Neuropathy symptoms - type 2 diet controlled...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am mainly interested in feedback from people who are in the same category as me but appreciate that the rest of you have a lot to offer - so please could you state your condition when replying.

Have spoken to a GP mate (but not my GP) re the odd feelings I am having. very slight numbness in the arms (wrists) and occasionally the slightest tingling in my tips of my toes, I also have a slight odd feeling in my left cheek.

I have had all this before to a lesser extent and it has gone away after a few days. Feeling is particularly noticeable in wrists today (normally not noticeable in wrists at all) and I have been at my desk for far too long.

GP mate does not think it is D related but also that if it is then as my hba1c seems pretty good (my average daily BG reading is 6.1 - and a good few of them were taken after meals although most are fasting) they will not want to medicate as glucose control seems OK. For instance had oven cooked breaded cod and salad for lunch - BG 45 mins later was 7.9 and 90 mins later was 6.1.

My condition seems worse if I have over done it, eg it was my birthday last week and went to a restaurant had some very rich asian food followed by a shared desert and a bottle of rose (each 🙂 ) and the following night was very similar as I had dinner with an old mate I hadnt seen for 15 years. The following day my feet were aching (I had been doing a lot more walking and runnig than is my norm over the 10 days prior to this) my face (and nose) tingling etc.

Does any of the above sound familiar? do other people have neuropathy that feels worse after 'over doing it' but that generally goes after you have been good for a while?

A bit rambling so I hope you can follow this.
Hi, I'm type 2. I get all kinds of odd feelings when I am running a bit high or I am over tierd. What are your number like in general? Keep a note or diary of when the symptoms appear and what activities you have been doing to see if you can pin point a pattern.

Other causes, could be things like carpel tunnel syndrome, but it may affect your hands too, but this will need further investigation.

Sorry this sounds a bit belt and braces, but if you have any new symptoms, or anything at all you are worried about, have a chat to your GP as he has your medical records and will be able to base his diagnosis on what is happening now and hat has happened n the past.
Hi, newly type 2 + diet controlled. I have had similar 'tinglings' prior to diagnosis such as:

1) Sore, tingling wirsts, aching joints - Was down to RSI as I mainly write or hunch (badly! ooer poor posture) over a keyboard all day.

2) Attempted to learn to play the guitar over Sept-Oct 09l, fingers went all numb. - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Nothing since, so always worth checking to see if you are over doing it as well.

Basically check with your GP/PN as suggested if it keeps going or your are worried🙂

Now any guitar players got any tips for callous fingers / meter pricking p?😉
Hi Sandy

Im type 2, I was initially on gliclazide but have since been taken off them after being (very) good for a while after diagnosis. Before i was diagnosed i was very tired and more particularly experiencing stabbing pains in the tips of my fingers - which ive never heard of anyone really having as their primary symptom (without pain in their feet anyway as i understand that is meant to happen before pain in the hands??) but hey - i like to be different... 🙂 my fingertips also get a bit numb :( nothing happening in the wrist area yet though.

Anyway, that pain went away for quite a while but has now come back a bit (now that erm i havent been quite so good..) so i can definitely relate to what you are saying!

before my diagnosis and starting my diet i used to have aching joints and muscles especially in the morning also i would be very tired in the afternoons , but since i started dieting and eating healthier food i feel so much better all the aches and tiredness have gone and i have a lot more energy , i was also suffering with dry skin which has improved a lot so it just shows how beneficial a good diet is
I was effectively self diagnosed in that I knew what was goingto be said when I went for a blood test at the local chemist. I had dry skin was drinking (and weeing) a lot and my vision was going blurred. All of this cleared up when I got under control. It is just lately that I have been getting tingling in my arms, finger tips and feet. This does seem to be clearing up now but last night (not so much today) my feet felt like a) they weighed about 2 stone but only when sitting and resting them on the floor and b) they were in a warm oven.

I did overdo it last week (but I have overdone much more in the past) for my birthday and am hoping that it will calm down and go away. This has spurred on the diet and the desire to lose more weight and act more sensibly.
Have spoken to a GP mate (but not my GP) re the odd feelings I am having. very slight numbness in the arms (wrists) and occasionally the slightest tingling in my tips of my toes, I also have a slight odd feeling in my left cheek.

Which cheek are we talking about ?:D I have arthritis in my neck and get tingling in both hands and have done for years before being diagnosed type 2.
The tingling comes from pressure on a nerve in my neck. I also get really painful muscle spasm in my cheek (the one on my face 😛)
Try looking up carpal tunnel syndrome and see if it applies to you.
I sometimes get hot itchy feet, mainly of an evening when I have been naughty with my diet 🙄 So I am presuming this has to do with high BG levels.
I have recently started to test BG levels morning fasting, pre lunch/dinner and after lunch/dinner.
Since starting on new meds, my BG levels have come down to an average of 5.6 fasting.
So I am therefore presuming the tingly feet are due to bad diet and high BG.
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