Nathan's school attendance

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All....

I'm in a state of shock at the moment for two reasons one positive, the other I'll post the negative one first..

I have just received Nathan's school progress report in which it show his is by no means comfortable reading....

Attendance 82.50%...which equates to a possible loss of 39 days in education (or 1 year out of secondary school)....Now most of this has been either illness or complications with diabetes BG as a result...but on the other hand another good part is made up from school persistently sending him home if he as so much as complains of not feeling they do not want to take any responsibility for him being unwell at school and having to deal with any part being diabetes related..I have asked school hundreds of times not to send him home etc, because all situations regarding his BG can be resolved and treated effectively and efficiently..and the best thing for Nathan is for him to be at school.

Therefore I was just wondering how other parents children attendance was, by way of comparrison.

My little one is almost 5. Over the last school year (at nursery) he has had about 4 weeks off, the most recent is because he had tonsilitis and the staff at nursery are not insured to give antibiotics. Little one was OK after the first week, but the second week was spent in finishing off the antibiotics.

Since we adopted little fella, and he has been variously with a childminder and in nursery we seem to be picking up every bug going with him.
Hi Heidi,

Was the report criticising his attendance or are you just worried about it?
Is he statemented> If so his attendance doesn't reflect on the school stats!

If he is statemented how many hours does he get per week and what provision do they provide for him, ie someone to keep an eye on him if he is feeling poorly and therefore keep him in school.

If it is just that you are worried about the amount of time off could you ask for extra tutorials for him for when he is well?

My daughter has had quite a bit of time off over the years but she still got 3A's 1B's and 7C's in her gcse's last year soit didn't make much difference to her.

Julie xx
Hi Heidi,

Was the report criticising his attendance or are you just worried about it?
Is he statemented> If so his attendance doesn't reflect on the school stats!

If he is statemented how many hours does he get per week and what provision do they provide for him, ie someone to keep an eye on him if he is feeling poorly and therefore keep him in school.

If it is just that you are worried about the amount of time off could you ask for extra tutorials for him for when he is well?

My daughter has had quite a bit of time off over the years but she still got 3A's 1B's and 7C's in her gcse's last year soit didn't make much difference to her.

Julie xx

Hi Julie..

No the school were'nt critising his attendence...although they have challenged me twice on his attendence...and advised me that if it continues I will have to come in and address the issues with the attendence officer..Which I have no problem in doing..believe me...🙂.

Nathan is not statemented no provision is made for him if he is unwell..he either goes and lies down in the medical room...on his own...or comes one is willing to keep an eye on him...I have to be on call throught out the school day...which I dont mind one bit, dont get me wrong.

Extra tutorials...the children are offered 1 hr class after school once a week..When Nathan has been off school for more than 1 day..I have asked for work to be sent home that he can do...but it never arrives.

I think I'm more concerened because as of sept Nathan will be starting his GCSE' in some ways really can't afford to fall behind

Your daughter got amazing results in the GCSE'S....:D

hi heidi sorry to hear this our districts schools got there reports today and im mad but thats for a diff reason , anyways for the school to say things lime if this continues etc etc are tehy mad dont they tale into account nath's diabetes etc etc and he aint always going to hav e an immaculate attendance
GRRR Nathan as all children do, has a right to education, i don't know what the rules are for statementing children with diabetes but i'm sure some of the other mums will know, I was lucky as my daughter had a fab senco and she had her statement in place before she started school.

Having a statement would mean that he could also have extra time in exams, if he needed too.. im sure some people will say why should he but he only needs to feel bad for 10 mins for it to ruin an exam.

Can you ask to see the school senco and see where you stand.

It makes me sooo mad that schools don't do what is fair for each child. I will try and find out if Gabi's daughter has a statement and get back to you.

Julie x
Shaun's attendence is at 67% all through illness, I have just come back from a meeting with the attendence officer, his head of year, head of pastorial (catholic high school) and his physciatrist and after an hour and a half of how to help Shaun it was very positive, but had they listened to me in the first place when we met before he started the school he would have been there a lot more instead of sending him home over a slight nose bleed, they tend to send him home but then moan if he is off so I can't win either way but am hoping these provisions they have made for him next year will work but I know exactly what you mean, they know your child is ill, have a care plan but then moan or make a big thing about attendence but poorly children can't help it 🙂
Hi All...

