit me to the extent it has you. Mine is moving more rapidly than the doctor expected though.
I am not able to offer any words advice as so far my experience is limited but I am offering you sympathy and kind thoughts from someone in a similar posistion. I hope you can get it under control soon, Hemase.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.UOTE]

for that and your support, I will keep on trying to push for answers from a doctor who might understand myself and take me on !!
Hi ShazC, I'm sorry to hear all your problems.There are several people here with varying degrees and varying forms of neuropathy. I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you. In the mean time this reply will help keep you near the top for a little longer.

🙂 🙂
Thanks hoping to get a few replies soon. shaz
Thanks all for your support, and I do hope that soon I will get some answers off the consultants but nobody can tell me how much more damage may occur from neuropathy,.... I will keep on pushing forward for answers ..
again all
shaz 🙂

Hi Shaz, it can be so frustrating when the professionals won't give a straight answer when all you are looking for, and are prepared to accept, is a little honesty. You've been through such a lot, my dear, I hope that you get some answers and that they are able to slow and treat the symptoms of the neuropathy. Take care.
Hi ShazC,

Can I assume that your BG is checked occasionally to ensure everything is OK? If you can be classifed as non-diabetic these days it makes mre wonder if there is another underlying cause? Some doctors/consultants find it difficult to think outside the box since they have got hold of the "diabetic" label. I once was admitted to hospital with severe vomiting, alternating fevers and chills, and other symtoms. Although this should have suggested something was amiss I was treated, and lectured, like a diabetic who had been bingeing! It turned out I had samonella food poisioning!!!!!!!

I have also been thinking it's something else but it's definately something to do with my nerves ! Thank you for your reply
Hi shaz. My doctor has recently told me I have a form of peripheral nueropathy, and I'm on gabapentin for it. It's not that bad, more a pain in the backside tbh. I know that mine comes from a period of huge rebellion, so this one is totally my own fault. Doctor says mine can be reversed though with good control, as its 'transient', and it is getting better.

I'm sorry you're having such a tough time hun :( *massibe hugs*
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