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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Please does anybody have any suggestions as to how to manage neuropathy? Whilst I was receiving B12 injections it improved markedly but I have been told I am not eligible for any more. Duloxetine made me feel terrible and I couldn’t tolerate them. Thank you
Please does anybody have any suggestions as to how to manage neuropathy? Whilst I was receiving B12 injections it improved markedly but I have been told I am not eligible for any more. Duloxetine made me feel terrible and I couldn’t tolerate them. Thank you
Have you had a blood test to confirm if your B12 is low again.
If your ability to absorb B12 from food is impaired then you would likely need 3 monthly B12 injections. Did they say why you no longer qualified.
There are a few medications that people find helpful so hopefully they will be along with some suggestions. There is also a cocktail of supplements that can help.
Found it.
Sorry to hear about your neuropathy @barbie3 Keeping tight control of your blood glucose should help. Also,there are some supplements that might help. However, please do check they’re compatible with any meds you might be on before trying them.

One is Alpha Lipoic Acid. You have to take a largish dose and it’s not cheap, but it’s actually prescribed for neuropathy in Germany. Also, benfotiamine (a special form of vitamin B1) and other B vitamins can help. For the Alpha Lipoic Acid, it’s best to build it up slowly - ie one 200mg tablet a day for a week or so, then two tablets, then 3. You’ll see they’re expensive but they do help.
Please does anybody have any suggestions as to how to manage neuropathy? Whilst I was receiving B12 injections it improved markedly but I have been told I am not eligible for any more. Duloxetine made me feel terrible and I couldn’t tolerate them. Thank you

Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with neuropathic pain @barbie3

I remembered multiple meds being discussed when I was on the NICE T1 Adults guideline development group as a lay member.

I followed the links and got to the separate guidance here

Which mentions amitriptyline, duloxetine, gabapentin or pregabalin as alternatives. Is it only Duloxetine you have tried so far? Might one of the others work for you?
I have suddenly become very aware of burning it’s been awful I have had B12 injections , steroid injections, changed shoes , added insoles, had acupuncture, now been given 10mg of amertiptaline, which also has not helped I am at my wits end, I’ve made an appointment to see a consultant privatley as the doctor has referred me to MSK but the waiting time is hideous and I’m pretty desperate, also drink turmeric tea as recommended but NOTHING is working
Welcome @Juice1971 🙂 Sorry to hear about your burning pain. See my post above in this thread about natural supplements.

Also, could it be partly plantar fasciitis? That can cause a burning pain sometimes.
I was wondering about plantar fasciitis but my burning is mainly balls of my feet, and down one side of my foot lateral side . I am hoping that the Bupa consultant will arrange a MRI or Ultrasound to see what my feet and ankles are playing at. I feel quite isolated and in total limbo. Pain killers do not work at all.
I was wondering about plantar fasciitis but my burning is mainly balls of my feet, and down one side of my foot lateral side . I am hoping that the Bupa consultant will arrange a MRI or Ultrasound to see what my feet and ankles are playing at. I feel quite isolated and in total limbo. Pain killers do not work at all.
My other half had plantar fasciitis and orthotic insoles cured it immediately. As he recalls the pain was in the arch and towards the heel.
That sounds more like a physical problem to my non-medical mind. A friend’s mother went to some kind of specialist re her painful feet. She had to stand on a machine that assessed how she bore weight, and then she got insoles and special shoes.
No in that case I do not think it’s that. I do not have any heal pain or arch pain. Intense burning it’s quite strange barefoot pottering around the house I have zero burning , as soon as I put trainers or shoes on and go to work within 5 mins my feet feel like someone is holding a match underneath walking around shopping etc is un bearable
No in that case I do not think it’s that. I do not have any heal pain or arch pain. Intense burning it’s quite strange barefoot pottering around the house I have zero burning , as soon as I put trainers or shoes on and go to work within 5 mins my feet feel like someone is holding a match underneath walking around shopping etc is un bearable
I had that but particularly at night it was like I had a flamethrower aimed at my feet, literally screaming in pain. It was plantar fasciitis and insoles and rest sorted it. You have my sympathy, it was horrible.
It has been so awful it’s nice to hear people can relate to this because
My family and husband try to but especially as the heat is within and nothing can be seen it’s hard for people to understand
I don’t have any problems at night and any problems when I am bear feet. The whole awful condition is a mystery right now
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