My own first pump choice

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I’ve used a pump for 25 years.

First 3 were Disetronic no choice as there wasn’t a choice but that was absolutely fine because starting to use one saved my life after multiple hypos where I lost consciousness.

I moved areas and had a Medtronic pump Veo then 3 x 640g pumps no choice as the clinic didn’t support any others. Using 640g & sensors has pretty much kept me conscious and ok ish without hypo awareness.

2023. Pump choice!! I am quite daunted as I’ve not had to make a choice before. It’s all good and I know how lucky I am to be able to use a pump but….. yikes so many features, cannulas, apps, sensors, 4 years of use I mean I’ll be nearly quite old by then. Going to a ‘find out about pumps’ event right now at the hospital. Here goes…,
Congratulations on having a choice. Like you, my clinic have only offered a choice of one pump or no pump so it must be exciting.
I think if I ever had that choice, I would start with a list of things I have liked from my previous pumps, a list of things I have disliked and a list of things I have read about from other people that I have never had. Once I have my lists, I would then look at the pumps on offer and start to rate them.

But then I seem to use spreadsheets to manage most things in my life from holiday planning to bathroom choices 😛
Good luck hope you find what you want. 🙂

My first pump was a Cozmo loved it to bits and wish it was still in use.
Good luck hope you find what you want. 🙂

My first pump was a Cozmo loved it to bits and wish it was still in use.
Thank you 🙂 I loved my old Disetronic it was simple to use and worked perfectly for years & years.

I’ve got a couple of different cannulas to try from the companies to see if I react to the adhesive.
I like the fact TSlim & Dana can be updated.
Congratulations on having a choice. Like you, my clinic have only offered a choice of one pump or no pump so it must be exciting.
I think if I ever had that choice, I would start with a list of things I have liked from my previous pumps, a list of things I have disliked and a list of things I have read about from other people that I have never had. Once I have my lists, I would then look at the pumps on offer and start to rate them.

But then I seem to use spreadsheets to manage most things in my life from holiday planning to bathroom choices 😛
I don't need a spreadsheet for my bathroom choices it's either number ones or number two's
( apologies in advance if that is in bad taste )
Oooooh! How exciting @Flower !!

Not sure if it will be important, but the TSlim’s screen isn’t all that brilliant in sunlight - especially when levels are going low (red on black is a terrible combination!)

If you’d like to have a look through the tSlim’s menus there’s an “emulator” app you can download to take a look at where they’ve put things, and what the process is for boluses etc.

Good luck with your choice 🙂
How exciting @Flower .

I am using the 780 which is very similar to the 640, but I know that their cannulas did cause you problems at one time, so you may be keen to move away from those. I find the display big enough to be able to read without glasses, and I think that this is helped by the fact that it is a bit bigger than some of its competitors.

I look forward to hearing which one you choose
How exciting @Flower .

I am using the 780 which is very similar to the 640, but I know that their cannulas did cause you problems at one time, so you may be keen to move away from those. I find the display big enough to be able to read without glasses, and I think that this is helped by the fact that it is a bit bigger than some of its competitors.

I look forward to hearing which one you choose
Thanks @SB2015 🙂

The being able to see the pump screen detail is worrying me at the moment. I'm trying a Tslim cannula to make sure I don't react & I'm thinking about funding a Dexcom trial for 3 sensors worth to make sure I don't react to that and can read the Dexcom app. I've had a go on the TSlim emulator app and can cope with that- thanks @everydayupsanddowns 🙂

The 780 looks good and I was shown the new 7 day cannula which I think the rep said had different adhesive to the Mio and others.

I can't carry on for 4 more years reacting to cannulas & sensors and all the highs and instability I get from them ejecting themselves from my skin but the Medtronic app is clear and the TSlim doesn't have an app as yet - the rep said there should be one at some point I think.

I had a pump clinic appointment yesterday and was told I was able to choose either set up and I know that I'm very fortunate to have that choice - not so much with no hypo awareness, Charcot foot and sight loss- but the tech available is amazing, what a difference 4 years has made to pumps, cgms and apps. My head was full up after the different companies explained their pumps and what was in the pipeline. Light years away from urine testing and one fixed injection per day in the 70's. It made me optimistic for the younger people at the meeting and the tech out there.🙂
The being able to see the pump screen detail is worrying me at the moment. I'm trying a Tslim cannula to make sure I don't react & I'm thinking about funding a Dexcom trial for 3 sensors worth to make sure I don't react to that and can read the Dexcom app. I've had a go on the TSlim emulator app and can cope with that- thanks @everydayupsanddowns 🙂

Just what I did - I wanted to check that the Dex worked OK for me before taking the 4-year plunge!

I love that Dex is both factory calibrated for ease, and can also be manually calibrated if needed.

It’s slightly laggier than other sensors (because it only updates every 5 minutes) but has generally been very usable for me. And I’m certainly confident bolusing from it 🙂
. Light years away from urine testing and one fixed injection per day in the 70's. It made me optimistic for the younger people at the meeting and the tech out there.🙂
I am so optimistic for younger people now. Talking to a lady back in July about her son who hadn’t long been diagnosed, I think March 2022. He was straight onto the libre 2 and they had already talked about pumps with his team. I was explaining to her when I was diagnosed it was blood testing only and they advised us when to test and didn’t like us using it too much. She couldn’t believe it.
After trying an Omnipod dummy pump, 2 x TSlim cannulas and self funding Dexcom 6 I've decided to go for TSlim and Dexcom. I haven't reacted to the TSlim and Dexcom adhesives which is a relief & one of my main worries. I've never had so much diabetes tech on me before, my existing pump, cannula & cgm, 2 x cannulas, Dexcom and an Omnipod.

A few nights back I had quite a bad hypo at 2am, my Medtronic pump had suspended insulin but I was down in the 2's and could hear a loud alarm somewhere in my house. I started looking for rogue alarm clocks everywhere - hypo brain - and thought I'd solved it but the alarm kept happening. After some Skittles and more glucose going to my brain I worked out it was the Dexcom low alarm on my phone which was charging in the kitchen! Lesson learnt, keep my phone by the bed whilst trialling Dexcom so I don't go around randomly unplugging things that might or might not have an alarm.

Nervous and excited about changing over, I'm sure it will be ok.
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