My spa day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys,

Sorry i haven't been around for a few days, been busy busy busy!!

Anywayon Sunday I went to a Health Spa for the day, although we were having lunch there i didn't know what time we were eating of if i would be doing any exercise classes so went armed with a sandwich and banana! This is the first time that having diabetes has annoyed me, you have to think constantly what if this and pre prepare for a day instead of winging it!

Anyway got to the spa handed in my medical form which i had ticked diabetic and bp, the girl didnt even look at it, just put it in a box.. OK no problem i'm not stupid i know to be careful, anyway went to get changed and i had forgotten my joggers so decided to have a massage instead. I went to the treatment centre and told them that i would like a treatment and was diabetic was there any that wasn't suitable, she told me that not hot stones because diabetics have damaged skin and can't feel the heat so much and it might be too hot, she recommended a treatment, the most expensive but it sounded fab so i went for it.

In the treatment room i told the girl that i was diabetic and had high bp, she said thats fine but she didn't know about diabetes which i thought was fine because the girl on reception sounded like she knew what she was doing.

My treatment started with a full body exfolient (sp) then a shower than a massage where she dropped HOT oils on me and rubbed it in. but my horror was the HOT/BOILING cloths that she put onto the soles of my feet, it was nearly unbearable and i should have said get then off but didnt. then she used a HOT think, looked like a sock with herbs in the bottom and heated in the microwave, so who if i could have than pressed on me couldn't i have had the stones!

After all had finished which was fantastic apart from the things above she said ok get dressed an i will give you your prescription.. I though this was a silly thing to say as they are just beauty therapists not dr's. its all a sales gimmick but i was gobsmacked when she prescribed slimming tablets! i don't know if i can or cant take slimming tablets or what kind they are but i thought that it was unresponsible of someone who knew nothing about my condition to advise this.

People have said that i should write to complain, I think rather than complain i should write to say that they should make their staff more aware of the treatments that they are selling and change the wording prescription to suggestions but dont suggest tablets to anyone with an illness that they don't know about.

Over to you guys.. what do you think i should do?

Oh my bg went from 10 before massage to 6.9 after so ate sandwich as was going swimming, it stayed in the 9's all day as was in hot rooms etc but all in all a fab day!

Julie x
Hi Julie, glad to hear that you had a fab day - apart from all the hot stuff! I suppose that the thing about 'us' having damaged skin is a rather broad generalisation. If your blood sugar levels are well under control and you don't suffer from neuropathy or have any current injuries, then it's probably not a problem. But they aren't doctors, so I guess they can't make the call. I do think it was irresponsible to 'prescribe' the slimming pills without any real knowledge of your medical history, unless of course, they are placebo pills that do absolutely nothing!

I'd be torn too between complaint or a letter informing them of the shortfalls in their procedures. I think a complaint might be the best way to get them to take action, but I understand that we British don't like complaining! Might be worth reading through the terms and conditions of the Spa and seeing if you think they have contravened anything.

Glad it was overall a nice experience!🙂
I'm with Northener on this one. I think these places need to be more aware of any long term medical condition. Let us know how you get on.
Hi Julie,

I too am with Northerner and Caroline over this. But I am also glad that you had a great day at the spa

I'd go for the simple approach - assuming normal nerves / sensation, if something hurts, then stop it (or get the person doing it to stop)! Sounds like Proudspirit / Julie did tell the staff at appropriate times (initially), but an inappropriate treatment was recommended. I suspect the "slimming pills" wouldn't be too effective, although perhaps they were Alli, which have recently been made available without prescription, via pharmacies, where there should be screening questions before allowing purchase.
Sounds like you had a good day, I loved the hotel spa where i stayed at my mums wedding.
I was looking at a high rope course place that I'd like to go to and I looked at the medical bit to see what they said. Basically it was "we aren't medical experts, this is what is invloved, if you need to seek medical advice then do so from your own GP and make a decison" The only point they made was that they did not advise pregnant women to do the course, but they could still do it if they signed a form. It seemed a sensible approach.
Thanks guys, i have decided to write and just steer them in the right direction rather than blow my top, after all i could have stopped it but apart from the burning feet it was very enjoyable!.

Julie x
glad you had a nice time , writing seems a very good way of telling them without sounding off or losing it , keep us posted julie x
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