need support on low carb

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, i have done this really strictly bow for just over a week . Brilliant results so far.
However I am not feeling really good .
This might not be diet related at all. However my eyes are bleary and im wearing my glasses and they don't always help this . i know it should be the opposite when bloods are high that affects eyes but they were good in diabetic screening. Could it be temporary when its come down 10 bmmols . yes i need it down about four more but from its highest to lowest its down that much in a week .
Also i thought i was going hypo the other
day with my stomach ckearing abd abd ne almost passing out . Is that a side effect too.?
The diet is great i am finding new recipes and adapting slightly on hubby's plate but being strict to make my meal as goid as it can ve without major carbs.
Really pleased so far so this is just queries and hoping gor reassurance and support.
The blurry eyesight as your BG levels drop is to be expected and what many of us suffered. It is because they eye lens is affected by the glucose levels in your blood and body and as they drop, the shape of the lens changes after having slowly hanged over a much longer time as your levels got higher. The muscles and nerves take longer than a week to readjust to the new shamed lens in order to focus your eyes again. Usually a couple of months and many of us bough "pound shop" ready readers toi tide us over until it settled down.
The hypo feeling may well be a false hypo. Again your body has got used to high BG levels and a sudden drop can cause it to panic a bit even though the levels don't drop as low as a real hypo. Gradually your body will get used to these lower levels and you will not feel like this but a week is still very early stages so don't worry or get disillusioned if one day your levels are a bit higher than the day before and just keep in mind that the overall trend is a significant reduction in just one week. A drop of 10mmols really is impressive so you are doing really well. Keep up the good work.
I absolutely agree with what @rebrascora says, a rapid drop in blood glucose can do exactly that with your eyes. It didn't happen to me for a few weeks but then it felt as if my eyes were in different heads as they didn't seem to be working together for near vision, far vision was fine. I only realised by reading here that that was a possibility if carbs were reduced too much all at once.
The suggestion I subsequently read was to reduce carbs over a few weeks by working out what you were having and then reducing by a third for a few weeks and then another third until you get to where you need to be. I went straight in with 70g per day hence the funny eyes. As I was only just in the diabetic zone, it never occurred to me that it would be an issue, even a small decrease in HbA1C had an effect.
I did not get any of the other symptoms you mention, but you could try some probiotic yoghurt to settle your stomach.
Just as a comparison, it took me at least 3 weeks to get my first readng in single figures and another 2 weeks to get down into range, so try not to be impatient. It probably took months if not years for yours to get as high as it was, so you can't expect it to change back overnight, nor would you want it too as that is risky for your eyes, blood vessels and nerves. Slow and steady reduction is best but you will see a bit of up and down from day to day. The key things is that the average each week is hopefully a bit less than the previous week until you are back into range. .
This is the reassurance I wanted Thank you. This diet is going to help me so a little of this n that is fine . Thank you for explaining it to me. Yes, i did it too quick but I tried before and as it was my way it did not work. I am seeing great results just great to know things will settle. My stomachs okay until next big time hope it don't happen again but good to know it can happen .
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Hi, i have done this really strictly bow for just over a week . Brilliant results so far.
However I am not feeling really good .
Sounds like you’ve made changes too fast which is not advised since it can damage your eyesight either temporarily through blurriness or through causing retinopathy. Changes need to be gradual to help prevent eye complications.
Sounds like you’ve made changes too fast which is not advised since it can damage your eyesight either temporarily through blurriness or through causing retinopathy. Changes need to be gradual to help prevent eye complications.
I think it will be temporary. i believe it would be a lot different if i did have retinopathy.
I am pretty sure it will be temporary too. It is something that lots of people report here on the forum and I also experienced myself.
I think it will be temporary. i believe it would be a lot different if i did have retinopathy.
No I meant that fast drops in bg can cause retinopathy, so if you didn’t have retinopathy before it can be caused by dropping bg too quickly. Long term, it is still beneficial to improve blood sugars, it’s just safer to do this gradually.
I looked into it
i am still sufferring from this . Only just a fortnight though.
Unsure whether to get eyes checked. i could not read in bed last night with glasses. its affecting me knitting too.
Im feeling scared to go out alone.
unsure if to ride this out or not.
i have no pain just blurred and i mean blurred vision. Tv annoys me too so its affecting both short and long distance.
It takes a couple of months for them to adjust from a big BG reduction, not just a week and a half. Get some cheap ready readers like many of us did, which enable you to see to read and knit until your BG levels stabilize and your eyes have a month or so of in range readings to give them time to adjust. It is an extremely common problem and many of us went through it.
A good optician will not prescribe you new glasses during this time and to be honest it is a waste of their time and yours even doing an eye test when they will not be prescribing you new glasses. It is to be expected so try to be patient for it to settle down.
It takes a couple of months for them to adjust from a big BG reduction, not just a week and a half. Get some cheap ready readers like many of us did, which enable you to see to read and knit until your BG levels stabilize and your eyes have a month or so of in range readings to give them time to adjust. It is an extremely common problem and many of us went through it.
A good optician will not prescribe you new glasses during this time and to be honest it is a waste of their time and yours even doing an eye test when they will not be prescribing you new glasses. It is to be expected so try to be patient for it to settle down.
okay, buying readers will not help me ,that could only be if you have no prescription in the spectacles you wear.
I will give it longer but could not put up with this if permanent.
okay, buying readers will not help me ,that could only be if you have no prescription in the spectacles you wear.
I will give it longer but could not put up with this if permanent.
It is worth going to the pound shop and trying some ready readers, just in case there is something which works better than your current prescription glasses for the time being and of course you could not be expected to put up with it permanently, You just need to have a little patience. I know it is frustrating. Going shopping was the thing that aggravated me the most because I would forget to take the ready readers with me and then need to read tiny nutritional info labels on food in order to decide which items were the best choice for my low carb diet. Bought lots of things that I thought were a good choice only to find they weren't when i got home! 🙄
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I went a bit too full-on low carb when I was first diagnosed and had issues with my eyes. I had already started to get blurred vision because of high blood glucose but then I reduced it too quickly and my eyes definitely objected.

