My new blood test

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Thankyou just don't know what I should be getting on my self tests just done one it was 7.4
Your HbA1C is in mmol/mol but the reading you get from your monitor is in mmol/l so different units
The readings from a home monitor to be aiming at are 4-7mmol/l fasting or before meals and no more than 8mmol/l, 2 hours after eating for your HbA1C to be normal.
Random tests don't really tell you much as blood glucose goes up and down depending on your activity, food intake and a whole host of other things, so your testing need to be something that gives you useful information like modifying your diet.
Hi @Barry snakeman. As others have said the readings you get from your home monitor are different to your HbA1c but they are related. Unfortunately the relationship is a bit tenuous so you can only talk generalities.

An HbA1c of 74 would most likely give you home monitor readings in the teens for most of the time. Low teens if you have not eaten for a while and high teens immediately after eating. You might also expect it to take a while before your home readings drop back down to your pre meal levels. They would always above the levels suggested by @Leadinglights as the sort of targets which would give you a sub diabetic HbA1c.

If you use your meter to adjust your menu to get the rise from eating down, then you will find that the level before eating will also come down and the HbA1c will take care of itself.
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