My memory is coming back!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Last night I put some books on my Ipad and began to read some Sherlock Holmes - and from some deep recess the memory of reading it before, as in word for word, came back to me.
I used to have a word for word recollection of things I read, and much of what I heard as well, but it went when, in 2016, I was prescribed Metformin and Atorvastatin.
In a few week my memory was very badly affected, to the point where I thought I had dementia.
I stopped taking the tablets just before Christmas 2016, so it has taken just under 4 years to be able to access that part of my memory.
My husband has just been checking my recollection of mathematical formulae - we are both engineers and technicians so the various formulae are part of our basic education and understanding, and they are still there, and I remember what the symbols mean too.
That is a relief.
Blimey @Drummer. that's a long time for your memory to have gone. I know you said your use of metformin and statins caused memory loss, but that it was for so long is astoninshing.

Really pleased for you that it has come back, you must be over the moon :D x
Ooh good can I have the fiver back I lent you? :D 😛
It has been a long process, from being unable to find the car in the car park and having to read all my songs as I could no longer remember them, to this sudden access to the past.
It started, I think, when I went out to gather the apples, as I remembered the old songs and rhymes which go with the apple harvest and wassailing.
Last night I put some books on my Ipad and began to read some Sherlock Holmes - and from some deep recess the memory of reading it before, as in word for word, came back to me.
I used to have a word for word recollection of things I read, and much of what I heard as well, but it went when, in 2016, I was prescribed Metformin and Atorvastatin.
In a few week my memory was very badly affected, to the point where I thought I had dementia.
I stopped taking the tablets just before Christmas 2016, so it has taken just under 4 years to be able to access that part of my memory.
My husband has just been checking my recollection of mathematical formulae - we are both engineers and technicians so the various formulae are part of our basic education and understanding, and they are still there, and I remember what the symbols mean too.
That is a relief.
That is good to hear. I hope the improvements continue
Last night I put some books on my Ipad and began to read some Sherlock Holmes - and from some deep recess the memory of reading it before, as in word for word, came back to me.
I used to have a word for word recollection of things I read, and much of what I heard as well, but it went when, in 2016, I was prescribed Metformin and Atorvastatin.
In a few week my memory was very badly affected, to the point where I thought I had dementia.
I stopped taking the tablets just before Christmas 2016, so it has taken just under 4 years to be able to access that part of my memory.
My husband has just been checking my recollection of mathematical formulae - we are both engineers and technicians so the various formulae are part of our basic education and understanding, and they are still there, and I remember what the symbols mean too.
That is a relief.
Good to hear.
Wonderful to have a memory like that. Pleased it came back for you.
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