My mother went missing in the NHS

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A neighbour rang Adrian Mourby to say his 89-year-old mother had been taken away by paramedics after a fall at home. But no nearby hospital had a record of her admission ?

I lost my elderly mother a few weeks ago. Not in the euphemistic sense, but the literal. She was removed from her home with no forwarding address. To be fair, my mother had fallen over in the night and not been able to get up again. She had woken the neighbours by banging ? resourcefully, if alarmingly ? on their party wall at 5am. The neighbours called the police, and the police called the ambulance, and the ambulance took my mother away to hospital because that is what ambulances do. No bones had been broken, there was no bruising or obvious damage to vital functions but these days apparently you can't just help an 89-year-old lady to her feet and leave her alone, even if she says that's what she wants.

My mother has always had a horror of hospitals. She believes that doctors and hospitals give you fatal diseases. My father went into hospital a year ago and a few weeks after they released him, he died; ergo hospitals killed him. The fact that he was also in the final stages of lung cancer was coincidental.

But her bizarre logic is nothing to what I found myself battling with once Jim, a neighbour, rang me to tell me that my mother had been taken off in an ambulance.
That is appalling, but unfortunately only far to common. 😡
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