This has settled down now (7 months in), although my prescription probably does need changing again but that's more likely to be age related :rofl:
okay, buying readers will not help me ,that could only be if you have no prescription in the spectacles you wear.
I will give it longer but could not put up with this if permanent.
They helped me.
Your eye "prescription" has temporarily changed so your prescribed glasses do not match your current eye sight.
It may look a little weird but you could try wearing a pair of ready readers over the top of your prescription glasses to correct the temporary anomaly.
I went a bit too full-on low carb when I was first diagnosed and had issues with my eyes. I had already started to get blurred vision because of high blood glucose but then I reduced it too quickly and my eyes definitely objected.

This has settled down now (7 months in), although my prescription probably does need changing again but that's more likely to be age related :rofl:
Likewise about 7 months for me, I was really struggling to do my stained glass work, I have looked at a few things I did then and thought what shabby soldering.
I did need a change of prescription but that was as my eyes had changed.
Likewise about 7 months for me, I was really struggling to do my stained glass work, I have looked at a few things I did then and thought what shabby soldering.
I did need a change of prescription but that was as my eyes had changed.
I know it sounds really not the thing to say but I am happier knowing you all went through this, no I am not,its not good but hopefully you will understand it makes me realise its not just me. I am feeling slightly better about it today which is good. My arthritis pain is bad but that is the weather today. I must say I fasted last Saturday morning and had brunch and although I planned to do it tomorrow I might do the same today. So the Freshwell approach will work for me. I think some of the recipes are on Diabetes Uk not here which is . So the thought of the no breakfast and such small meals now appeal to me on the Freshwell diet . I guess I read the bad bits not the bits that really help.
In just over a week hubby is so pleased with the Low carb approach he adds his carbs but I am happier and well the BS even not exactly where I want are so so much improved. Way to go is it not?
I am in a better place which I have not been for I don't know when. Perhaps I am coming out of the sugar high which makes one very very low.
Onwards ....
I know it sounds really not the thing to say but I am happier knowing you all went through this, no I am not,its not good but hopefully you will understand it makes me realise its not just me. I am feeling slightly better about it today which is good. My arthritis pain is bad but that is the weather today. I must say I fasted last Saturday morning and had brunch and although I planned to do it tomorrow I might do the same today. So the Freshwell approach will work for me. I think some of the recipes are on Diabetes Uk not here which is . So the thought of the no breakfast and such small meals now appeal to me on the Freshwell diet . I guess I read the bad bits not the bits that really help.
In just over a week hubby is so pleased with the Low carb approach he adds his carbs but I am happier and well the BS even not exactly where I want are so so much improved. Way to go is it not?
I am in a better place which I have not been for I don't know when. Perhaps I am coming out of the sugar high which makes one very very low.
Onwards ....
I was much relieved to read here about the issues with eyes as I then did not panic that there was something seriously wrong aggravating though it was. It was lucky I didn't fork out the £500 that my lenses cost when eyes were likely to settle which they did.
Stick with it and look at the positives. Definitely the weather has an impact on knees, mine still giving problems after my accident but I have a appointment next week with the consultant.
I met a friend last week and she has been told she need a knee replacement but is too young and they won't do it for 3 years yet she can hardly walk and is in constant pain. How stupid is that.
I was much relieved to read here about the issues with eyes as I then did not panic that there was something seriously wrong aggravating though it was. It was lucky I didn't fork out the £500 that my lenses cost when eyes were likely to settle which they did.
Stick with it and look at the positives. Definitely the weather has an impact on knees, mine still giving problems after my accident but I have a appointment next week with the consultant.
I met a friend last week and she has been told she need a knee replacement but is too young and they won't do it for 3 years yet she can hardly walk and is in constant pain. How stupid is that.
A few weeks ago I saw that one of the dancers on the morris team I play for had a knee brace, and she said it really had helped her to stay mobile, so when I saw some in Lidl I thought I'd give it a try as my knees had been a bit painful.
Next day I pulled the braces on and wore them for around an hour, took them off and was really pleased at the improvement. A few days later I put the braces back in their boxes. My knees have not hurt since, it doesn't hurt to kneel on them, they are no longer slightly swollen or warm.
I don't know if I should be really really pleased at the rapid improvement or a bit miffed about it.
A few weeks ago I saw that one of the dancers on the morris team I play for had a knee brace, and she said it really had helped her to stay mobile, so when I saw some in Lidl I thought I'd give it a try as my knees had been a bit painful.
Next day I pulled the braces on and wore them for around an hour, took them off and was really pleased at the improvement. A few days later I put the braces back in their boxes. My knees have not hurt since, it doesn't hurt to kneel on them, they are no longer slightly swollen or warm.
I don't know if I should be really really pleased at the rapid improvement or a bit miffed about it.
I have a selection of knee supports which do help, I feel more secure when walking. Some pull on ones and some which wrap around with Velcro. I have used all sorts to massage in, arnica gel, tiger balm, devil's claw gel, a body rub with CBD oil, Volterol, it is hard to know if they really help but don't make it worse.
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