Need advice on Type 1 Diabetes

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi there, my friend has Type 1 Diabetes and has been struggling with very painful leg cramps, which are becoming frequent. He takes high blood pressure medication in addition to insulin shots. He also only has one meal a day, as he says he has no appetite in the mornings and is worried about his sugar levels shooting up should he have a meal at lunch. Despite this, his sugar levels are erratic, he sweats each time he eats and a lot of mucus production, especially in the mornings. He is frequently spitting out the mucus. Has anyone experienced this? Any treatment/management tips please. Thanks
Hello Eve, welcome. A little more info would help us Do you know what insulins he is on . I'm thinking his doses may well need adjusting. If he is under the hospital diabetic team it would be best to contact them, if he is just under gp/practice nurse for his diabetes, the I'd ask for a referral to a DSN at the hospital. The whole idea of having T1 treated with insulin is being able to eat normally.
I was wondering how long ge has been diagnosed and has he been in a DAPHNE or similar course.
Feel free to ask questions
The real experts will be along soon .
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Welcome to the forum, Eve.
Unfortunately, we are a support forum, not a medical advice forum. I agree with others that the best thing for you to do is encourage your friend to consult his GP or diabetes team. While he's there, he should also ask about diabetes education courses - DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) is the most widely available course for people with type 1 diabetes, although some areas have coures with similar content, but different names. If there's nothing locally, there are online courses, but these don't have the advantage of meeting fellow people with type 1 diabetes.
Many thanks for all your replies. 🙂 I'll advise him to consult with his GP.
If he is worried about BGs rising if he eats lunch, I am wondering if he is on 2x mixed insulin injections a day which can be very difficult to manage. If so, it might be worth transferring to a local hospital/diabetes clinic and switching to Multiple Daily Injections which is much more flexible.
Thanks Mike. I believe he takes 12 units in the morning and another in the evening, before he has supper. Any advice on the leg cramps?
Thanks Mike. I believe he takes 12 units in the morning and another in the evening, before he has supper. Any advice on the leg cramps?
Another reason for him to meet his diabetes team - or establish content via a GP referral if he doesn't have a team currently. If he is on twice daily bimodal insulin injections, he could discuss more flexible insulin regimes, which match insulin to when and what he wants to eat, rather than having to eat when and what insulin dictates.
Please encourage your friend to seek medical advice and education.
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