Need help ! HBA1C is going the wrong way

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My hba1c is 86, I’ve lost 5stone yes I have 5 stone to go it’s going down but I’m eating healthy any ideas what I’m doing wrong ! All I read is eat healthy, fitness and take your medication. I’m on the slow release metformin, anyone any ideas to help me !

So depressed I’m depressed about it !!
Unfortunately many foods regarded as healthy and recommended to form a high percentage of daily intake are high carb.
To reduce the blood glucose low carb foods such as meat, fish, seafood, eggs cheese and full fat dairy do the trick for an ordinary type 2 diabetic.
My Hba1c dropped from 91 to 47 in 80 days from when I was diagnosed, as I went back to the 50 gm max daily intake of carbs which I found was right for me on Atkins. By 6 months I was not even in the pre diabetic range.
I had to stop taking the tablets, Atorvastatin and Metformin as I felt so ill after a few weeks, but I don't seem to need them.
My hba1c is 86, I’ve lost 5stone yes I have 5 stone to go it’s going down but I’m eating healthy any ideas what I’m doing wrong ! All I read is eat healthy, fitness and take your medication. I’m on the slow release metformin, anyone any ideas to help me !

So depressed I’m depressed about it !!
That’s impressive weight loss.
What sort of food are you eating? Has your hba1c increased despite a change of lifestyle?
As said sometimes people think they are eating healthy foods because they have been told potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bread and lots of fruit are good choices but sadly for most people who are Type 2 trying to reduce blood glucose by diet and oral medication they are not so good unless had in very small portions.
This link may give you some ideas for some changes to your diet. Low carb is suggested as no more than 130g per day total carbs not just 'sugar' but that is not NO carbs.
That’s impressive weight loss.
What sort of food are you eating? Has your hba1c increased despite a change of lifestyle?
Thankyou, yes hba1c has increased. I’m eating healthy trying to cut out things that are making my sugars go up. Rice and Potato products make my sugars go up ! Any help would be appreciated x
Unfortunately many foods regarded as healthy and recommended to form a high percentage of daily intake are high carb.
To reduce the blood glucose low carb foods such as meat, fish, seafood, eggs cheese and full fat dairy do the trick for an ordinary type 2 diabetic.
My Hba1c dropped from 91 to 47 in 80 days from when I was diagnosed, as I went back to the 50 gm max daily intake of carbs which I found was right for me on Atkins. By 6 months I was not even in the pre diabetic range.
I had to stop taking the tablets, Atorvastatin and Metformin as I felt so ill after a few weeks, but I don't seem to need them.
Thankyou I will try this can I ask why full fat dairy ?
Thankyou I will try this can I ask why full fat dairy ?
As said sometimes people think they are eating healthy foods because they have been told potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bread and lots of fruit are good choices but sadly for most people who are Type 2 trying to reduce blood glucose by diet and oral medication they are not so good unless had in very small portions.
This link may give you some ideas for some changes to your diet. Low carb is suggested as no more than 130g per day total carbs not just 'sugar' but that is not NO carbs.
Thankyou, and thankyou for the link. I have been eating fruit but cut out all the rest. I will start looking at my carbs maybe that’s where I’m going wrong ! I appreciate your help x
People will have full fat dairy as the it is often lower carb than the low fat products but the fat also can help to stop feeling hungry so makes it less likely to snack on high carb foods in between meals.
Thankyou, and thankyou for the link. I have been eating fruit but cut out all the rest. I will start looking at my carbs maybe that’s where I’m going wrong ! I appreciate your help x
Berries are the lowest carb fruit and people will have them with Greek Yoghurt for breakfast or for pudding.
The book of app Carbs and Cals is useful as it gives the carb values of various portion sizes of a whole range of foods and helps to make better choices. It was and still is my bible when making decisions about foods.
Hi. Sorry to hear that your levels have gone up.
Maybe start with breakfast as that is a meal where many of us have the same thing every morning as a routine, so finding a low carb breakfast that you like is a good first step. Portion size is really important and unfortunately most breakfast cereals are high carb, even the low sugar healthy foods like porridge. We are usually more insulin resistant in the morning, so having carb rich foods like cereals or toast at that time of day is often the most challenging for our bodies as diabetics, so if you can reduce your carb intake at breakfast, it can make a more significant impact on your levels than any other meal.
If you would like to let us know what you eat now, then we might be able to suggest lower carb options that you could try.
Thankyou I will try this can I ask why full fat dairy ?
For one thing, it seems to be more filling - I used to get low fat yoghurt and then I was diagnosed with diabetes. In a few weeks I had yoghurt stacking up. We do need fats, and I soon was feeling a lot better and brighter. I soon went down to two meals rather than three and these days I sometimes just don't have any appetite - I still have things I bought for Christmas around waiting for me to think of eating them.
Thankyou, yes hba1c has increased. I’m eating healthy trying to cut out things that are making my sugars go up. Rice and Potato products make my sugars go up ! Any help would be appreciated x

