Mystery blister

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have what looks like a blister on the bottom of my heel which has just appeared overnight. Went to see a nurse at my GP's yesterday and she told me it was a blister and to leave it alone. Today it has doubled in size (1.5cm diameter) and it hurts a lot. Is it normal for blisters to just appear from nowhere? A bit concerned in case it could be something more serious. Thanks in advance.
Hi Moog welcome to the forum, have you been wearing new shoes lately that could have been rubbing to cause the blister?

If it continues to get bigger id go back and see the GP you dont want to get to the point were your in so much pain you cant walk or put wight on it
Hi Moog, welcome to the forum 🙂 Do you have any explanation as to what caused the blister? Usually it's from heat or friction. Presumably the nurse when she examined it determined that it wasn't infected, but if you think it may be now that another day has gone by then you should go back to get it checked again. Sometines I don't notice blisters developing until I have been off my feet for a while so it may have developed during the day but only became obvious after a night's sleep. Walking on it since may have caused it to get bigger.

Sorry, that's the extent of my knowledge, hopefully someone else will be able to give a better explanation of what might be happening! 🙂
It never hurts to get it looked at again. A doctor said to me once, "You must keep coming back until you are satisfied" Good advice.
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