need advice

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Last year was diagnosed type 2 and was on metformin a few weeks ago blood sugars really high and had ketones. last week was told I'm type 1 and was started on insulin and today had call with diabetic doctor and he couldn't decide if I was type 1 or 2 so he's saying 2. he's changing insulin to a once a day insulin ...I'm so confused has this happened to anyone else thanks
Welcome @scatty17 🙂 How confusing for you! When you say you had a call from the “diabetic doctor”, was that a consultant? Have you had blood tests to help determine your type. These tests would be the Type 1 antibodies test and the C Peptide test.

A number of adults here were initially assumed to be Type 2 but were then found to be Type 1. However, I can’t recall anyone being told Type 2, then Type 1, then Type 2 again!

I’ll tag @rebrascora as I believe she as initially misdiagnosed and might have some helpful comments.
Well my journey so far.. type 2 sept 20’ type 1 dec 20’ Aug 21, back to type 2, this week neither 1 or 2 but maybe MODY but may or may not get testing for this. As inka states, have you had any testing at all to get to the bottom of this? I know how frustrating it can be. I have been told to not worry about a label and to concentrate on keeping sugars down, but I just want to know !
Hi and welcome from me too.

Can you tell us a bit more about what happened when you were first diagnosed ie. Did you develop symptoms and if so what were they or was it discovered via a routine blood test.
Also this incident a few weeks ago when your levels went high and you had ketones. How did that come about. Ie was it your annual blood test review or did you feel ill and contact your GP or do you test your own BG levels at home and realise that things were going haywire?
Did they send you to hospital when you had ketones?
Who was in charge of your treatment when the Type 1 diagnosis was made and you were started on insulin?

Do you know what your HbA1c reading was at diagnosis and what it was a few weeks ago when levels had gone high?
HbA1c is the blood test result used to diagnose and track your diabetes journey. Do you know the ketone reading?

Do you know if they have done Type 1 testing which is GAD antibody and C-peptide tests? If you don't know any of this information. Ring and ask your surgery or the nurse next time you speak to her.... Hopefully she will be keeping in close contact with you during these early stages with diabetes and insulin usage.

Sorry for so many questions but it is really helpful to get a better picture of where you are with your diabetes and it currently seems very muddled, so asking the right questions of the clinicians who are overseeing your diabetes may help to steer things in the right direction. Also ask if you have been referred to a specialist diabetes clinic, where a consultant can request these tests if your GP hasn't! Many GPs have limited knowledge of Type 1 diabetes and these tests and the results can be less clear cut than we would like and need to be interpreted by someone who has knowledge and experience ie. a consultant.

Good luck with your insulin and getting some answers but the more info you can give us, the more we can point you in the right direction.
Well my journey so far.. type 2 sept 20’ type 1 dec 20’ Aug 21, back to type 2, this week neither 1 or 2 but maybe MODY but may or may not get testing for this. As inka states, have you had any testing at all to get to the bottom of this? I know how frustrating it can be. I have been told to not worry about a label and to concentrate on keeping sugars down, but I just want to know !
hya just got a call from diabetic nurse at bloods have came back and I'm defo type 1 so to stay on the insulin I'm on just now which is head done in with it all xx
Pleased you have a definitive diagnosis at last!
Hopefully they will change your insulin regime to a better one once you get an appointment at the diabetes clinic. Was there any mention by the DSN of an appointment time scale for the clinic?
hya just got a call from diabetic nurse at bloods have came back and I'm defo type 1 so to stay on the insulin I'm on just now which is head done in with it all xx

At least you have a definite answer now - that’s great. What type of Humulin are you taking (ie its full name)? There are various types.
At least you have a definite answer now - that’s great. What type of Humulin are you taking (ie its full name)? There are various types.
hi...I've just to phone diabetic nurse next week or before then if I have any problems...I've just as I said to continue with the humulin and test my blood to check what sugars are doing and she will review and change insulin levels accordingly...I am devasted with the definitive diagnosis but il need to deal with it lol xx
What Humulin is it? They are not all the same. How are your blood sugars?
update on me..been given the libre 2 sensor today. was just wondering if anyone has this and how to setup my galaxy watch 2 so I can get alerts ...thanks xx
Shedloads of us with Libres - hopefully someone else knows about the watch.
update on me..been given the libre 2 sensor today. was just wondering if anyone has this and how to setup my galaxy watch 2 so I can get alerts ...thanks xx

Good to hear from you again @scatty17 - and glad you have access to the Libre2

There’s a UK ‘Libre Geeks’ group on Facebook which has the answers to most techy questions you can think of. Someone there will probably know?
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