My Nan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hya all

My nan has type 2 and went to the out-patients dept at the hospital last week to have a small op on her eye, they wouldn't do the op as her b/s were 20 and had ketones. Her GP has told her to test regular and gone over a few things with her. Her results from the last week have still been quite high. 15 -17. She takes gli (something, cant remember) 30mg i think. She has horlicks last thing before bed, its the lighter version but could this be one of the reason that her b/s are so high on waking? She also drank alot of pure orange which i told her not too months ago so now shes finally stopped drinking it.


It sounds like the doctors need to do some serious looking into your nan's medication, its just not good enough. I don't know how old she is but they are seriously letting her down. Its good she gets test strips but she know to keep a good record of every test and does she know what to avoid eating and then I would suggest she make an appointment at wherever she goes in a week or so with a log of all readings and hopefully they will change medication or help her with food etc. I really feel for her. How awful to go to have an op and be refused and no doubt it not being her fault, bet she has never really be told has she.

Maybe you should go to the appointment with her if you can that is. 🙂
Hiya hun,
I can't advise much about type two diabetes I'm afraid as I'm type one but one thing that I can comment on is the horlicks. I have the light version in chocolate flavour and it has 23g of carbs per cup! Which personally I think it a lot. The regular flavour has even more carbs than the chocolate one, which I know will probably come as a shock, it did to me and is the reason I bought the chocolate!
Anyway, hope that has helped you in some small way,
Best of luck Lucy x
Hi Gemma the mediacation you mentioned would be gliclazide, I cant say about the horlicks as i cant stand the stuff but i know the oj would of been doing her no favours but happily she has stopped drinking that now.
Hya adrienne and kitty

I asked her Sunday if the doctor had changed her meds and I was suprised when she said he didnt. My Nan is 80 in May. I don't think she has ever been told. I have been trying to give her a bit of guidiance but as you know i'm still learning things myself but thats regarding type 1. I'm trying my best anyway.

I told her to go one night without the horlicks and see what her waking results are. Do you think this is a good idea? She really need this op and I felt that the doc had let her down by not reviewing things. I will ask my mum tomorrow to see if she has another appt at the doctors and I may go with her if she doesn't that I'm going to tell her to book an appt.

Hya adrienne and kitty

I asked her Sunday if the doctor had changed her meds and I was suprised when she said he didnt. My Nan is 80 in May. I don't think she has ever been told. I have been trying to give her a bit of guidiance but as you know i'm still learning things myself but thats regarding type 1. I'm trying my best anyway.

I told her to go one night without the horlicks and see what her waking results are. Do you think this is a good idea? She really need this op and I felt that the doc had let her down by not reviewing things. I will ask my mum tomorrow to see if she has another appt at the doctors and I may go with her if she doesn't that I'm going to tell her to book an appt.


Gemma I would say that would be a very good idea then she/you can gage from that if the horlicks is the issue.
Hya Steph

yes its gliclazide that she takes thanks. Ive been trying to get rid of that orange juice for ages, kept telling my uncle not to buy it but if he didn't she would tell him off haha. I'm glad she has stopped drinking it now.

Hi Gemma the mediacation you mentioned would be gliclazide, I cant say about the horlicks as i cant stand the stuff but i know the oj would of been doing her no favours but happily she has stopped drinking that now.
I hope your nan is OK now. Sometimes doctors get taken up in other things and need a little push to take better care of older patients, especially ones on their own. We often had to give our doctor a push to see our elderly neighbour on a regular basis.
How's your nan doing gemma? I'm having similar problems with my grandfather- he is Type 2 on insulin and has been very badly supportred recently. he's just been discharged from hospital and cannot cope at all, we're trying to get him into care. It makes me soooooo cross that older people are given such low priority by some healthcare professionals.
I'm having similar problems with my grandfather- he is Type 2 on insulin and has been very badly supportred recently. he's just been discharged from hospital and cannot cope at all, we're trying to get him into care. It makes me soooooo cross that older people are given such low priority by some healthcare professionals.

Hi Carybn,

If you look at my thread of a few weeks ago you will see that some care homes do NOT provide the care a diabetic needs. Please check very carefully that they have a member of staff who is competent and they understand the diet. The old lady I posted about was not getting the right meds plus was geetting high carb food!
Thanks falcon 123 will bear that in mind.
Hya adrienne and kitty

I asked her Sunday if the doctor had changed her meds and I was suprised when she said he didnt. My Nan is 80 in May. I don't think she has ever been told. I have been trying to give her a bit of guidiance but as you know i'm still learning things myself but thats regarding type 1. I'm trying my best anyway.

I told her to go one night without the horlicks and see what her waking results are. Do you think this is a good idea? She really need this op and I felt that the doc had let her down by not reviewing things. I will ask my mum tomorrow to see if she has another appt at the doctors and I may go with her if she doesn't that I'm going to tell her to book an appt.


I agree with Steff, this is a good idea. I think that if the docs face an 80 year old person I think they let them get on with it as they possibly don't think they will understand which is so very patronizing, don't you think.

The trouble is, at her age she may well be thinking stuff it, she wants her horlicks and thats that. My grandma would have thought like that most definitely. If that is the case then the docs should work with the horlicks quick frankly and if they need to move her to injections to cover the foods she wants then that would be her choice then, ie injections and foods she wants or medication and curtailing her wants. Hard one. :(
I told my dietician that I was having a horlicks extra light before bed and she said even though its extra light it was still a bad idea to have regularly and if I could not to have it at all... so I stopped buying it, but a couple of months ago bought a cant say jar as its plastic now lol of the light version and only have one every so often now, in fact I think the last one I had was a couple of weeks ago..
Hya all

sorry for my delayed responce (sp). My nan probably will say i'm nearly 80 so will do what the heck i want haha. Can't blame her really. I was very suprised that her GP hasn't reviewed her meds. i will be going to see my nan Sunday, I go every Sunday and i will see what her results have been and have a chat with her and then talk her into going to the GPs.

thanks you all for your help

gem x
Hya all

sorry for my delayed responce (sp). My nan probably will say i'm nearly 80 so will do what the heck i want haha. Can't blame her really. I was very suprised that her GP hasn't reviewed her meds. i will be going to see my nan Sunday, I go every Sunday and i will see what her results have been and have a chat with her and then talk her into going to the GPs.

thanks you all for your help

gem x

Pass on our best wishes Gem x
thanks steff I will x
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