Need some advice on weight

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure if this is the right forum for this question: Have been following low carb for around 18 months and stick to around 120 carbs a day, 2020 Xmas I survived that and carried on but this last Xmas I put on 4lb and I cannot shift it, any advice your advice will be welcome do you think I need to go lower with the carbs I am the top end of normal weight and would not want to go back to being as overweight as I was before joining the forum thanks in advance
Hi. Do you exercise? This can help shift 'stuck' weight gain. Reducing the carbs a bit more for a while may also help.
Hi. Do you exercise? This can help shift 'stuck' weight gain. Reducing the carbs a bit more for a while may also help.
Thanks for replying Dave - No not a lot of exercise perhaps a 1mile walk twice a week
looks as if its lowering the carbs for a while and keeping an eye on it, really can be tedious
coping with this Diabetic 2 business
I just went back in the Newcastle Diet that I did originally, and had a dry January.
Now down by around a stone and a half since New Year.

What is you normal diet of meal?
Low carb, or low carb high fat?
My weight only stays stable if I eat no more than 50 gm of carbs a day, cutting back on carbs after indulgence is the only way to get my weight to reduce.
Not sure if this is the right forum for this question: Have been following low carb for around 18 months and stick to around 120 carbs a day, 2020 Xmas I survived that and carried on but this last Xmas I put on 4lb and I cannot shift it, any advice your advice will be welcome do you think I need to go lower with the carbs I am the top end of normal weight and would not want to go back to being as overweight as I was before joining the forum thanks in advance
If you have tried to reduce the weight with no joy, have you looked at other option ie., a blood test to check your thyroid levels?
You have to be honest with yourself though regarding food and exercise and have a good look at what you are eating and seeing if anything extra has crept in that you don't normally eat.
Exercise is very important as well 🙂
Thanks all for replying, it gives me some incentive to carry on and not say sod it
I had the extra treat over Xmas and not that many to be honest and could not
believe a 4lb gain in 3 days, I don't exercise that much excuses? weather, hip problem
too cold, too old !... I guess you can always find one so I now have to really make myself do it
I have stayed on 120 g of carbs and kept a steady weight top end of normal weight at
9.2 felt really pleased with myself (dont they say pride comes before a fall) I shall go back to
counting the carbs and see if I can get any lower and hopefully it will go Drummer's cutting
back suggestion I shall try don't want to go down the road of replacement meals as it will
be expensive for me sorry Travellor not too much money with the winter bills etc.
Thanks everyone for giving me a boost to carry on and propping me up I will tell you how I get on xx
Hi @RirisR
Sorry, I do not have any advice on the weight loss as I have Type 1 which is different to type 2.
However, I wanted to congratulate you on your previous weight loss and ask, if you are "at the top end of normal weight", do you need to lose any? I completely understand your desire not to return to being overweight but I just wanted to add a note of caution about becoming obsessed about weight. I wondered whether more of a weight maintenance regime may be more appropriate.

Please accept my apology if I am being inappropriate - I have seen friends become too focused on their weight loss to the detriment of the rest of their lives.
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Hi Helli, yes you are right I am now obsessed with losing those 4lbs
it just will not go and I see how easy it is to put it on in just a few days
if I let up how much will go on in a couple of weeks ! besides on a
lighter note Ive thrown away all my fat clothes :D I won't go overboard
I'll try the reduction of carbs for now thank you for caring xx
Hi Helli, yes you are right I am now obsessed with losing those 4lbs
it just will not go and I see how easy it is to put it on in just a few days
if I let up how much will go on in a couple of weeks ! besides on a
lighter note Ive thrown away all my fat clothes :D I won't go overboard
I'll try the reduction of carbs for now thank you for caring xx
It is iniquitous that it is quicker and easier to put weigh on than take it off, but the longer it stays the harder it becomes.
The quick weight loss that happens when people first reduce carbs is usually fluid and then it slows up. I am relieved that I did not put weight on during my enforced immobility following my accident and knee surgery. Hoping that as I can get back to walking again it will start to go down again.
Thanks all for replying, it gives me some incentive to carry on and not say sod it
I had the extra treat over Xmas and not that many to be honest and could not
believe a 4lb gain in 3 days, I don't exercise that much excuses? weather, hip problem
too cold, too old !... I guess you can always find one so I now have to really make myself do it
I have stayed on 120 g of carbs and kept a steady weight top end of normal weight at
9.2 felt really pleased with myself (dont they say pride comes before a fall) I shall go back to
counting the carbs and see if I can get any lower and hopefully it will go Drummer's cutting
back suggestion I shall try don't want to go down the road of replacement meals as it will
be expensive for me sorry Travellor not too much money with the winter bills etc.
Thanks everyone for giving me a boost to carry on and propping me up I will tell you how I get on xx

I'm using Tesco shakes at 40p a meal.
Sooooo - instead of walking a mile only once a week could you not walk a shorter distance but every day?
I was thinking that as well.
At the beginning of lockdown we started at three quarters of a mile but every day, then gradually increased it to 3 miles everyday. The noticeable thing was we got quicker as time went on.
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