Thank you for your replies. As regards to statementing..this is something that I am going to be looking into over the holidays.

As a mam...I'm sure you all can understand...its very frustrating, as you know your child needs sometimes certainly more help and support in schools regarding the learning etc when time is missed..through no fault of there own, and the support is just not there or forth coming.

Not wanting to start a debate or upset/offend anyone...does it sometimes boil down to the fact that school do not get an extra money for diabetic children?

Hi All...

Thank you for your replies. As regards to statementing..this is something that I am going to be looking into over the holidays.

As a mam...I'm sure you all can understand...its very frustrating, as you know your child needs sometimes certainly more help and support in schools regarding the learning etc when time is missed..through no fault of there own, and the support is just not there or forth coming.

Not wanting to start a debate or upset/offend anyone...does it sometimes boil down to the fact that school do not get an extra money for diabetic children?


Or for any illness with children, this is why they are very reluctant to statement as it means extra money for extra help etc, i have been having this fight for both of mine because in a catholic school it is even worse as no council involvment
Or for any illness with children, this is why they are very reluctant to statement as it means extra money for extra help etc, i have been having this fight for both of mine because in a catholic school it is even worse as no council involvment

Hi Angel

This is so wrong on all levels for our children......If this may help..I have a good friendship with a lady who is involved in national pta etc and various government LEA...I can run this by her...for her take if it will help you..obviously I wont mention names etc, just a basic question...

Hi Angel

This is so wrong on all levels for our children......If this may help..I have a good friendship with a lady who is involved in national pta etc and various government LEA...I can run this by her...for her take if it will help you..obviously I wont mention names etc, just a basic question...


That would be lovely, thank you very much 🙂
That would be lovely, thank you very much 🙂

Hi Angel...

Consider it done...I should be seeing her in the next couple of days so will run it by soon as I have the answer or some pointers I will pm you..

Hi Angel...

Consider it done...I should be seeing her in the next couple of days so will run it by soon as I have the answer or some pointers I will pm you..


Your a star, although the attendence officer did ask in front of them why my girl hasn't been statemented now they know she has Meares Irlen Syndrome and no depth perception and no attention hardly at all, I'm guessing thats just because it was too close to the summer hols but will ask anyhow again
Your a star, although the attendence officer did ask in front of them why my girl hasn't been statemented now they know she has Meares Irlen Syndrome and no depth perception and no attention hardly at all, I'm guessing thats just because it was too close to the summer hols but will ask anyhow again

Hi Angel...

Here are a couple of web sites and phone numbers...I'm sure you will probably have them..but will put them up just in case..

DDA...your rights and

Equality and Human rights Commision
M4 3EQ

Telephone: 0845 604 6610
Fax: 0845 604 6630

Opening hours: mon, tue, thur,fri: 9am -, 9am - 8 pm (last call taken 7.45pm)

For details of the disability Equality

Medical Conditions at

Department of Education:

Had a look on them and there is some good stuff on anaphylaxic so that helps for both of mine and asthma but is very generalised and not enough on other conditions :(
My daughter is not statemented - not thought about it before. Do let us know if you find anything out. Our school is pretty good most of the time though we have had a few issues - mostly cos teachers don't have enough experience dealing with a diabetic.

i think that children with diabetes should be statemented even if the school only get 1 hours allowance, this would mean that during normal everyday they may need no care but if just once in a while they do need something then the school would legally have to follow the care plan.

Also when they are older and doing exams they might need extra time or sit exams in a different room so that they can stop for food if needed.

Without a statement they could be excluded from activities but statement means inclusion.

Julie xx
news to me

In my local area children aren't given a statement for diabetes.( i would have got one for my son if possible)
Our Diabetic nurse goes to schools to work with them.
Isn't there something coming through from the government insisting that schools have trained teacher etc to deal with diabetic children.However not sure how this is going to work as we are not even allowed to put earings in, or suntan cream on children, so expecting people to give injections etc seems to be strange.
I was told by the local health and safety person for Cumbria that my son has a right to access everything within school life whether it be support during residentials, to treatment for hypos and if he didn't receive it or the s chool refused to provide it I could take the school to court.
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