Need help and support

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I’ve diabetes for 10 years (19 about ti be 20) at 16 stuff happened and started to have to do it completely on my own and I jus stopped for the past 4 years all together I’ve been having joint pains,pinching in my feet,pain in the top of my hands, lower back, I pee every 30 mins,when I wake up my body’s cramping,I have severe psoriasis on my legs and scalp, I have dry spots that scare all up my back and sides, and my mood swings are very heavy, now im to the point sometimes I got weeks or months without checking my sugar and don’t take my long lasting for days and usually just take 15 to 25 units depending what I’m having. I don’t mean to not take care of it it’s jus like muscle memory now i jus started getting so tired of it. Now that my body’s getting so bad I realize how bad I need to make changes. I need help on where to start and what to do Ik it’s also from my uncontrolled sugar but im in dark place mentally and trying not to jus give up on taking care of my diabetes at the moment it feels like it never gets easier to control.
Welcome @jjlyn There are lots of us here who understand how wearing diabetes can be day after day. The psychological aspect of it is often downplayed, but it can be a burden, especially when you have other things going on in your life.

Do you have a DSN and clinic you could phone for support? Have you spoken to your GP about the dark place you’re in mentally? If not, please do. You’d be surprised at how many people they see who are depressed and struggling. Sometimes talking therapy helps and sometimes medication can bring a surprising amount of relief and allow you to cope.

My first diabetes suggestion is to see if you can get a Libre. That will make checking your sugars easier and give you useful information. What insulins do you take when you take them?
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Wow it sounds as if you have been through the mill (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
Firstly you need to start taking your long acting insulin, this is a must as you will die without it.

Can you get an urgent GP apt for a hospital referral or are you under the hospital?
You can be helped so don't give up, each and everyone goes through bad patches some worse than others. Your dark mood will improve once your blood sugar start to come under control.

There are lots of people who are more than happy to help you and we don't judge, neither do the hospital teams as they have seen it all before.

Please please ask for an urgent apt with your health care team if no joy go to A&E
Hi @jjlyn. I see you are posting from the USA. We are a UK based forum and are very welcoming to members like yourself from outside these islands. After all diabetes is diabetes no matter where you live. We know that heath care systems can be very different in different countries and this needs to be taken into account when reading replies.

The advice from Inka an Pumper_Sue is spot on, you need to get your blood glucose under control and you will need professional input to help with that. Is it available to you?
Made me feel a bit sad reading your post. Sounds a bit like you had given up on yourself for a while there. Sometimes when you let things slip so much it can feel impossible to get back on track and a bit overwhelming. It’s not impossible, with the right support, you made a start coming on here. It can help so much. Next thing I think is a call to the doctors, explain exactly what you said to us and take it from there. Us lot are here whenever you need us, we can help with the head stuff too, so you keep talking, offloading, questioning… whatever it is you need till your back on track xx

Hi I’ve diabetes for 10 years (19 about ti be 20) at 16 stuff happened and started to have to do it completely on my own and I jus stopped for the past 4 years all together I’ve been having joint pains,pinching in my feet,pain in the top of my hands, lower back, I pee every 30 mins,when I wake up my body’s cramping,I have severe psoriasis on my legs and scalp, I have dry spots that scare all up my back and sides, and my mood swings are very heavy, now im to the point sometimes I got weeks or months without checking my sugar and don’t take my long lasting for days and usually just take 15 to 25 units depending what I’m having. I don’t mean to not take care of it it’s jus like muscle memory now i jus started getting so tired of it. Now that my body’s getting so bad I realize how bad I need to make changes. I need help on where to start and what to do Ik it’s also from my uncontrolled sugar but im in dark place mentally and trying not to jus give up on taking care of my diabetes at the moment it feels like it never gets easier to control.
Thank you everyone for replying and helping? I currently don’t have health insurance so I can’t afford to go to hospital or psychiatrist. Diabetic supplies are very high here so between that and living costs it makes it so difficult to get everything I need to manage it. Working on top of my complications makes me so tired and sick by the end of the day i just take my fast acting (novolin r) and jus lay down. And like i don’t know, I understand the danger and risks of all this and how fatal it can be my dad had type 1 as well and passed due to diabetes I don’t know why it’s hard for me to jus do it. (Sorry about how sloppy I type and about the personal part I’ve just never really had the chance to speak with diabetics in a setting like this where so many people understand)
My sympathies are with you @jjlyn Just go and get the obvious help you need before it is too late - you know it makes sense. God bless you.
@jjlyn That must be so hard for you not being able to afford medical supplies. You mention Novolin R insulin - do you not have a basal (background, long-acting) insulin? Could you afford one?

And - just thinking - could you afford a book? There are two books we recommend for Type 1’s here, and one of those is Think Like A Pancreas. It’s written by an American man and has the blood glucose numbers, etc, in a form you’d understand easily. It’s a great book and might help you. I also like the way the author describes diabetes as like a second job.

Have you tested your blood sugar today? I know it’s depressing to test when you think it will be high, but it’s worth doing. Just increasing your testing will help you know where you are. As @Pumper_Sue says, you should really take your basal/long-acting insulin too. Do you remember what dose you were on?
Thank you everyone for replying and helping? I currently don’t have health insurance so I can’t afford to go to hospital or psychiatrist. Diabetic supplies are very high here so between that and living costs it makes it so difficult to get everything I need to manage it. Working on top of my complications makes me so tired and sick by the end of the day i just take my fast acting (novolin r) and jus lay down. And like i don’t know, I understand the danger and risks of all this and how fatal it can be my dad had type 1 as well and passed due to diabetes I don’t know why it’s hard for me to jus do it. (Sorry about how sloppy I type and about the personal part I’ve just never really had the chance to speak with diabetics in a setting like this where so many people understand)
Hello again @jjlyn,
I'm not sure but think you can get NPH from a pharmacy as well as your regular insulin, if you can would that help you? Also get hold of the insulin companies as they do schemes to provide insulin free of charge to people who need it.
As your regular insulin lasts for about 8 hours you can use that as a basal as well.

Please please do take your insulin as we care about you, once you have enough insulin in you and your numbers start to come down then you will feel a lot less tired and your mood will improve as well. We are are here for you but you need to take that 1st step to help yourself.

If you think about it you are slowly dying from blood poisoning as the amount of glucose in your blood is acting as a poison and you can not survive with poison running through your veins rather than blood.
Sending you another (((((((((((((hug)))))))))) .
Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time @jjlyn :(

Diabetes burnout can be a real swine, and living with those high BG levels is exhausting.

Please do make some of those small steps towards taking your insulins more regularly. You are worth it! You deserve to feel well, and full of energy. And it’s not too late - small steps can pay off big time with diabetes in the long run. And none are wasted. 🙂
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