need a bit help if possible mr

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been type 1 since a operation in 2019 ,I had cancer got mrsa sepsis ext , and have a lot of nerve damage due to all these illnesses, When in hospital in isolation wondering if i would live or die the big question hit me how can i go on living and beat this im only a normal man nothing special , My company gone cant work sometimes cant walk see to drive any more and getting worst day by day , so i kind of wrote a play about cancer help and thought of a book to make , here is my story to date ..

2919 was in a bad way at the royal free hospital ,everything that could go wrong did it got so bad that my family never knew how to talk to me about things ,but we came through this ,since leaving hospital i have had to get benefits to live on witch i am thankful for , but for me it's a nightmare i have always worked and need to do something on benefits there's suppose to be help and for me it seems there's no help tomorrow friday 11 2021 I will be getting a game ,i'm still trying to finish my room
to create some kind of work for myself and fund my book i want to do .

i went from sick benefits to universal credit thinking i could get a little help by ways of [ enterprise allowance ] 1st i was told writing a book was not a business 2nd time i was told that my business idea was to big for them ,that was about 3 months ago ,i contacted universal credit to ask my work couch to contact me im still waiting ,it seems the advertisement of services are there if not disabled but if disabled they don't apply.

the question i have were do i get help
Hi and welcome, sounds like you’ve had a difficult time. I’m not sure what kind of help you’re looking for, is it help searching for employment?
Hi and welcome, sounds like you’ve had a difficult time. I’m not sure what kind of help you’re looking for, is it help searching for employment?
no not employment , just help with getting on a program that supports me develop my skills , i have my own websites to put out content that may or may not bring a income [enterprise allowance ] would have would have been just right ,its the fundraising side grcantants ext i can't understand most of it find it hard to talk tp others , cant communicate well understand forms ext outside my family ,
Do you mean you’re looking for a training course? Have you tried your local college or adult education?
no not employment , just help with getting on a program that supports me develop my skills , i have my own websites to put out content that may or may not bring a income [enterprise allowance ] would have would have been just right ,its the fundraising side grcantants ext i can't understand most of it find it hard to talk tp others , cant communicate well understand forms ext outside my family ,

The National Careers service might be able to help. I also found my work coach was very good at finding courses for me. I had to tell him what kind of thing I wanted and he then researched and sent me links. Your work coach can also identify local courses that might suit you.

If the help you need is financial help, then obviously you could speak to your bank about business loans and the like. I doubt there are many grants available to be honest, unless your disability qualifies you for extra financial support.

I’m still unclear exactly what help you want. Are you saying you want financial help to write a book? If so, there isn’t any as far as I’m aware, so you’d have to make sure you had enough money from benefits to live on while you wrote it. I’m not sure if you’re able to work at all but Universal Credit would still support you if you worked part-time, for example.

The Citizens Advice Bureau are good for information about benefits. You’ll need to make an appointment as they’re usually quite booked up.
thanks for the advice here ,all the above i have tried .collage not help full camden citizens advice helped work coach has not even tried to contact me in over 3 months fundraising hopeless ,

i find it hard to explain things reading is a no no for me but i want to make a fantasy book ,going out is hard as i suffer a few illnesses as well as diabetes , i thought this could be the wright place for seeking advice where to go next it's the reading and business side the fundraising how to fill forms how to get the help that's out there , i spend a lot of time creating and get a little help from family members i do have my own websites and hate being on benefits but everywhere i try tell me sorry but no soon as i say i can't read and hate it but want to make a book [ ie a ebook that never ends ] they are lost i still tying to move on but need the support to make it happen , not sure if anyone out there understands this , [but here goes what i am looking for 1- a way to develop my ideas' into reality 2 - funding to help create 3 - any originations that i can contact by phone that may help [ if possible free phone number ]

thanks for your help in this matter.
Don’t wait for your work coach to contact you - contact them. If they don’t hear from you, they will think you don’t need help.

Sorry if this is a silly or personal question but what exactly do you mean when you say you can’t read? Could you read before your illness? If not, there are literacy courses you can do (usually Adult Education).

Citizens Advice can help with form-filling sometimes. Your bank might be able to help with a business plan and business advice.

1) a local writing group might help you develop your creative ideas
2) you’re unlikely to get funding to write an e-book. You are best claiming your benefits and using those or earning extra from work, if you can.
3) if you have a particular disability, phone their helpline for support. Try the National Careers Service. Phone your Work Coach. Speak to Citizens Advice.

The true, simple answer is you are very unlikely to get any money to write a book. If you think your idea is amazing, contact a literary agent. Your local library will help - there’s a book listing them all.
thanks but my work coach , never gets back to me i have left message after message , writing is something i find hard its not easy to explain , i don't see what others see in text so i try to avoid any letters ext never read a book or news papper cant fill in forms have help doing this it affects everything i do as i have to avoid most of these things sprightell check help s as i just click on the line , the book is about time my bank manger recons i should get a ghost writer a family member put words to part of it and its on my webpage but he's working full time the new enterprise allowance was exactly what i needed but when i filled in the form after being told i could join i got a call to say i didn't full in the form properly and my idea was to big for them , i don't intend to give up and use a lot of my benefits trying to move on with this I have had a good life working from leaving school and having my own company until 2019 but the damage to my body put a end to it , and i had to think hard about were i was going next i was very good at photography and film making when i was really ill with cancer mrsa sepsis a super bug eating away at my belly and in isolation told there's no cure , that's when it came to me what was life what was it all about is it about making money or is there some thing more to it , i was told i could not ever work again not to go on universal credit i would lose benefits [the wafer officer at the cancer unit ] he thought that was finically best for me ,and probably right but i my self have to fight this sickness' my way as i have there o live with it , all i want is the support that the government department's keep talking about but is not there im either to old or sorry you need to fill this fill that i hope some one out there underr stand this part here.
I feel for you @THE_BOOK_OFTIME You’re absolutely right about life and the importance of being creative. I’m sorry I can’t help you more, but I wish you success.
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