National JB Shortage

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a supermarket delivery and there were a number of substitutions and unavailable items. Besides raspberries and blackberries there were no JBs. I had my last 2 at mid-day as I went hypo before lunch. I understand the Santa ones being in short supply but the standard issues ones! What's going on? I blame the government!
I understand the Santa ones being in short supply but the standard issues ones! What's going on? I blame the government!
Or it's Brexit, or the epidemic in China. (I wonder where our JBs are made anyway?)

I must admit I've been using Skittles more recently. As much for variety as anything. They're about 1g per skittle so it's a lot more if you want 15g.
Lots of trouble getting my regular meds, ie Normacol, which I need for Diverticulitis, it's very worrying, the chemist just can't get it. Plus eggs are iffy too.

I always blame the guvmint. :rofl:
Lidl haven't had any for months but I have still been able to get them in the local village shop. It is concerning though as I am not as disciplined with other sweets. I see JBs as medicine and only take as much as I need, but if I have something else I think "Ooh sweeties... I want more" 🙄
It is concerning though as I am not as disciplined with other sweets.
Back when I used dextrose tablets I used to choose flavours I didn't much like for the same reason. I'm not sure it was ever really a problem, though. One significant issue with Skittles is that it's much harder to eat and count 15 of them than it is to eat 3 or 4 jelly babies, so I tend to have "a handful".
A solution to the Skittles "problem":
Half a dozen is around 15g of carbs & they don't melt in the car. I divide them into hypo sized portions in ziplock bags. That prevents the temptation to dip in knowing I'd be short if needed.

Tesco always seem to have stock of their own brand JBs.
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The mini sized bags of skittles are pocket friendly and 15-17 skittles in a bag.

Unfortunately our local supermarket has doubled the price in recent weeks.

I’m expecting them to be marked down to £2.50 fairly soon (so just a 25% price increase) with a big SAVE £1.50!! label, cos absolutely no one is buying them for £4 a bag, that’s for sure! 😱😱😱
I had a supermarket delivery and there were a number of substitutions and unavailable items. Besides raspberries and blackberries there were no JBs. I had my last 2 at mid-day as I went hypo before lunch. I understand the Santa ones being in short supply but the standard issues ones! What's going on? I blame the government!
What about sour patch kids? Available and essentially the same thing?
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