My OH blood sugar

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Senior Member
Had a bit of a worry last night. My OH had high blood sugar.

Me and my OH got home last night and she said she didn't feel that well. We went to bed and she got out of bed to go to the toilet again, so I joked that her blood sugar must be high. I was testing mine to do my lantus so said I would check hers too. It was 10.2 mmol/l.

I checked it again this morning fasting and it was 5.7 mmol/l 😎
So I expect it was one of those one off spikes that people get, but was a bit worrying at the time. Both her mum and dad have type 2 so she is at some risk.

Will just keep an eye on her if she continues to feel unwell.
At least you have the equipment and knowledge to keep an eye on her (and get things sorted quickly if there is a problem).
as MCH said at least you have the know how and knowledge , keep us posted on how she is
Hope the other half is OK, everyone has a spike from time to time. At least you have the knowledge and equipment to keep track of it.
Hi Nikki,

I as others have said, think we all have spikes in BG levels form time to time.
But you have the knowledge and equipment there to help her..Hope that she is feeling much better this morning.

I tested my friend randomly once and it was 9.7. Think she had not long eaten so I thought nothing of it. I'm sure she is fine, but keep an eye on her :D
Sorry. Link got munged by the forum.
The correct link is here:GTT Test Doc

Note to admins: You really need to do something with the theme for the forum so that links do not appear black, the same as text until you hover over them.
Don't know what the 'normal' range is, but my son's friend got diagnosed after his mate tested him during a chinese meal, because he was feeling unwell - he was way over 20. Went to hospital and was diagnosed with T1
10.2 is not too far out of the normal post prandial range. In Germany (where they have stricter diagnosis criteria) a single high of less than 17(I think) would not immediately be diagnosed as diabetes. I think its something like 2 readings between 11 and 17 to be diagnosed. Can't remember the exact values though.

If either of you are worried though, speak to a doctor.
Thanks guys.

I don't think we will test again for a while. Don't want to get obsessive, which i have seen on the childrens forum. Parents convinced their child has diabetes after a couple of odd high results.

I know the symptoms which will be fairly obvious to pick up on, hope it was a one off thing
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