My Pump is my best Christmas Present

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My pump is my best christmas present , it has made such a difference to my diabetes it really is unbelieveable , after having diabetes for 30 years and being told that i suffer with brittle diabetes with sugars of 15+ being the norm and even the hospital staff not really knowing what to do, To starting on the pump in september and seeing such a difference in my blood sugars which are now regulating between 5 and 9 and to feeling so much better .I really wish i had done it years ago .:D
I know exactly how you're feeling damn good isn't it! :D Getting your life back and feeling normal for the first time ever is just the best feeling ever. Who needs anything else.
Thanks Rainbow for reply and yes it is .An added bonus is my bloods were good all day actually went hypo at one point which isnt ideal but so much better than being 18+ like christmas last year :D
My pump is my best christmas present , it has made such a difference to my diabetes it really is unbelieveable , after having diabetes for 30 years and being told that i suffer with brittle diabetes with sugars of 15+ being the norm and even the hospital staff not really knowing what to do, To starting on the pump in september and seeing such a difference in my blood sugars which are now regulating between 5 and 9 and to feeling so much better .I really wish i had done it years ago .:D

Sounds like we could be twins! 🙂 Yay for pumps! 🙂
Have you had the same sort of experiences Twitchy 🙂
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