need to get it all off my chest

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,
I feel I just need to blurt it all out whats been hapening since Jan this year with my diabetes. Hopefully I will feel better for it so here goes..........

My dad died in Jan 2007 which blew my world apart but before that my hb1a results had been between 5.4 - 6.2. Since the death of dad my result shot though the roof at 10.1. The only thing that had changed in this time was that I lost 3 STONE in weight though stress and worry during dads illness.

Last year I trained to take part in race for life. I walked between 2-4 miles a day for 3 months. Had my results back and they were 9.6.

This Jan I started the Byetta injections which so far have done nothing to my sugars. All they do is make me feel so sick after each injection (2 a day).
My DSN thinks that Im doing nothing wrong in which would result in higher sugars and that it maybe a case of my body just isnt making as much insulin as it use to. I tried slow release metformin this year too but my daily results went higher (probably because I was on a gram less than the normal metformin). Between 12-15 before breakfast and higher before tea.
A month ago I went back to the normal metformin and my daily results have come down slightly. Between 10-11.5 before breakfast and between 8.5-10 before tea.

I just feel that for nearly a year now I have got nowhere with the mediction that Im on. I have been told that there is no way the doc wants me to go on insulin because of the weight gain that it causes which I cant afford to have because Im already over weight. Im on the highest dose of Metformin and highest dose of Byetta. So what now ??????????????

For the first time since havin this bloody health prob (8 years), its finally getting to me. I have been so "low" at times with it. So depressed and crying rivers of tears. At times I wonder if I feel like this cause of the diabetic probs or I am greiving for dad.

Sorry to rant on but I just had to tell someone whats going on at the mo.

I saw my DSN a fortnight ago and we are now trying carb counting to see if this has a positive result on my sugar level. Fingers crossed it helps.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to you all with this bloody battle !

Debbs xx
hi Debbs I hope that has gone some way of helping it is always good to let it all out and we are here for you xx

I am sorry to hear about your dad i lost my mum in 06 myself unlike you though i did not get diagnosed until 09 so she never knew , but i guess I miss her of course and i do think she was here to talk to as i find it really hard to open up to male relations ,I am kinda in the same boat but at the moment i have been uppsed on SR metformin for now but i could be going onto byetta next week if my results of hbA have not improved, like yourself my levels teeter alot i do get single figure readings but since i was put onto the higher dose 2 weeks ago i have not really seen many changes myself , I think sometimes we get stuck and if the doc says you cant go on insulin then what can happen now it seems like you need answers, i cant really say sometimes we dont get the quick results but you have been diabetic 8 years now its a hard one

I would like to say i wholeheartedly agree with your regarding crying and floods of tears i never seen councillor or nothing over the death of my mum nor really greived my family live all over the uk and i dont think we have really ever spoke of her since she passed, so i guess the links could be there

I f ever you need a chat debbs PM me anytime xxxxxxxx(((hugs)))
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So sorry you are feeling this way, it does you good to have a rant.

I dont see how carb counting can help a type two on meds to be honest, now low carbing is a different matter.

Re the insulin, it makes me annoyed that some professionals say insulin makes you gain weight. In my opinion this is rubbish!, its not insulin that makes you gain weight it is too much food and lack of exercise same if you wernt diabetic.

True i can see if you were on the bimodal (twice daily) regime where you litterally have to feed insulin this is where it can happen, but on mdi(multiple daily injections), and carb counting, so that you match insulin to your carb intake, this shouldnt happen, IF your diet is healthy.

Sure i have put a few pounds on since mdi and now pumping, this is because of my diet though, same would have happened if i were not diabetic. Sorry im ranting now, its just it annoys me, when you have obviously tried diet, meds etc and your levels are not good and this as we knows makes you feel crap. Your health is the most important thing and maybe insulin is the answer. If i were you i would research this and make your voice heard, its important for you to get your levels under control. Thats what i think anyway, obvioulsly im not a professional its just my opinion.

take care xxx
Hi Debbs,

I really do feel for you and I am sorry to hear that you, also, are being treated this way!

I am, more or less, in a similar situation to yourself. I have been diagnosed nearly 9 months, had terrible probelms with oral medication and can't tolerate them. I can not go on Byetta because I have a problem with my Pancreaus.
I am very overweight and have been left struggling to reduce my sugars via diet alone, the Drs do not want to put me on Insulin because of weight gain.....they want me to have a Gastric Bypass operation!

My fasting sugars are around 10/11 and my Hba1c was 8.7. I feel unwell most of the time and do my best to not eat many carbs, and yet still, I struggle to get my sugars into single numbers. The Drs say that Insulin will not help because I am type 2?...they say type 2 Diabetics still produce Insulin but the body does not recognise it and does'nt use it properly.....we are Insulin Resistant, they say! For this reason they say Insulin will not help reduce my levels...funny though, in contradiction to this, they want to put me on Insulin before I have the operation to reduce my levels because otherwise the operation would be dangerous for me!...When I said to the Dr, "well, if Insulin won't reduce my levels now, how will it help before I have the operation?" She did not respond...I wonder why!

I am sorry but that I not offer you any advice or words of comfort, I am just so sad to hear that this is happening to soemone else. I have realised very quickly that, as a type 2 diabetic, we are treated as if this is entirely our own fault...well, that is if you are a fat type 2! Apparently, according to my 16 stone DSN, there is 'two' types of type 2....the skinny and the fat!

