Named and shamed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just come back from 2 days in Leeds, where we visited the Royal Armouries Museum - huge building, very interesting collections of swords, spears, guns........ancient and modern. However, after a walk there i was at 8.3, then had a massive dip to 2.8 three quarters of an hour later. I was slumped on a seat, eating dextrose and a mars bar, when a security guard marched up and said: 'No eating in the museum' Unfortunately I was incapable of replying as mouth full of mars bar, so I just grunted and carried on.

Does anyone else know of similar situations, and how do we stand when 'company policy' is not to allow food in certain buildings/events/concerts etc. ?
I would imagine the rule does not apply when you are effectively receiving essential medical treatment, just as they wouldn't prevent you using an inhaler (I would hope!). Were you able to explain eventually?

I can understand why they have the 'no food' rule in these places, as so many of the general public have a disgusting attitude to litter and will just drop it without a moment's thought (one of my pet hates!)
Hmm, that's weird. I spent a few days there doing interviews, and thought they were really nice as a place. Like Northe, I can understand the 'no food' rule. If you explained it to them, I'd imagine they'd be more flexible about it 🙂
Didn't get to explain as guard had moved on, and I felt quite a bit wobbly after such a low, and didn't feel like a possible argument. Really just wondered how diabetics stood, but as Northerner said, I was receiving medical aid - albeit in the form of a mars bar!

Totally agree re the litter - it infuriates me no end.
It seems to be a rule in most museums and galleries these days, perhaps to keep sticky fingers from marking the exhibits. Which, since most of them are behind glass or roped off, strikes me as a bit mad.
Aye I think in most cases, they would accept it as an essential treatment. You can imagine what would happen if they were to allow food into these places. Just take a look at any car park and the number of mcWrappers all over the place.

As usual, the responsible people have to put up with restrictions because of those with no social responsibility. But I would be very surprised if after being told about you being diabetic would raise any kind of objection.

I have been prepared to have a stand-up fight on the issue with marshals/ushers before when smuggling low-carb sweets and snacks into a venue. I'm quite prepared to take them out to the kiosks and tell them exactly how many mmol/l each of their available food products would raise my BG by and the potential effect on my health 😉
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