My Mums views on my Diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last night in the car with my Mum on the way to yoga.
I was saying how i can't how long I have had diabetes it was 4 years in Jan, and it has flown.

My Mum said.

''I hate thinking about you with diabetes, I try not to think about it ever! I could hang my head and cry my eyes out at the thought. I'd give anything for you not to have it''

I think there was more, but i was so shocked by how upset she sounded.
I didn?t know what to say to that, I had no idea that is how she felt. I was so shocked.
My thoughts at the time where ''S***!!'' 😱

I don?t get down about it not anymore, Its a pain , but like most of us have realised we are more healthy now because we look after ourselves, eat well and exercise, I care about my health and others.
And understand other people with other conditions better.
I think I am a better person now, and it has helped make me who I am.

And If i dont feel down/angry/upset about my diabetes then i dont understand how other can.
I am a happy person, I love my life!! 🙂🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Phoebe, it's great to hear such a positive and optimistic view. Your Mum has probably hidden how much it has upset her in the past, trying to be strong for you, but just let it show. I've had moments like that with both my parents as I've got older (although not diabetes related), not realising just how much they love me and worry for me - I always thought they were just being fussy!

Have a good chat with her, I'm sure she'll appreciate it 🙂
This is a really nice thread :D Cheered me up I gotta say, its nice that you feel so positively about your diabetes, I reckon that acceptance is the key to getting on with your life, why dwell on the things you cant change.... Live your life and enjoy it even with the dreaded D 😉 xx

Now this I can answer. I'm a mum. I am presuming that you are not a mum. If I could take the diabetes away from my daughter and me have it then I would 100%. I would have my pancreas removed.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this world like the love a mother has for her child. You cannot compare it, even with a boyfriend, husband or partner, there is nothing like it.

I absolutely hate, am mortified, and anything else you can think of along those lines that Jessica has this medical condition. It didn't matter what she had quite frankly, diabetes, asthma, CF, cerabal palsy, anything, she is my child and I don't want her to have this ill ness/ condition, whatever you call it for ever but she will.

She doesn't know how I feel and never will know or never will understand unless her child has seriously medical problems.

It is really really hard to put this into words. Whilst you live with it and you have accepted it, it is a different set of emotions for the parents and sometimes they can't deal with it.

Hope that explains it a bit. 🙂
What a great mum you have, she sounds very caring. Give her a big hug from me.
Adrienne, you take the words right out of my mouth again!!😉

I'd replied to this thread just now and then I messed it up. In the meantime Adrienne answered.

C has had diabetes for 3 1/2 years now. Although I don't cry very often anymore I still feel bad for her having to do all those things. And I'm still trying to mollycoddle her (she's 13!!!). I often get accused that I only won't let her go and do certain things because she's diabetic. Most of the time that's not true, BUT I have to admit that I have done so and probably will do again.

If I could turn the clock back I definitely would!
Last night in the car with my Mum on the way to yoga.
I was saying how i can't how long I have had diabetes it was 4 years in Jan, and it has flown.

My Mum said.

''I hate thinking about you with diabetes, I try not to think about it ever! I could hang my head and cry my eyes out at the thought. I'd give anything for you not to have it''

I think there was more, but i was so shocked by how upset she sounded.
I didn?t know what to say to that, I had no idea that is how she felt. I was so shocked.
My thoughts at the time where ''S***!!'' 😱

I don?t get down about it not anymore, Its a pain , but like most of us have realised we are more healthy now because we look after ourselves, eat well and exercise, I care about my health and others.
And understand other people with other conditions better.
I think I am a better person now, and it has helped make me who I am.

And If i dont feel down/angry/upset about my diabetes then i dont understand how other can.
I am a happy person, I love my life!! 🙂🙂
What a lovely positive person you are, you are a credit to your mum and she must be very proud of you.
Take care Sheena
Everything Adrienne has said I agree with, its very hard to put into words. My son has been dx for 7 years and I dont really think emotionallly it has got any easier for me, but obviously I dont tell him that. Then when I get bad days and I hate this thing , I feel the guilt, because I feel selfish, after all its not me that has to cope with this illness is it. Sometimes when your kids get older, its a bit harder because you lose the control you had when they were little. Threads like this really help me because I know Im not the only one feeling the way I do.

That made me want to cry and start thinking about my Mum....

...and Mums in general, actually. The strength of feeling that Mums have over their children's diabetes.... Adrienne, Monica, Carol, and Bev (previouls, on the post where i was arguing with her....). Mums are sooo protective and caring.

Phoebe, I'm sure she'd be very proud that you have turned your view of your diabetes so positively,,,,,
Thank you all so so so much. :D

I nearly cried to reading all your thoughts about your children. It makes sense now. I just never realised and now i understand i feel much better.

If i had a child i know i would hate for them to have diabetes or another illness.
Its really not selfish for any of you to be upset about it, you cant help it its beacuse you love them so much and they are your babies. Like i am my mums little girl even though i am 21 and live with my husband and have not lived at home since 18.
Shes my hero and its because of her i am who i am. I think shes done quite a good job haha :D:D

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