My new pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Yesterday was a big day; I got my pump! I could start using it straight away as I hadn't taken my Levemir the night before. It was a tough and quite stressful day. I put in my first cannula (omg how scary is that!) and took a little time trying to draw the insulin into the syringe. Is it weird that I quite enjoy that? Makes me feel quite professional lol! 😉 I was 8.5 when everything was done so I set off to work.

When I got to work an hour later and tested again, I was 18.7! Was quite shocked to see that and started to panic. There's loads of things that could have been wrong, so I decided I'd try and give myself a correction dose first. Another hour later I tested again, only to see that I'd soared even higher and my levels were 24 this time!! I really started to stress now and decided I'd try and change the infusion set. When I took the first one out, it turned out that the tube had bent!

I put in the new set (went a lot easier than the first one!) but it hurt really badly. I am using the Quickset cannulas at the moment. It kept hurting for at least 2 hours after I put it in but I just left it. My levels started to get lower again and by tea time I was back to normal levels (5.4 🙂). Since then they have been quite good, even though I am still on all the rough rates and doses that my DSN gave me. I'm really positive as I know it can only get better once I tweak the basal and my bolus ratios!

I'm seeing my DSN again tomorrow and we try and use the Silhouette cannulas instead to see if they hurt me less. I think the biggest challenge besides the bent cannulas has been trying to get my head around the fact that I need so much less insulin now. I took only 2 units for my lunch, and I really had to force myself not to take more as I couldn't believe I only needed that little! I'm also tempted to start tweaking and changing things already as I'm quite used to doing that on injections, but I should probably leave it for a little while whilst I get used to this 😉

Anyway, not really any questions at the moment just wanted to share my first experiences with my new buddy!
That all sounds great- glad it is a positive experience for you. I was really quite excited when I forst got my pump....for some reason I couldnt stop looking at it!

I wouldnt worry that you found the cannula particually painful. I can only speak from my own exerience but I hardly even feel them now going in and Ive only had a bout 2 bent cannulas (to my knowledge).

Have you thought about the Mio set? Its a nice alternative, Im using them at the moment. I havent tried the sils myself, but I like the Mios now after a rough start.

Its great you sound really into it! Good luck with everything- its the start of a whole new journey.
I don't really know much about any other types of infusion sets, I only got the Quickset when I went in yesterday and my DSN said they only really consider any other types when there are problems with the Quickset which I guess is fair enough.

Haha yeah I keep taking mine out all the time, it's like having a new mobile phone or something lol. Can't wait until I can start tweaking things so it will go even better!
Hey Ilse, it's really up to you and what suits you as to what set you have. Sets are like Harry Potter and wands...the set picks you! So don't be afraid to ask to try other ones. I'm sure anyone on here would be happy to post you one or two to try.

The funding you've been given covers your pump consumables and doesn't specify which sort they should be. I know some people have had issues changing what type of set they use, but there is no reason to stick to one sort if you have issues with them.

That's why when I found out my DSN tried to order me a year's supply of cannulas when she ordered my pump, I immediately asked her not to incase I had any problems 🙂
All the best wish you the best of luck with your new pump x
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