need to moan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
went to see my new consantlant last week and i have never felt more down in my life i am so fed up with my local hospital i have found out that i was misdiagoise with i.b.s for 5 years and that i am not a type 2 diabetic i am a pancreatic diabetic my hb1c has not come down i am still 7.5 and i have worked so hard i have losted weight eating really healhty and doing excersise
i am really sorry i havent been on here for a while and that i didnt make the meet i was so looking forward to seeing everyone but i just had a bit of time to myself trying to get my head around all this
sorry for any spelling mistakes and for moaning
twinnie aka vickie
I hope things improve for you with the new consultant.

You have been doing the right things in eating healthily and taking more execise and loosing weight.

Don't worry about the spelling. Being frustrarted and in need of a moan does strange things to our spelling. I hope the moan helped, it's good to get things out of our systems, a good moan reduces our stress levels.
Hi Vickie i was thinking abut you on monday thought i had not seen you on for a while, so sorry you have been down the news must of been a shock, you sound like your doing everything right , but i do hope things look brighter soon, im sure people will understand why you could not make the meet more then likely they will be another soon if you need to talk you know you can pm me anytime xxxx
went to see my new consantlant last week and i have never felt more down in my life i am so fed up with my local hospital i have found out that i was misdiagoise with i.b.s for 5 years and that i am not a type 2 diabetic i am a pancreatic diabetic my hb1c has not come down i am still 7.5 and i have worked so hard i have losted weight eating really healhty and doing excersise
i am really sorry i havent been on here for a while and that i didnt make the meet i was so looking forward to seeing everyone but i just had a bit of time to myself trying to get my head around all this
sorry for any spelling mistakes and for moaning
twinnie aka vickie

Hi Vickie, sorry to hear you are feeling down. You had part of your pancreas removed, is that right? In that case, I think you are similar to Adrienne's little girl, who is treated more like a Type 1. What did the consultant say about your treatment? Did he recommend any changes? It's hard dealing with something like diabetes and then to be given more bad news, so it's perfectly natural to feel down and angry about it - so don't worry about having a moan, I find it works wonders just to know that people are hearing you and can empathise. Hope things start looking a little brighter soon, my dear - and that you can make it to the next meet-up, you'll find them a real tonic! 🙂
you poor thing thats tough xxxx
u guys are amazing my hubby has been saying for days to come back on here {i hate it when hes right}
northner you are right i got about 40% of my pancreas left but was told that i was a type 2 by my dsn and gp my hubby has always question it as i was only 20 and was not overweight when dianoise i put my weight on when pregnant with my son 5 years ago but i have losed over 3 stone in less than a year and am now have a healthy bmi my consultant has upped my insulin and is reffering me to a carb counting course he also upped my creon and taked me off the ibs tablets so now its 11 tablets a day and 4 injections {min}:(
u guys are amazing my hubby has been saying for days to come back on here {i hate it when hes right}
northner you are right i got about 40% of my pancreas left but was told that i was a type 2 by my dsn and gp my hubby has always question it as i was only 20 and was not overweight when dianoise i put my weight on when pregnant with my son 5 years ago but i have losed over 3 stone in less than a year and am now have a healthy bmi my consultant has upped my insulin and is reffering me to a carb counting course he also upped my creon and taked me off the ibs tablets so now its 11 tablets a day and 4 injections {min}:(

Sounds like some positive steps there - let's hope the extra insulin gets the HbA1c down. It would sort of seem more logical to me that if you have 60% less pancreas you have 60% less capacity for producing insulin. A bit like LADA (Type 1.5) where they have declining beta cell function and start to need injected insulin to 'top it up'. Such a pain needing all those pills - I was on 11 after diagnosis and it was a real struggle to remember to take them all at the right time!
Sounds like some positive steps there - let's hope the extra insulin gets the HbA1c down. It would sort of seem more logical to me that if you have 60% less pancreas you have 60% less capacity for producing insulin. A bit like LADA (Type 1.5) where they have declining beta cell function and start to need injected insulin to 'top it up'. Such a pain needing all those pills - I was on 11 after diagnosis and it was a real struggle to remember to take them all at the right time!

i have put alarms on my phone to mind me to take the pills i swear i rattle when i walk . :D
Ah Bless you Twinnie , hang in there pal. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave about and magic it all away.
Blimey Twinnie I can't believe that after having 60% of your pancreas removed they decided to diagnose you with type 2. That makes my blood boil, surely they would know if could be something to do with that.

I'm not sure you have the same as Jessica but it sounds damned close. Jessica's real condition normally presents itself in babies or toddlers. However we do know that some people have had problems for years and then they get their pancreas removed (or part of) and still no diagnosis but could be.

Take a look at This is the charity that I set up with another mum who has two kids with the same thing and along with our doctor at Great Ormond Street and our nurse.

It is now called Congenital Hyperinsulinism but was called Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycaemia of Infancy and also Nesidioblastosis.

It is where the pancreas over produces insulin and either certain drugs (diazoxide or octreotide) work or surgery. But there are different types and if you do have it you would have what is called focal whereby only part of your pancreas had a bad spot. Jessica was diffuse which is the whole of it was rotten.

Jessica is also on Creon 25000, 9 a day (3 per meal). Did you have dizzy spells when you were growing up maybe. If you want more answers let me know and I can get in contact with our doc at GOSH for you.

Take care

hi there i losted a part of my pancreas due to having pancreatis after my daughter was born i was rushed to my local hospital and was put on nil by mouth after 24 hours and a ct and mri scan there put me back on fluid but i was still getting iv fluids as well i started to retrain fluids and ended up on life support was transfur to a different {better ] hospital but the damage had been done i had 2 pysocrysts on my pancreas which resulted in over half of my pancreas dying so i had major surgery to remove the dead part of my pancreas and drain the crysts and to remove my gallbadder as i had gallstones which started it all my dr at the time said to my hubby and parents that if i survive that i would have promblems later on
Ah ha nothing like Jessica at all then.
Vickie - I have just been reading your mails

So sorry to hear your news, I understand now why you didn't come last week.

Pity, as I think we would have lifted your spirits - next time perhaps

Look after yourself love

Vickie, after reading your story I'm really glad that you are with us here today!🙂
Vickie, after reading your story I'm really glad that you are with us here today!🙂

it was touch and go for a bit northerner after going though all that and being blessed with another child {there said i couldnt have any more children} i tried not to let this condition beat me but times like last week with the dr i just think its so unfair but after being back here I will not let it beat me:D
it was touch and go for a bit northerner after going though all that and being blessed with another child {there said i couldnt have any more children} i tried not to let this condition beat me but times like last week with the dr i just think its so unfair but after being back here I will not let it beat me:D

That's my girl! Next time you're feeling down in the dumps, just pop in and you'll find lots of support, don't keep things to yourself😉
so sorry to read of your problems and how fed up you are
I have had pancreas problems for the past four years I had surgery 12 months
ago i have now been told i have type 2 diabetes all my G P as told me is the treatment wont be straight forward all i am on at the moment is gliclazide
my blood sugar is still sky high at present what is the difference between type
2 and pancreatic diabetes take care god bless you
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