My little Oliver getting pump- eekkkk!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi folks

Just to say my little one Oliver will be starting on his pump on Friday. We only really found out last week so it's all a bit overwhelming to be honest. He will be on the accu-chek combo with rapid d cannula. I am really excited about it as I hope we can settle his levels down a bit (yesterdays ranged from 1.7 to 20 odd) . He has been really poorly last week with acute tonsilitis. (2 hospital admissions!!:() but seems loads better now so fingers crossed it will all go ahead.

I am very excited but also scared stiff - fear of the unknown I guess. We are starting on saline to see whether he will tolerate wearing it (he is 3 years old now) and then hopefully go onto insulin the following week *Gulp*

Wish us luck please!!
Jo thats brillaint news I wish your little boy and you all the best on the pump, happy pumping hun x
Wishing you every success with the pump - I hope he take to it well and all goes smoothly 🙂 Are you a member of the Children with diabetes website? Between us and them I'm sure all your questions and concerns can be answered. 🙂
I am on the CWD list Northerner, Bev recommended it to me when i joined this forum. The folk there have been really supportive.

Thanks for the good wishes. I am very apprehensive but i know there are lots of people there and here who will be able to help us into the unknown world of the pump!!! 🙂

xxx jo
Brilliant news!! I'm sure you'll love the pump, it makes life so much easier. Best of luck 🙂
all the luck in the world oliver, and of course mummy as you will be operating it..............:D
Thanks everyone. We have had a few hiccups and were thinking earloier today that it may not happen - long story!! But I think now it will! 🙂

Plan is to go on saline on Friday and go on insulin on Tuesday next week. I am sick with nerves to be honest!

x Jo
Hope everything is going well. My daughter started with hers on Wednesday and we start on insuling on Tuesday too. This follows a period of poor health as she is still recovering from glandular fever so we too are hopeful this will help. Good Luck, thinking of you.
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