My little victory

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I don't post much, I mainly lurk. Im not that quiet in real life 😉 ... I just wanted to share with you my little victory. I started on Glimepiride 2 1/2 weeks ago. (I was on Metformin with huge and nasty side effects). The day I started, my fasting BG was 15.8, before meal was 10.9, and post food was 18.something-or-other.

Today, pre-meal was 5.2, post was 6.9 and although my fasting BGs are still 9 or 10, it is really wonderful to be getting single figures! This is the first tme I've had readings like this in about 16 months.

I have also gone against the advice of my nurse to have small starchy carbs, and have cut potatoes, pasta, rice, cerials etc out of my diet except for Lizi's Organic Low GL granola for breakfast. I feel so healthy and have so much energy. Will this high last?

Anyway, that's me *smile* They just don't get at home what a big deal this is for me :D

Excellent news Victoria! Whatever works for you is fine and you clearly have benifited from your new regime! 🙂
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Well done you! I'm glad the new drugs are working well.
Brilliant news Victoria. Do whatever works for you. You have worked hard so you can be proud of yourself. We share problems and good news here, so share as much as you like!
Hi V,

You sound to be on the right track and doing just fine. Keep up the good work you know it makes sense.

Good luck and best wishes - John
Great news Vicki :D x
That is really good news. Did you ask to change meds?

Glad Wallycorker has replied as it sounds as if his diet plan would work for you too.
That's brilliant news and it must be making you feel so good in yourself coming down from double figures to single figures, keep up the good work xx
Glad to hear everything is working out for you 🙂
Thank you for your kind words of support everybody! I'm just hoping I can keep the momentum going. My plan is to take a month at a time and just keep going until the way I eat is a part of my everyday existance and I don't have to constantly think about what's going in and what I can't eat 🙂
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