need help please - diabetichubby

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New Member

was wondering if anyone out there can help me, really not sure what to do anymore. hubby has type 2 diabetes. During the night or day if he takes a hypo he refuses to take anything to eat. sometimes he has very modorate hypos where he is able to check his blood sugar on his own and see it is very low but still refuses to eat. other times he is unconcios and i can usually get him to eat after a while. he is totally uncontrolable if he is awake he spits in my face and pushes me around, i feel like im the mother looking after a child who wont eat his veg!

have spoken to him many times over the years about it and he says be calmer , i will listen to you and it doesnt matter how calm or nice i am he still wont eat and refuses to believe he even needs to eat

this can be really tough, people can act very uncharateristic then hypo, and I know a lot can get aggressive. I've only become really uncontrollable once and I think part of the problem was I felt like I'd lost control, so I was fighting against everyone to try and prove I was ok.
I guess the ideal situation would be avoid the hypos as much as possible, worth speaking to his healthcare team about possible changes to his treatment, particularly if there is a pattern to them.
Or, and this may be a long shot, perhaps try changing the hypo treatment to juice or similar. I know initially when I'm low(10 mins later is a different story) the idea of eating is beyond me, maybe worth trying, in a hypo state he may be more responsive to drinking not eating???
I think the drinking one is a great idea - lucozade or even coca cola. It does sound as though he is having an awful lot of hypo's for a T2 - I think he should get his meds looked at (if he is on tablets?)
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