Need ideas for night snacks


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So short story, I'm on anti psychotics that makes me eat everything in the house and it's mainly junk food. I was wondering if anyone has some ideas what I could have instead. I'm not a vegetable person as they make me throw up.

I tried chocolate and never again as it made me have heart palpations and high heart rate. I'm cutting that stuff out now as it doesn't agree. I just bagged up all my crisps etc and given it to a food bank. I want to change as my diabetes control is terrible and I don't want to die.
So short story, I'm on anti psychotics that makes me eat everything in the house and it's mainly junk food. I was wondering if anyone has some ideas what I could have instead. I'm not a vegetable person as they make me throw up.

I tried chocolate and never again as it made me have heart palpations and high heart rate. I'm cutting that stuff out now as it doesn't agree. I just bagged up all my crisps etc and given it to a food bank. I want to change as my diabetes control is terrible and I don't want to die.
Nuts, high protein yoghurts, Kvarg deserts, sugarfree jelly with cream, cheese, Graze bars.
You could have a go at baking as there are some good recipes for low carb cakes and biscuits on the website sugarfreelondoner.
What diabetes meds are you on @Marko2020 ? Are you looking for carby snacks or non-carby snacks?
I'm on metformin, stiplaglipton and glimpse.

I'm thinking non carby snacks as I need to work on that.
Sugar free jelly with strawberries and yoghurt is nice
I go for a baby bel with a cracker, but sometimes I simply forget. So I suspect it is more habit than real want of a snack.
Nuts and seeds are my go-to nibble. But I find snacking is habitual for me. The more I snack, the more I feel hungry at those times of day and the less satisfying I find the snacks themselves.

Sometimes its easier to distract myself instead 🙂
I'm not a vegetable person as they make me throw up.
Have you tried all vegetables? Is it the flavour or the texture that you dislike?
There is a big difference in flavour and texture between a carrot and a courgette or a beetroot and a broad bean for example.
Something like dunking cucumber sticks or slices of pepper in hummus could be a healthy evening snack.