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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys n gals,

Last night when I went to bed I noticed that my toes and fingers were tingling. First time I've ever felt like this and in a matter of a few hours it gradually got worse and worse.

It wasn't too bad when I woke up this morning but I definately felt a bit numb round the edges. Its started getting worse again now n it's not a nice feeling :(

I haven't had any problems with blood pressure or loss of sensation in my feet or anything like that. The only change I can really pin it down to is I've had backache for a few months now and the past few days the pain, which I'd describe as uncomfortable, seems to have spread into my whole pelvis.

not sure whats going on there :(
I very occasionally get either sharp pains in my toes or they go numb, usually at night. It's usually when my levels have been higher than normal for a day or two - how have yours been lately? This, I am told, is called 'transient neuropathy' because it can come and go but does not represent permanent harm to the nerves.
I'm like Northe if my numbers have been high. I don't seem to get it in my hands so much, but definitely in my feet especially the left one. My left big toe can be incredibly sensitive at times if I'm hyper. It sounds to me more likely that an inflammation in your back is what's causing your symptoms, have you talked to your doctor about it?
I very occasionally get either sharp pains in my toes or they go numb, usually at night. It's usually when my levels have been higher than normal for a day or two - how have yours been lately? This, I am told, is called 'transient neuropathy' because it can come and go but does not represent permanent harm to the nerves.

Last week they have been up in the low teens but as I had a bit of a cough going on, I put it down to that. They are back to being between 5 - 8 now. Still feeling all pins and needles like now though! I really hope it is temporary as it's making me feel dreadful.
Last week they have been up in the low teens but as I had a bit of a cough going on, I put it down to that. They are back to being between 5 - 8 now. Still feeling all pins and needles like now though! I really hope it is temporary as it's making me feel dreadful.

That fall in levels might be the culprit then - it's very common in newly-diagnosed people to get this when their levels start diving after starting treatment. I suppose the same would be true whatever the reason (like illness) for your levels being high and then quickly dropping. Apparently, the nerve endings become more sensitive as they have become used to being bathed in syrup 😉 and suddenly they're not any more!
I'm like Northe if my numbers have been high. I don't seem to get it in my hands so much, but definitely in my feet especially the left one. My left big toe can be incredibly sensitive at times if I'm hyper. It sounds to me more likely that an inflammation in your back is what's causing your symptoms, have you talked to your doctor about it?

I've got an appointment on Monday morning. I did see him about 5-6 weeks ago about my back and he suggested that it should be fine in a few weeks. It did ease off a bit but now it has got worse. I'm hoping it's something simple and I've just read too much into the symptoms.
That fall in levels might be the culprit then - it's very common in newly-diagnosed people to get this when their levels start diving after starting treatment. I suppose the same would be true whatever the reason (like illness) for your levels being high and then quickly dropping. Apparently, the nerve endings become more sensitive as they have become used to being bathed in syrup 😉 and suddenly they're not any more!

Heh I like that analogy 🙂 Thanks, feeling less on edge about it now, guess I'll just have to see how it goes!
I have that. When numbers are high. Cept I'm on meds for it :(
Regardless of wether my bms are high or normal i never get tinglin in my feet well unless im sittin on them gor ages lol But I always get numb/ sore/ tingly hands if im holdin something for more thn a few mins, not handy when im a student nurse oh and currently tryin to decorate :( Do you think u can have slight neuropathy but not starting in your feet/ legs?:confused:
Regardless of wether my bms are high or normal i never get tinglin in my feet well unless im sittin on them gor ages lol But I always get numb/ sore/ tingly hands if im holdin something for more thn a few mins, not handy when im a student nurse oh and currently tryin to decorate :( Do you think u can have slight neuropathy but not starting in your feet/ legs?:confused:

you can indeed - its called peripheral nueropathy and can start in either feet or hands. I occasionally get it in my hands, very very rarely however

I think I need to see docs to change my meds...
you can indeed - its called peripheral nueropathy and can start in either feet or hands. I occasionally get it in my hands, very very rarely however

I think I need to see docs to change my meds...

I never even thought of it before i read this thread 😱 I always thought it was a thing that started in your feet! but I guess after bein diabetic since i was 5 then could be worse... I take it u dont need to mention to ur team until it gets agonising? I am noticing when im on the phone these days how often i need to switch lol I guess i thought it was bcause i slouch when im sittin on couch n stuff and puttin pressure on nerves lol Im clueless like 😉

It could also be the symptoms of carpal tunnel symdrom where your carpal tendon goes through from wrist into hand problem, that can give same symptoms, it can be resolved with a simple oparation under local anistitic.. The op is simple but recovery time is 6-8 weeks..

I had neropathy problems with hands and feet just before I started insulin permently (had been taken off after pregnancy) but once my levels were stable I've never had problems since

It could also be the symptoms of carpal tunnel symdrom where your carpal tendon goes through from wrist into hand problem, that can give same symptoms, it can be resolved with a simple oparation under local anistitic.. The op is simple but recovery time is 6-8 weeks..

I had neropathy problems with hands and feet just before I started insulin permently (had been taken off after pregnancy) but once my levels were stable I've never had problems since

Can u have it in both hands? never even thought about mentioning it to anyone 😱
I never even thought of it before i read this thread 😱 I always thought it was a thing that started in your feet! but I guess after bein diabetic since i was 5 then could be worse... I take it u dont need to mention to ur team until it gets agonising? I am noticing when im on the phone these days how often i need to switch lol I guess i thought it was bcause i slouch when im sittin on couch n stuff and puttin pressure on nerves lol Im clueless like 😉

definitely best to mention it to your team if you're worried. Don't let it get too bad 🙂
Yes you can suffer it in both hands but they will only operate on one at a time, they did my friends 6 months apart...
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