In the past 9 months I've taken a real good beating with the fat stick and I feel defeated and worn out. I am not a medic and cannot argue my case for fair treatment where my diabetes is concerned.

Just as a thought, you know, my aunt is aged 65, appox 18 stone, virtually immobile...and yet has a fasting blood sugar reading of 4.6! By rights, if all is to be believed of what causes type 2 diabetes, well, my aunt is a very good candidate!

If you want to PM me then please do, sorry I can't help anymore than that.

Take care, Ellowyne.
Hi Debbs,
Firstly I'd like to say I'm sorry for your loss I can't imagine how it must feel to loose a parent. I'm not type 2 so I don't know much about medication etc that you are talking about but I agree with tracey w with regards to insulin if everything else is no longer working and there's nothing else they can do then surely the next logical step is MDI. With those high blood sugars you must feel exhausted constantly even if your used to them. I find if my blood sugars are high or low my emotions are all over the place don't know if anyone else experiences this I'm often in floods of tears when I have high blood sugars and feel like just giving up so I know how you feel in that respect. I hope you get things sorted out soon and that your dsn help you get your levels down.

Emma x
Many thanks Steff,
The offer of a chat is always there for you to.
Grieving is such a difficult feeling to describe especilly to those who havent experienced it. I guess to those of us who have, we all deal with it differently. I live in Scotland while all my family is in Manchester. So to is dads grave which I find hard at times. I wish I could go and sit with him. Dads fading away from us lasted 8 months. One minute he was fine the next he was in hospital. I moved back in with mum for the whole time dad was ill. I couldnt have stayed so far away. Then I had to give evidence at the hearing into his death. It was just an horendous time which I dont want to re live by talking things through with a councillor.
Let me know if you start on the byetta. Its so good to talk to someone who is in the same boat as me, living with diabetes and sadly grieving to.
Many Thanks xx
many thanks Tracey,
Im s glad that you thinkthe same as me regarding insulin. Its nice to hear it from someone who actually takes it. I think the only reason why they wont put me on it is the good old COST. Te doc is really so against it. Im going to ask him if i can at least TRY it. If he ever agrees to this, I'm so going to prove him wrong and not put weight on.
Hi Ellowyne,
Hooray at last another sufferer of you're fat so lets make you feel guilty.
These blasted doctors want to look beyond our sizes and treat us like everyone else who is a "normal" size.
I too have had no responses to my questions about insulin. Ive never been told my body is resistant to the small amount of insulin that my HUGE body makes. Thats one Im gonna ask the doc.
When are these docs going to stop telling us to lose weight and exercise to bring the sugars down. Im a perfect example that this does not work (well it doesnt for me anyway). Im lighter now than I ever was and exercise more and am fitter than I ever was and my sugars are WORSE!!!!!
Please stay in touch. Its nice to have a rant with a fellow "larger person" as the doc refers to when comparing sizes of people.
Can't check just now, but I suspect that a daily dose of Byetta costs more than daily dose of insulin, with some variation depending on insulin regime / type - might be worth researching and presenting figures to your doctor.
Thanks Emma,
I do feel better for getting things off my chest and its great to hear from fellow sufferers. All I can do is be armed with more questions when I see the doc in a couple of weeks. Im sure he doesnt believe me when I tell him about my diet and exercising. The weight loss speaks for its self that Im tellin the truth.3 stone is a massive amount to lose in my opinion but obviously not in his skinny eyes.
Thank god I get more sense from my DSN. I really dont know how I would have got through the year without her help and encouragement.
Debs, please do not apologise for having a rant - sometimes we just need to let it out. Coping with diabetes is associated with depression and alongside the grief for your dad no wonder you feel so low.

If you can find the energy to really watch your carb intake, count the "little perishers" and record what you are doing, you will have more information to share with your DSN and your doctor. Although as Type 2s not on insulin the carb count cannot be matched to adjusting our dose, some of us find that managing our carb intake throughout the day helps us to avoid spikes and to get better levels overall

Many thanks Steff,
The offer of a chat is always there for you to.
Grieving is such a difficult feeling to describe especilly to those who havent experienced it. I guess to those of us who have, we all deal with it differently. I live in Scotland while all my family is in Manchester. So to is dads grave which I find hard at times. I wish I could go and sit with him. Dads fading away from us lasted 8 months. One minute he was fine the next he was in hospital. I moved back in with mum for the whole time dad was ill. I couldnt have stayed so far away. Then I had to give evidence at the hearing into his death. It was just an horendous time which I dont want to re live by talking things through with a councillor.
Let me know if you start on the byetta. Its so good to talk to someone who is in the same boat as me, living with diabetes and sadly grieving to.
Many Thanks xx

hi debbs ty for that offer i will take it up sometime i bet x
and of course i will let you know how i go regarding byetta , always remember theres always some one here now you have found this place plz dont feel you have to go through anything alone
Debbs, I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so low at the moment. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough about Diabetes yet to offer any advice, but just want to say I hope it's done you a WEEEEEEEEEEENY bit of good coming on here for a good rant, this is a great place for that.

I do hope things come together for you soon.

many thanks Tracey,
Im s glad that you thinkthe same as me regarding insulin. Its nice to hear it from someone who actually takes it. I think the only reason why they wont put me on it is the good old COST. Te doc is really so against it. Im going to ask him if i can at least TRY it. If he ever agrees to this, I'm so going to prove him wrong and not put weight on.

i agree, thats what i think too, if he wont help you seek a second opinion until you get sorted, its your health at stake not his, x
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