MySugr App and definition of a Hyper

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My App has listed that I had a hyper reading today after lunch, it was 10.4, I am just wondering what that actually means as I have heard other people saying a hyper is in the teens or over 11, My average for most days is under 7 but on 2 days I have had readings over 10 but an hour later back at 6 ish.
You can change this in settings I have mine sat for 13.9
Well - what use is it if it doesn't know it's that soon after eating?
You can change the default range under settings to match what your Diabetes Nurse has suggested you aim for (or failing that, to levels that make sense to you)
My App has listed that I had a hyper reading today after lunch, it was 10.4, I am just wondering what that actually means as I have heard other people saying a hyper is in the teens or over 11, My average for most days is under 7 but on 2 days I have had readings over 10 but an hour later back at 6 ish.
Going briefly over 10 is normal (ie non-diabetics do it).
Going briefly over 10 is normal (ie non-diabetics do it).
that is exactly what I needed to hear, I am exercising 3 times a day (short 10 minute low impact or walking - I have a titanium bar in my leg so no high impact possible), I am eating very few carbs, have given up smoking and lost 2 stone so doing all I can to get it down, but I actually wondered if people who are not diabetic also go over 10 too. My 27 year old daughter asked if she could test herself on my meter just out of curiosity, but she had eaten a dominoes with her boyfriend an hour before so I said no, in case she got a false high reading and assumed she was also diabetic, although good she wanted to see but not for a someone who gets het up on things and suffers with anxiety 🙂
that is exactly what I needed to hear, I am exercising 3 times a day (short 10 minute low impact or walking - I have a titanium bar in my leg so no high impact possible), I am eating very few carbs, have given up smoking and lost 2 stone so doing all I can to get it down, but I actually wondered if people who are not diabetic also go over 10 too. My 27 year old daughter asked if she could test herself on my meter just out of curiosity, but she had eaten a dominoes with her boyfriend an hour before so I said no, in case she got a false high reading and assumed she was also diabetic, although good she wanted to see but not for a someone who gets het up on things and suffers with anxiety 🙂
If you want to nerd out on this, check data in this thread:
This bit stood out to me too

- "Normal" people can spend some time above 10 mmol/l. Overall, 25% of people spend a few minutes per day at those levels, By 60+ years, this rises to 50%.”

I am 57 so close to 60 and my scales tell me I’m 64 so I wonder if the over 10 is also an age thing with me. Maybe I’m lucky to have them in the 5 - 7 range most of the time. This has made me feel a lot happier. It’s hard not to become paranoid and keep removing more and more food from my allowed choices so this really helps me keep perspective thank you so much for putting in all that work x
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