My Metformin Journey

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Nick Cliff

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After 10 years with Type 2 keeping at or below the medication threshold by diet and exercise my HbA1C results indicated medication was required and I agreed to start Metformin 500mg a day.
My Metformin journey starts here...
Before starting Metformin, I re-started finger-prick blood glucose tests to crudely baseline my current levels and observe any changes in the period up to my next HbA1C in January.
Warned of possible side effects of Metformin I decided to do a diary... forgive my indulgence by sharing it here.
Conclusions so far. No gut problems so far. Small increase in energy. Drop in hungriness but not in appetite. No flavour changes so far. Finger prick tests - bit to early to tell but post Metformin ones are looking in range.

Baseline examples (Day: Morning fasted test, Evening meal before, 2hr after)
Sun: 8.0, 6.1, 7.0
Mon: 6.2, 6.2, 6.9
Wed: 6.8, 5.8, 6.8
Sun: 7.0, 7.7, 8.6
Wed: void, 6.5, 9.4
Thu: 6.5, 6.7, 11.4

Taking Metformin
Mon: Metformin started
Tue: 8.8, 6.1, 7.8
Fri: 7.2, 6.1, 7.3
Mon: 5.9, 6.1, 5.7

Day 1:

Mon 11. Much urinating. Not hungry at coffee time. Not ravenous after lunchtime swim; ate only an avo panino. Big meal in evening
Day 2:
Tue Felt I had more energy running up hill to bus.
Morning fasted test 8.8
Evening meal 2h recovery test 6.1 before, 7.8 after
Day 3:
Wed Very hot in bed overnight apparently (in the literal sense only!). PM Felt I'd overeaten after vegan salad with rice and beans, unusual; less anxious to eat as soon as got home
Day 4:
Thur WFH Tired when woke up. Tiny mid morning snack and not ravenous by 1pm - unusual. Evening event - headache after 7.30 buffet meal and wine
Day 5:
Fri Coach journey to hotel. Not very hungry lunchtime. Head-achy at evening meal after long journey and swim, so no alcohol.
Morning fasted test 7.2
Evening meal 2h recovery test 6.1 before, 7.3 after
Day 6:
Sat. Concluded headache sinus related. Outdoor event aft/evng. Despite vigorous 1 hr walk delayed eating 5/6ish as not v hungry but ate inappropriate van food 7ish
Day 7:
Sun. Skipped lunch after big breakfast. After gentle walk then swim had pack oat cakes to tide over before ate in evening. 2 wines seemed too much. Danced a bit. Felt bit dehydrated
Day 8:
Mon Coach journey. Again no lunch 12ish after big breakfast as cafe had no small savoury option. Nibbled oatcakes, then beguiled by butcher's pork pie and apple 3ish. Not that hungry when got home, 7ish ate omelette half baked spud with salad
Morning fasted test 5.9
Evening meal 2h recovery test 6.1 before, 5.7 after
Day 9:
Tue Back to work. For first time felt hungry in afternoon before leaving work, after a panino and apple at lunch
Day 10:
Wed Felt quite hungry before lunch - first time since started metformin. Hungry again when ready to leave.
Day 11:
Tomorrow: Annual Diabetic Nurse appointment for feet-tickling, etc (no HbA1C - had this in October)
You are obviously not eating a low carb diet - so you are doing really well to see those numbers
I was thinking the same as Drummer and atm you’re are only on the low dose of Metfartin as it’s not so fondly called here :D
I never had any problem with Metformin even when on max dose.

As for not feeling as hungry, Metfartin was originally designed to aid weight loss .

I am wondering if you lower your carbohydrate intake a bit then you may be able to come off Metfartin

But they are good numbers you are achieving 🙂
Good luck with your Metformin start @Nick Cliff

if your sinuses playing up on Day 6 were part of an illness or infection that may have had an effect on BGs. But sometimes I find the effect of illness (and the timing of it) rather hard to pin down!
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