My statin saga continues

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After the last appt with the doc who agreed to halve my statin dose due to side effects (even though he wasn't convinced) I started taking them again this week and now feel really ill. Walked into town with hubby but just felt worse and worse, achey, tired, went and talked with pharmacist who said in her opinion it seemed the statin wasn't suiting me. Went to docs and explained situation, the receptionist said "would you like to see someone today?" I jumped at the chance and saw a different doc from before. He totally agreed that I couldn't carry on like this and has said stop taking it and phone him when I feel better, he will prescribe a different one which is better tolerated. He even said that if I continued to struggle they may decide not to pursue the idea of a statin but explained that the reason I'd been prescribed it was not so much to reduce cholesterol but because they seem to prevent bits of plaque breaking off and causing another stroke.

I feel much better in my mind now, although I feel rubbish in my body! I feel like he listened to me and saw me as a whole person. I told him I couldn't cope with being at home on my own next week if I felt like this and he understood that. He is also going to chase up all my results from the hospital as he said it's not good enough that they haven't been kept informed. He also offered help with claiming DLA.

A good result - shame I had to get ill again though.
Make sure you get that doctor next time! Sorry to hear that you've had problems again, but it does appear pretty clear-cut that it's the statins. I have heard that they do help in other ways besides lowering cholesterol, as they have a sort of anti-inflammaroy effect. It's argued that it is this property rather than the lowering of cholesterol that actually helps prevent heart problems and is one of the reasons they'd like everyone taking them.

Hope you are feeling better soon! 🙂
Thank you. I will see him next time, definitely! the trouble is that the other guy is viewed as the diabetic specialist so I always end up seeing him! Its so nice when someone listens to you and says "I agree"
Thank you. I will see him next time, definitely! the trouble is that the other guy is viewed as the diabetic specialist so I always end up seeing him! Its so nice when someone listens to you and says "I agree"

Don't worry about that at all! My 'official' GP is also supposed to be the diabetes expert, but this merely means he did an additional course (probably a day or less), and it was probably almost entirely about Type 2. I stopped seeing mine after the first appointment and have always specifically requested a different doctor ever since. She might not be the 'specialist' but she is intelligent and well-informed, she listens to me and is such a contrast to the other one. I think often these so-called GP specialists are worried that they may appear in a bad light if they don't insist that they know best, whether that is true or not.
Good advice Northy, thanks. My GP (the specialist) works at the diabetic clinic at the hospital so is incredibly important!!! He never makes any good suggestions really though just basically looks at the numbers and says "come back in x months" He said last time "I DO want you on a statin" Well that's fine if it doesn't make me feel like death. All I want to do is to get through today and start feeling better tomorrow hopefully. Doctors argh!!
Good advice Northy, thanks. My GP (the specialist) works at the diabetic clinic at the hospital so is incredibly important!!! He never makes any good suggestions really though just basically looks at the numbers and says "come back in x months" He said last time "I DO want you on a statin" Well that's fine if it doesn't make me feel like death. All I want to do is to get through today and start feeling better tomorrow hopefully. Doctors argh!!

I bet sometines they wish we all behaved exactly as we are supposed to on their drugs! I do wonder sometines if it crosses their minds just how complex humans are and how powerful some of these drugs are!
I hope it all gets sorted for you soon 🙂 Nice that he is going to help you with DLA , those forms are soooooooooo long !
Thank you. I will see him next time, definitely! the trouble is that the other guy is viewed as the diabetic specialist so I always end up seeing him! Its so nice when someone listens to you and says "I agree"

Great doc, stick with him, you can request whoever you want.

My gp that has a special interest in diabetes, just told me not to eat grapes, when first diagnosed. Great eh. I will only see one gp at my surgery and it isnt the "diabetic specialist"
I hope it all gets sorted for you soon 🙂 Nice that he is going to help you with DLA , those forms are soooooooooo long !

It's a bit of a shame cos we'd just given up on any help and sent form off - the DWP can write to doc though. It is nice of him I agree, and yes the form is horrid :(
Great doc, stick with him, you can request whoever you want.

My gp that has a special interest in diabetes, just told me not to eat grapes, when first diagnosed. Great eh. I will only see one gp at my surgery and it isnt the "diabetic specialist"

Tracey you should cherish that doc if he/she has such good knowledge!! I trust that you now have perfect levels having taken his/her advice! 🙄
Tracey you should cherish that doc if he/she has such good knowledge!! I trust that you now have perfect levels having taken his/her advice! 🙄

yea right, he was the same doc who misdiagnosed me, the same doc who said "bet you not feeling too good", when a week later i went to see the nurse and she took one look at me and told me "i needed to go straight to hospital"
yea right, he was the same doc who misdiagnosed me, the same doc who said "bet you not feeling too good", when a week later i went to see the nurse and she took one look at me and told me "i needed to go straight to hospital"

Doctors scare me sometimes when they are so useless. I was misdiagnosed when 11 and nearly died as a result. Never had much faith in them since. If you want a grape - you have one!!
Just to let you know I'm much better today - a miracle cure indeed - stop taking the statin! On the other hand we seem to be having problems with phone line/alarm system. Someone was supposed to come out and "look at it" but no sign despite another phone call. The alarm itself is working but there are times when our phone gives the dialing tone to the caller but doesn't actually ring. This could lead to emergency calls being put out via the alarm if I don't respond if I've pressed the alarm by accident. We will see if anyone comes out otherwise have to speak to them tomorrow.
Glad to hear you are feeling better today! 🙂 Pain about the alarm/phone though. My broadband suffers when it rains!
Glad to hear you are feeling better today! 🙂 Pain about the alarm/phone though. My broadband suffers when it rains!

really Northerner? Oh dear, they tell us these things are fab and then a drop of rain upsets them. The woman came out about 6.30, impressed she turned up. She thinks the problem may be that the alarm needs to be first into the phone socket rather than the broadband! So when I tried to get on here it couldn't find the server, although it now appears to be working. It's like blackpool illuminations downstairs on the router - not happy at all flashing on and off. Don't know what to think, as long as it keeps working I'm happy but it doesn't seem very reliable, maybe need a stronger filter or something. Anyone any ideas?
Whoever you talk to they always want their device plugged in first. Last time I rang up complaining about the broadband dropping out he had me relocating my router, and then started suggesting removing the cover of the telephone socket and replacing the filters! I'm going for Virgin next, at least you only have one firm to deal with. As it stands, BT blame my ISP and vice versa. All this stuff about technology is totally overstated. If you look on a map of speeds in my local area then none of them are getting above 1.5 mbps, so where are all these 20 mbps connections? Sorry! Off topic rant! 🙂
Well it's my topic and you may feel free to rant!! We've just gone with talk talk but the woman who just came out shook her head and said "Oh talk talk" ARGH! It's working intermittently and as long as the phone is ok that's the main thing. I will talk to my friendly computer people sometime and see if they've encountered the issue before. They have a shop in the next "town" and are brilliant, so I'll go and moan to them!!
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