My remission has actually improved since being diagnosed with cancer.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been off the forum for a while as I have been reducing my social media interaction for my mental health.
I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer towards the end of May.
I reversed my type 2 diabetes in 2019 three months after my diagnosis of diabetes and I have kept it in pre-diabetic/normal range ever since by changing to a keto way of eating and my carb limit was around 20g per day.
I added in some exercise last year and my recent HbA1c was 40.
I also have PCOS and have had that diagnosed for over 20 years but it wasn't properly addressed so I was living with masses of oestrogen sloshing round my system without it being opposed with enough progesterone. Which meant I was a ticking timebomb and in May it went off - and I got my cancer diagnosis.
As soon as I had my diagnosis I looked into what I could do as a patient to improve my chances.
I was obese (over 17 stone!! despite having kept my blood sugars stable and 'normal' for all these years so I needed to shed weight.
Turned out therapeutic levels of ketosis have been found to be helpful according to reputable peer reviewed research papers.
Looked like walnuts might be helpful.
Two days later I had achieved therapeutic levels of ketosis.
That involved getting my Glucose/ketone ratio below 3.

I have done that by eating walnuts (small amounts as they are calorific and I am trying to lose weight)
Much smaller portions of the food I always ate but no more cooking recipes - just eating leaves, raw cauliflower, raw broccoli, goat's cheeses, small amounts of chicken or the fat from steak - I give the protein to my husband, and plenty of eggs and butter and now and then I supplement with MCT oil.
I am also doing 1 - 3 hours per day of vigorous exercise - either on an exercise bike or going for a brisk walk or using my VR headset to do exercise apps like Beat Saber or Fit XR Boxing.
My blood sugars are never higher than 5.5 these days since my cancer diagnosis and my ketone levels vary between 1.4 and 3.3
I have lost over a stone since the end of May.
I am waiting for a date for my total hysterectomy - they think it is still stage one and contained but until they examine the removed tissues they won't know for certain - I have my fingers crossed. They put a Mirena Coil in to slow/halt the progress of the condition until I can have my surgery. There are delays because of staff shortages and theatre availability.
What I have done is called pre-habilitation.
Ironically I have never felt so well in all my life and my blood sugars have been regularly showing at 4.5 - 4.8 in the last three weeks.
My team is pleased with my progress and I had my yearly diabetes check with the nurse in among all this and she couldn't believe how well i was doing with my numbers - those were before the recent further improvements.
The main thing I am doing is exercising after every meal for at least 20 minutes.
I am hopeful for the best but preparing for the worst.
I just wanted to get a firm grip on my health so when I am operated on I have the best chance of recovering well.If I have to have radiotherapy and or chemotherapy I have been told that being in therapeutic ketosis will aid that process too.

So that is me for now.
I am still mostly staying off social media and interacting with people online as I have found it can be quite upsetting and I have found that staying calm and breathing well and getting lots of sleep is also helping me deal with my current situation. If anyone here remembers me - I wish everyone well and good luck with your own journeys.
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Well done @NotWorriedAtAll

Wishing you every success with your new tweaks and changes, and hoping that they have a very positive impact on your cancer treatment and outcome.
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