Nathan's good news

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

Following on a little from Nathan's attendance record...the negative news....Know here come the positive...

This past year Nathan has been awarded several merit certificates for various lessons and achievements. However today in a separate envelope form school he has been awarded..

Merit pass and certificate for his recent IT Exam.. I am so pleased with this result as his exam was in the afternoon after suffering a hypo before dinner, which was well treated when I went up to school to collect him, but he did'nt want to come home as this would mean he would'nt be able to resit the exam.

Headteachers Wow certificate...for excellent behaviour and pronunciation in chinese and the recent language enrichment day at Preston Uni

Headteachers Outstanding Certificate...for his impeccable politeness and manners shown at all times to teachers, staff, visitors and all other members of the school

Well done son...and thank you..I'm so very proud of what you have achieved.......Mam...xxxxx

Just wanted to share this with you all

That is so lovely, you have every right to be proud, he sound like hes turning into a well rounded individual, im sure its all down to you, well done to you both!! 🙂
awh well done nathan you should be very proud of him x
Well done to Nathan :D glad you have some positive news too heidi 🙂
Well done Nathan!! Good for you!! I hope you are as proud of yourself as you deserve to be! 🙂🙂

ps. I suspect your mom is a proud of you too!!! :D
Hi All....

Thank you all for your replies...and yes I'M SOOOOOOOO PROUD...YIPPPEEEE:D:D.

As a treat for tea....I got Nathan a piece of strawberry cheesecake...ooooppppssss.....but it is one of his favourites and has'nt had a piece in over 12mths...but please.....sssshhhhhh....dont tell the food

well done nathan!
You must be so proud heidi - and don't worry about the cheesecake, it sounds like Natan deserved it :D
aww thats really good news well done nathan x
Terrific Heidi! Well done Nathan! You'll have to stop comparing him to Kevin now - impeccable politelness!:D
A fantastic well done to Nathan and to you too heidi. Hope he enjoys the cheesecake....he deserves it.
Terrific Heidi! Well done Nathan! You'll have to stop comparing him to Kevin now - impeccable politelness!:D

Hi Northerner...

He can be Kevin all he likes with me at the minute he walks out of the door to school etc....politeness and courtesy is was certainly how I was brought up and instilled in Nathan form the moment he could talk....:D
Manners go along way and mean a lot to me..and its even better when they a recognised and especially from a teenager boy

Hi All...

I can assure you that Nathan enjoyed his cheesecake very much.....:D:D...lets see what the effect has had on his BG....OOOOPPPPPSSSS......LOL

Awesome news huni, there is always a silver lining to every cloud and he has done fantasticly well x

Thats brilliant news Heidi and Nathan! You deserve to be very proud and so does Nathan! Keep up the good work you two!:DBev x
Thanks, Angel, Bev and

Hey even better...Nathan's BG.....after cheesecake...mmmm...just done now...7.7..brilliant🙂

Hey well done Nathan -- and Heidi too, for dosing!

Good job. A polite teenage boy: indeed a good thing. And so much to be proud of.

Woooo Nath !! I am so pleased ! What a cracking lad you have there Heidi 🙂

Kevin the teenager at home he may be but it just goes to prove when he leaves the house he is a respectful young man . 🙂 what a star !! and smart too !!
Fantastic news. I have always said to my Daughter that as long as she does her best and is always polite i'll be happy.
I would have been over the moon at those certificates.

Julie x
congratulations to you both, and with a 7.7 after cheesecake, there's no excuse for not having more! 😉 :D
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