needing advice

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all im needing some advice

I still havent got my basal bolus regime sorted hence why im going on the dafne course in 2 weeks time :D
im on 1 : 1 atm with 9 units of lantus at night.
but at work i seem to go hypo in the morning and in the afternoon...
so over the past week or so i have took less insulin to try and and avoid the hypos... but im still going hypo.

this morning my sugars were 14.7 and i had two slices of toast and butter
so i decided just to take the insulin to cover the food which would be 4 units and i never corrected... then at lunch time i was way up at 19.7 and i was like eek this might not work lol but i thought i would carry on to see wot would happen in the afternoon. i had a sandwich with ham and lettuce and a packet of crisps so i took 5 units and decided to take 2 extra units cause 19.7 is really high and i wanted to come down! about two hours later i started to feel funny and really sweaty so i had 4 jelly babies, then i ended up havin 2 glucose tabs then a pancake. i then told my manager i had to go home cause i wasnt feeling well and i never had my blood meter on me to check my sugar. i checked it once i got home and it was 10.4 so im thinkin that i must have went hypo cause i ate all that stuff and was only at 10.4....
then again tonight i took my insulin 1 : 1 and just about half an hour ago i felt a little bit hungry so i had a wee biscuit and decided to check my blood sugar and was sittin at 2!!! i have never been this low and i felt ok, probs felt about 4 but was down at 2, so i downed some sugary drink and had some bread...

i dont know wots going on????? helppppppppppppp

do i need to reduce my insulin more????

oo and also

do u think i might be gettin hypo unawareness?? :(
Hey Loz,

Good to hear from you, although sorry you're having a hard time at the mo.

Hope you get a lot out of your course next month let us know how it goes.

As for your pressing situation, keep your monitor on you at all times, what were your levels the night before the morning you woke at 14.7? Is this a regular morning level?

Sorry I can't be more help, I hope some others can help you out.

Have you been in range for long during the recent days? Whenever I go a bit wrong I try and take stock and see what I am doing different? Maybe write it all down.

Hope you get some good control soon.

PS I hope you're not loosing hypo awareness !
What a day you have had. :confused:

I know from experience, that sometimes once this sort of seesawing starts, it can be hard to stop. You are low, so you eat, you go high so you take extra insulin, you are low so you eat, .....etc.

Have you got a friendly DSN who could give you some advice tomorrow?
Mine is very good if I can get hold of her and knows what she is talking about. I know that when I kept getting different results in the mornings, she thought I might be hypoing overnight and got me to reduce the levemir (long acting insulin) to try to help. Unfortunately she also made me set my alarm for the middle of the night :( to check my blood sugar - she was right, I was hypoing sometimes which meant I woke up anything from 3 up to about 16 for no apparent reason.
Sorry I don't think that has answered your question about reducing your insulin again, but I think you should speak to your DSN for them to get a proper look at your results. It could be your short acting you need to alter as it could be that you are taking too much to cover for your breakfast, lunch etc. rather than taking too much long acting. (For me, I take humalog and levemir at the same time at breakfast and if I hypo within about 2 hours it's the humalog, but if its 4-6 hours, its the levemir.)

You wondered about your hypo awareness but the fact that you knew you needed to test and/or eat seems to suggest that that's not a problem for you. 😉

Good luck anyway.
Hope you can keep your meter with you, and that the DAFNE course helps you further.
I would agree with Rossi - writing your readings down (i sometimes find this a faff but once i get into the swing of things i find it becomes habit) really helps see the patterns so you can work out where to alter your insulin. I always carry a little notebook in my handbag, and then over a week i can slowly see where im going wrong!
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Fe x
Hey Loz,

Good to hear from you, although sorry you're having a hard time at the mo.

Hope you get a lot out of your course next month let us know how it goes.

As for your pressing situation, keep your monitor on you at all times, what were your levels the night before the morning you woke at 14.7? Is this a regular morning level?

Sorry I can't be more help, I hope some others can help you out.

Have you been in range for long during the recent days? Whenever I go a bit wrong I try and take stock and see what I am doing different? Maybe write it all down.

Hope you get some good control soon.

PS I hope you're not loosing hypo awareness !

Aww nice to hear from you too 🙂 nope 14.7 aint a regular wakening level..
if this dafne course doesnt save me then nothing will 😛

I go on it next monday woop, its only been two years later....😛

hopw ur well too xxx
Aww nice to hear from you too 🙂 nope 14.7 aint a regular wakening level..
if this dafne course doesnt save me then nothing will 😛

I go on it next monday woop, its only been two years later....😛

hopw ur well too xxx

Well thats good then if you don't normally wake that high. You better levels the last few days??

I spoke to my nursey last month and she's put me on the list to be sent a letter to next time they have a space?? But the way she described it you'll find it good, it's not just carb counting stuff but a good chance to meet others in the same boat as you, and chat generally about living with D!

I'm neh bad ta, up and down at the mo, good today, but a lot going on in Rossi world! Busy at work and moving hoose!!

Hope you haven't had any more un noticed hypos!

Let us know how the course goes! Damn it's september already!!


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