Need some support please.

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello - it's been over a year since I was on here, but I could do with your friendly support.
Not been a good year, too many things to go into, but the effect on my diabetes and self esteem has been drastic. I had lost some weight, got my levels down from 19.2 to 5.2, on medication but felt reasonably in control. But not now. Diet - what diet? I've put the weight back on, my sugars are back up to 12, the depression is back and brought with it Psoriasis. I know I've done it to myself, not making any excuses for it, but what an idiot :(. I hate having diabetes!
I had to have my check up this morning - had decided not to go, didn't think I could cope with the reality of seeing my messed up situation. But different nurse there and we had quite a chat (more than my allotted time!). So, the outcome is that I've 'drawn a line' under the last year with diabetes, and want to start again - better control of sugars, better weight-reducing regime - hopefully I can stick with it.
She suggested that I make contact with other people who would understand and I remembered you guys. Sorry for the ramble, I'm sitting on my own, even the cats have gone to sleep, and I feel quite daunted by it all. It's going to be a long haul, but I'm taking a day at a time. Hope you don't mind me posting again.
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to encourage you along...

HI I'm in totally different place to you being a parent of a type 1 not the actual person with diabetes but I'm sure you'll be welcomed back and given support as you need it.

i posted at 11pm one night and felt much encouragement that people responded, I hope paying it forward helps you.

think the cats have the right idea - my sleepy time too, after checking the BM of the little one of course,

good luck for tomorrow - one day at a time yeah,
Hi Karen, so pleased you got back in touch with us again! 🙂 The past is the past - you can't alter that, but you can start to take control again from now on. You've proved that you can do it and you know what rewards your efforts will bring, so work out a plan of action. As you no doubt know, high levels mess with our moods, so bringing them down will really help your motivation. How about joining in with our Challenge - we're trying to get from John O Groats to Lands End doing whatever we can in the way of regular activity and already making great progress! 🙂

Take things slowly and build the changes into your everyday life. There are lots of people here in the same boat, so I'm sure you will get lots of support! Hope we can help, please ask if there is anything that springs to mind 🙂
hello karen welcome back !! well done for seeing your DSN and im glad to hear that she took time with you to help you get through this . As you have said draw a line under it all and see it like starting again step at a time as the changes you make need to be long lived . and if you blip (we all do 😱 ) dont beat yourself up carry on xx and we're all here to support you x good luck🙂
Hi Karen and welcome back!:D Northerner has suggested you join the challenge - I think thats a great idea. You dont have to do miles of exercise per day. Even walking to the bus stop counts, or to the local shop - as long as its something that gets you moving - then it all gets added up and we can go further on the challenge! You could even try dancing for 20 minutes to your favourite tunes and this will be added on - anything to make it harder for Northerner to work out is a good idea!😉Put the past behind you and start afresh from today - once you get those serotonin hormones going you will feel a bit happier too - so its a win win all round!🙂Bev
Hi Karen, good on you for making it to the DSN and posting on here - the first steps to getting everything back on track.

I see you live in the Midlands - I think there was talk of a meet up in the midlands at some point - check out the events thread.

Thanks for your messages - it's nice to be back in the fold.
My GP has doubled my tablets after the blood test result, not surprising really - hopefully he may reduce them again next time. I've written out my food plan for the week and the shopping list, so I'm feeling more positive.
I looked at the challenge - what a great idea! I shall add my efforts on the thread 🙂
Thanks for your messages - it's nice to be back in the fold.
My GP has doubled my tablets after the blood test result, not surprising really - hopefully he may reduce them again next time. I've written out my food plan for the week and the shopping list, so I'm feeling more positive.
I looked at the challenge - what a great idea! I shall add my efforts on the thread 🙂

Excellent! Looking forward to you joining in! 🙂
Hi Karen, well done for coming back and posting.

You've done it before; you can do it again! It's still not easy, I don't reckon, so post again when you need cheering on / a hug / have some excellent news for us.

No time at all before you'll be inspiring other people.....
It's a constant struggle as we all well know, but good on you for taking charge again, and welcome back.
Hi Karen,

It's good to hear from you, of course you can post anytime you like. I wouldn't be where i am today without this forum, it's so full of encouragement and support. I wish i had some good advice, but i'm not brilliant at the diet and exercise stuff myself. I think the best thing to do is start with changing a few little things, and let them build up into bigger changes.
I'm not sure about the Midlands meet, i think it got moved to brighton by popular demand. Pity coz it's too far away from me. Am i anywhere near you geographically? I'm in Northampton, it's not everyone's idea of the Midlands. Good luck with your new decisions!

Rachel (another this the most common female name on the forums? Has anybody done a survey?)
Hello Karen,

I've only been posting here for a little while. Nice to hear from you. Welcone back.
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