I tend to eat modest portions of fish/chicken with vegetables like tomatoes, leeks, fennel, peas (Small portion)... I use 'Konjac' noodles to made stir fries (They are virtually zero carb) and eat a fair amount of eggs. I make batches of a mushroom soup for lunch, or use leftover chicken for a salad.

I use recipes from books by Giancarlo and Kate Caldesi (Check them out on Amazon.)
Hi , When I was first diagnosed as being Type 2 diabetic I cut out all alcohol for three months and my blood sugar dropping dramatically.

However over time I left the rails and my blood sugar increased.

I now do try to behave myself re food types and intake but at present can only take a single 1 X 500 Metformin per day.

I try to walk 3 miles per day to exercise to reduce my weight and slowly my weight is reducing.

Christmas did not help my cause but all the excuses are now a distant memory and back on the straight and narrow. I can understand your frustration but a friend of mine is a doctor , has nothing to do with diabetes, talking to me in very general terms that no to people are the same.

As an example local anaesthesic has absolutely no effect on me when going to the dentist / but I was given a trial drug for a filling and no pain , great I thought , next time did not work on me !

Could I suggest as I did write down for a week every thing that you eat and drink as a yard stick to start from.
People will have full fat dairy as the it is often lower carb than the low fat products but the fat also can help to stop feeling hungry so makes it less likely to snack on high carb foods in between meals.
Thank you for this info I didn’t know this. I will now watch what I am purchasing and drinking. I do appreciate this information and thank you for taking the time to reply and help me x
Hi , When I was first diagnosed as being Type 2 diabetic I cut out all alcohol for three months and my blood sugar dropping dramatically.

However over time I left the rails and my blood sugar increased.

I now do try to behave myself re food types and intake but at present can only take a single 1 X 500 Metformin per day.

I try to walk 3 miles per day to exercise to reduce my weight and slowly my weight is reducing.

Christmas did not help my cause but all the excuses are now a distant memory and back on the straight and narrow. I can understand your frustration but a friend of mine is a doctor , has nothing to do with diabetes, talking to me in very general terms that no to people are the same.

As an example local anaesthesic has absolutely no effect on me when going to the dentist / but I was given a trial drug for a filling and no pain , great I thought , next time did not work on me !

Could I suggest as I did write down for a week every thing that you eat and drink as a yard stick to start from.
Thank you I’m hoping the weather gets better so I can get out walking and hopefully get the rest of my weight of x
Be very careful with the myth that low fat is full of carbs.
That may have been true for some products ten years ago, and it's become a mantra.
It's no longer true, all high fat versions will do it add unnecessary calories, which isn't good for weight loss, and you've done well so far, you don't want to trash those results.

While many jump straight on the cry of "eat low carb" without thinking, or finding out anything about someone who is posting, as you were diagnosed a while ago, your diet been effective so far, you've managed to lose 5 stone on it, have you kept a reasonable hba1c or has it suddenly increased?
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