My school has been trashed ....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

As some will know I am the principal of a special school. I got a call this morning to say we had been broken into. It was awful. We were really hit hard - about ?10,000 damage. What have my kids done to anyone to deserve this.

If you got to BBC Northern Ireland website you can see the damage.

What a day.

goodness me that is truly shocking there ceara the minds of some people i tell you makes us all so mad to see that , like you say what on earth have the kids done to deserve that , thats money now you got to spend fixing up all the damage that could of gone on better means
Thanks steff

Didn't even have time to put on a nice shirt or tie. But you are right. Where is society going when the most vulnerable are targeted.

yup do you have cctv that may have captured something?
Hi all

As some will know I am the principal of a special school. I got a call this morning to say we had been broken into. It was awful. We were really hit hard - about ?10,000 damage. What have my kids done to anyone to deserve this.

If you got to BBC Northern Ireland website you can see the damage.

What a day.


I am really sorry to hear this ceara 😡 i hope they get the b**tards who did it and string them up.
Ceara, So sorry that some low life has decided to distroy the children's school.
Hopefully the culprits will have their just deserts fairly soon.
Hi all

As some will know I am the principal of a special school. I got a call this morning to say we had been broken into. It was awful. We were really hit hard - about ?10,000 damage. What have my kids done to anyone to deserve this.

If you got to BBC Northern Ireland website you can see the damage.

What a day.


Hi Ceara

OMG am really shocked to hear about this, i looked at the video of the damage and it is appalling 😱 to see the state of your school now. I just don't know why anyone would want to do this :confused:
Hi all

As some will know I am the principal of a special school. I got a call this morning to say we had been broken into. It was awful. We were really hit hard - about ?10,000 damage. What have my kids done to anyone to deserve this.

If you got to BBC Northern Ireland website you can see the damage.

What a day.


ive never understood why people want to do stupid things like this!!!!!!!! i hope they catch them and make them sort the damage out.
Just watched the news about it, what mindless vandalism, I really don't know what these thugs achieve from it all, and to even smash the hospice collection box.. just makes me so mad.😡
What shocking news. I sometimes despair about what happens in our country these days. I do hope they find the culprits soon and more importantly - punish them!
Bloody morons the lot of them. :(😡
wow that's really bad, especially for them to target a special school! Hope they find the people who did it.
Thank you everyone for your lovely words of support. I will let the staff and children know.

Thanks again.

So sorry to hear about this. I hope that the community get together and find out who did this, and that the school can get back to normality as soon as possible. My best wishes to you and all the children.
Like the rest of the gang, I'm sorry to hear of this episode. Unfortunately, those responsible, if caught, will only get a slap on the wrist. That is everything I feel is wrong with this country...IMHO, they should be sent to a young offenders institute for three years, an institute run by the military.

Rant far from over...grrr!!!😡
Hope the children are OK

So sorry to read this- I know the children will be upset by it too. Hope things get back to normal as soon as possible for you all.
That is everything I feel is wrong with this country...IMHO, they should be sent to a young offenders institute for three years, an institute run by the military.

Rant far from over...grrr!!!😡
We could set one up in Afghanistan? 😎
Oh no! I only just back back from the weekend meeting all the other type 1 children and just logged on to find this awful thing has happened!
I feel devestated for you and your children - it will upset them deeply - children need to feel safe in their surroundings. Is there nowwhere sacred these days?
I do hope they catch the scum - not because they will be given any great punishment - just to make them feel ashamed of themselves - if thats possible! I hope things get back to normal as quickly as possible for you and your children at the school. Bev
The local folk have all rallied round the school as have every politician in the area. Thanks again for all your lovely supportive comments.

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