My lucky day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had an apt this morning a couple of hours away from home and my pump decided it was blocked so alarmed even though no one heard it until an hour after the 1st alarm when it also started to vibrate 😡
Even odder when tubing checked no blockage and blood sugars normal and have been all day.

My lucky break was I had put a spare cannula in my bag just in case. Spares are normally in my car but I wasn't driving today. Phew lesson learnt always carry a spare 🙄
That was lucky Sue. To be honest we don't carry spare pump stuff around for day trips, preferring to carry an injection pen to tide him over if needs must. Set changes are a bit of a palaver out and about for folks who have to have their cannula on their behind! 🙂
I had an apt this morning a couple of hours away from home and my pump decided it was blocked so alarmed even though no one heard it until an hour after the 1st alarm when it also started to vibrate 😡
Even odder when tubing checked no blockage and blood sugars normal and have been all day.

My lucky break was I had put a spare cannula in my bag just in case. Spares are normally in my car but I wasn't driving today. Phew lesson learnt always carry a spare 🙄
Phew Sue, that's a lesson to all of us... keep a spare cannula on us. I had thought that this morning when I was having my panic.🙂
So pleased it all worked out OK Sue!

I tend to take spares if more than 2hrs away from home, or if it would be a real faff to return. And spare hypodermics are squirreled around in various places - I could always draw up from reservoir to tide me over!
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