Neuropathic pain

i get pain in my feet/fingers i find moving them about helps good luck
Pain where? - nerves hurt just as much, in fact more, when they start healing.
I sorry it is the nerves, that’s just what doc called it. Started with hot burning tops off legs when went high, now lower back and bum even when in target, doc says could have it 2-3 years
That doesn't sound like diabetic neuropathy but something else - eg my 1st husband had shattered a disc in his lower spine, which trapped one sciatic nerve so badly for so long that his one leg was starting to die. That hurt him alright, then they operated and bliss until at least a year later, when he'd leap out of bed in the middle of the night in sudden calf pain which we both thought was cramp but it wasn't, it was his calf nerves healing and complaining about it. After 6-ish months, pain gradually stopped.

When you say 'the doctor' - was this a hospital neurology consultant whose department had done conduction studies on the nerves to see if it was neuropathy ? or just a GP taking a stab at why something hurts you? What nerves and how were they damaged?
I agree that it sounds like it might be sciatica, rather than diabetes related. The sciatic nerve branches off the spine in the lumbar region and goes down through the buttocks, down the back of leg behind the knee to the heel.
I have had a number of flare ups from time to time as I often do heavy. Sometimes I just feel it in the back of my knee or heel and sometimes it will be deep in my buttock and sometimes it will be all the way down from my back. Walking is one of the things that helps most for me for realigning my back and releasing wherever the nerve is being pinched. I have in the past needed medication when it was excruciating and I couldn't sit or lie down and walking was the only thing that took the pressure off it, but you can't walk 24/7.
I have even had a couple of bouts of sciatic when I have been constipated. 🙄
Sitting is probably the worst thing for sciatica or at least it is for me.
Once you have had it once, you learn to recognise it quite quickly next time you get it and ideally take action before it gets too bad. For me that is usually a good daily walk making sure I am maintaining a good posture.
That doesn't sound like diabetic neuropathy but something else - eg my 1st husband had shattered a disc in his lower spine, which trapped one sciatic nerve so badly for so long that his one leg was starting to die. That hurt him alright, then they operated and bliss until at least a year later, when he'd leap out of bed in the middle of the night in sudden calf pain which we both thought was cramp but it wasn't, it was his calf nerves healing and complaining about it. After 6-ish months, pain gradually stopped.

When you say 'the doctor' - was this a hospital neurology consultant whose department had done conduction studies on the nerves to see if it was neuropathy ? or just a GP taking a stab at why something hurts you? What nerves and how were they damaged?
Was diabetic doctor at hospital, because my sugar has been that high has effected nerve endings, should go away in 2-3 years. Can get get pills to dull it but they are antidepressants and am not keen
Well yeah, pregabalin or gabapentin are the usual suggestions. Husbands have usually managed until the weekend, then self medicated with a good tot (or more) of alcohol before bed to at least try and catch up on their sleep.
Amitriptyline was prescribed for my sciatica when it was really bad. It is also used as an anti depressant, but that is at a different dose.
Doc suggested amitryptilline
The dosage for neuropathy is much lower than the dosage prescribed as an anti depressant. I had severe pain in my upper arm following an injury to my neck/shoulder junction which compressed the nerve. I took amitryptilline for 3 months. The doctor advised it would take several weeks before I would start to feel better. Also took co-codamol to take the edge off the pain so I could sleep. The best way I could describe the pain was like having my arm squeezed tight in a vice all the time and a sledgehammer pounding against my upper arm and elbow. Thankfully after 3 months it was completely cured and pain free. I took 10mg twice a day. Hope it also sorts out your neurological pain.
Hope you feel able to give the tablets a try @Woodywoodpecker - even if only for a short while to see if it helps. 2-3 years is a long time to live with pain if you don’t need to <3
Will seriously consider it, but it is burning I get not painful
That sounds really weird to me because every single time in my life I have ever burned any bit of myself - it always (sodding) hurt!! er, 'a burning pain' - like when I get bad indigestion, a burning pain inside of me - which it is cos it's the natural digestive acid in my stomach being over active.
That sounds really weird to me because every single time in my life I have ever burned any bit of myself - it always (sodding) hurt!! er, 'a burning pain' - like when I get bad indigestion, a burning pain inside of me - which it is cos it's the natural digestive acid in my stomach being over active.
It is weird does sting a bit but not painful, only feel it when I sit down. When moving about just feels bit hot, lie on my side in bed so doesn’t keep me awake. Went for 6 weeks to hospital, and none off the diabetic nurses had herd off it. Last appointment was with the doctor , mentioned it to her and that’s what she said it was