Need a moan!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
about my GP surgery! Have tried to order my repeat prescriptions on line this morning. Something I do regularly that I haven't had a problem with before. Today there is a note on my list of medication against humalog and test strips saying I can't order them until 20 days before they are due.....what does that mean!

So, have phoned the GP surgery and the receptionist can't help as they don't run the on line system they just receive requests from it! Er hello....I'm using at least one cartridge of humalog a day at the moment (ratio first thing in the morning is 9 to 1!) and obviously I'm using loads of test strips as I'm pregnant and it's really important for my BS to be in target. How can someone set a limit on the amount of insulin you can have when clearly different people will use different amounts each day and therefore need it more or less frequently. Am so cross, have to say the receptionist got the sharp end of my tongue and is going to get the on call doc to phone me to 'see if he will agree to do a repeat for you'!

These people have no idea!!!! Rant over.....sorry.

Allison x
Rant away, you definitely have reason to!!

I hope the on-call Dr sorts everything out for you
Sheer, unnecessary idiocy! These things are life-giving and you can't afford to be without them - a GP who doesn't know this should never have passed his exams! And to add to it, surely they know you are pregnant and need stuff even more? Maybe they've put some sort of blanket restriction into the program without realising that there are many exceptions with diabetes and it just doesn't work that way (having worked in software for 25 years, I can certainly see something like that happening - I've seen some dreadful stuff in my time)
I hope it all gets sorted for you. We are all different, so what works for one wont always work for another.
Thats the PCT's for you. They are always trying to hang onto every penny. I work at the hospital ad I am always having calls for our coding dept to check details as the GP's thinks some details are wrong before they pay up and checking dates and what not. Most of the time we are right and they are just tight gits!! Hope you get this sorted, your pregnant and need to test alot more than usual. x
Thats properly irritating Im sure! I dont blame you for going bazerk. Esp being preggers as well, like you need the extra hassle of it all :(

Hope it goets sorted x
What a pain in the bum, twits totally! I hope you feeel better having ranted, now go sort them right out, you got our backing to kick ass!
Thank you for your support guys. The on call doc phoned me back yesterday afternoon and pressed the over-ride button on the electronic system so that I was able to order what I needed. I did tell him though what I thought and that I shouldn't have to battle to get insulin!

I work at the PCT in Sheffield and yes, there's not much money and we're trying to make savings, but this isn't the way we'd expect GPs to make those savings. I've already mentioned it to my managers to see if things can be changed. There are lots of people who might use the on line repeat prescription service and will not think to phone up when it says they can't have something.
Thank you for your support guys. The on call doc phoned me back yesterday afternoon and pressed the over-ride button on the electronic system so that I was able to order what I needed. I did tell him though what I thought and that I shouldn't have to battle to get insulin!

I work at the PCT in Sheffield and yes, there's not much money and we're trying to make savings, but this isn't the way we'd expect GPs to make those savings. I've already mentioned it to my managers to see if things can be changed. There are lots of people who might use the on line repeat prescription service and will not think to phone up when it says they can't have something.

Glad you got it sorted out Allison, and that you were able to have your say. Every time I hear Sheffield mentioned I feel homesick - I lived in Crookes/Broomhill for 20 years and miss the city and Peak District!
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