Name for pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anyone got any good names for their pump?
Mine's called Frankie (the second. Frankie the first died lol)
I don't know why I called it Frankie, it just seemed like a nice friendly name for a pump 😱
Mine is called Pablo after a city player because he is blue, very reliable and you wouldn't swop him for anything
Some good ones there lol
Adam - the posh answer is that it's something related to giving life. The reality is that the week before my son's school had had a fish naming competition and my son's choice (Adam) lost out to Nemo. 🙂
Pumpkin! Very original 🙂
boys have named the pump Zac and the meter Zappy as the meter zaps as they think the insulin with the Bluetooth to tell Zac what to give me
My pump is called Billy and my meter is called Mandy.
(After an American cartoon called The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, where Billy is alot dim and Mandy tells him what to do. Don't know if it's still shown over here.)
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