My latest basal test

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Howdy yall

the other day at work I did a basal test and here were the results!

9.46 5.8
11.08 4.6
12.00 5.0
1.00 5.3
14.20 7.3
15.12 7.5
16.02 5.9
17.23 4.8
18.00 6.2 (and at this stage i was too hungry and had some dinner!)

I was pleasantly surprised by this and seem to have that part of the day at least sorted (maybe a teeny uppage between 1 and 3?) but this goes to proove my theory right - my lunch time ratios are totally out! If my basals are keeping me that steady during lunch, and I eat and shoot up to 17 plus after lunch, I think something needs playing with. Nursey wouldn't listen, so I did this to proove myself right.

Next trick is thus: overnight basal test again - I'm still waking up higher than I would like. I need however to schedule a time to do this. I was going to do it tonight but am having too many issues (cheers ice cream 😡) and am way too exhausted so I reckon it'll be next saturday night. Or do you guys think I should do it sooner?

As you can see however, there's been a pretty awesome improvement in levels over the past few days :D

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Howdy yall

the other day at work I did a basal test and here were the results!

9.46 5.8
11.08 4.6
12.00 5.0
1.00 5.3
14.20 7.3
15.12 7.5
16.02 5.9
17.23 4.8
18.00 6.2 (and at this stage i was too hungry and had some dinner!)

I was pleasantly surprised by this and seem to have that part of the day at least sorted (maybe a teeny uppage between 1 and 3?) but this goes to proove my theory right - my lunch time ratios are totally out! If my basals are keeping me that steady during lunch, and I eat and shoot up to 17 plus after lunch, I think something needs playing with. Nursey wouldn't listen, so I did this to proove myself right.

Next trick is thus: overnight basal test again - I'm still waking up higher than I would like. I need however to schedule a time to do this. I was going to do it tonight but am having too many issues (cheers ice cream 😡) and am way too exhausted so I reckon it'll be next saturday night. Or do you guys think I should do it sooner?

Sam, they are great results! I think your doing great and would agree with you that there may be a need to increase basal for the 2pm rise. If this were Alex I would put a basal in at 12.30pm for 3 hours and see how it goes. you may need to increase it by either half an hour or an hour (so doing it for 3 and a half or 4 hours) - but you need to try it first to see whether levels decrease or not. I think you need a break from basal testing as its hard work. We havent done a basal test for ages and I think we need to.🙂Bev
Sam, they are great results! I think your doing great and would agree with you that there may be a need to increase basal for the 2pm rise. If this were Alex I would put a basal in at 12.30pm for 3 hours and see how it goes. you may need to increase it by either half an hour or an hour (so doing it for 3 and a half or 4 hours) - but you need to try it first to see whether levels decrease or not. I think you need a break from basal testing as its hard work. We havent done a basal test for ages and I think we need to.🙂Bev

Thanks Bev :D Dyu know, I don't think theres a way on the combo to do it in half hour slots, it only seems to like working in hourly slots! This is what I've got at the moment

12-1 0.55
1-3 0.55
2-3 0.60

So I'm wondering whether to just go for a 0.60 for that three hour slot and then see how it goes? Might be worth a try :D

A break would be lovely! I think I've got it in my head though that everything needs to be sorted NOW as it were. It's doing my head in a little hehe. I reckon one more overnight next week and then I'll leave it for a while!!

Pleased I'm seeing so many improvements though. The hypos are becoming less and the symptoms are returning - it's just the highs that are annoying me now, particularly with after meal spikes.

I've discovered though, that on my walk to work I actually need no insulin at all! I have to set it at 0% for two hours. Very strange. Only discovered after a very very nasty hypo (1.0mmol/L and still standing!) that it was the way forward!
Thanks Bev :D Dyu know, I don't think theres a way on the combo to do it in half hour slots, it only seems to like working in hourly slots! This is what I've got at the moment

12-1 0.55
1-3 0.55
2-3 0.60

So I'm wondering whether to just go for a 0.60 for that three hour slot and then see how it goes? Might be worth a try :D

A break would be lovely! I think I've got it in my head though that everything needs to be sorted NOW as it were. It's doing my head in a little hehe. I reckon one more overnight next week and then I'll leave it for a while!!

Pleased I'm seeing so many improvements though. The hypos are becoming less and the symptoms are returning - it's just the highs that are annoying me now, particularly with after meal spikes.

I've discovered though, that on my walk to work I actually need no insulin at all! I have to set it at 0% for two hours. Very strange. Only discovered after a very very nasty hypo (1.0mmol/L and still standing!) that it was the way forward!

Hi Sam,
If this was Alex I would put a 0.6 on at 12noon (if pump didnt do half hours) and try it for a day or two. So making all basals between 12 and 3pm 0.600.
Dont forget that it takes between one and two hours to see the results of a basal change - so you need to aim 2 hours before you need it. (it differs for everyone but it is about an hour and a half for Alex). Just test around the 4pm period to see how much difference it has made.

Your hypo sounds awful Sam and you must have been scared.😱Have you set a different weekend pattern?🙂Bev
Hi Sam,
If this was Alex I would put a 0.6 on at 12noon (if pump didnt do half hours) and try it for a day or two. So making all basals between 12 and 3pm 0.600.
Dont forget that it takes between one and two hours to see the results of a basal change - so you need to aim 2 hours before you need it. (it differs for everyone but it is about an hour and a half for Alex). Just test around the 4pm period to see how much difference it has made.

Your hypo sounds awful Sam and you must have been scared.😱Have you set a different weekend pattern?🙂Bev

I think I will give that a go most definitely and see how that goes. In fact, I will change it in just a sec!

It was very very frightening. Thankfully matt was with me. I was totally spaced out and ended up sitting on the steps of some posh old building chugging apple juice and chucking dextrose down my neck and chatting a load of rubbish. It was the day after I ended up in hospital almost uncoscious with a 1.5 too 😱

so far I've made no changes for weekends because I've been working every weekend since starting on the pump pretty much 😱 I'll have to keep an eye on how things go tomorrow (lie in? I think so!)
actually here's a question

dsn says that basal vs bolus should be at around 60/40%

mine is er...not like that at all...when I look at ALL my data since starting my ratio is something like 70/30 and apaprently over the past two days ive had no basal at all (load of rubbish)

what on earth?! Am i taking too many boluses?
actually here's a question

dsn says that basal vs bolus should be at around 60/40%

mine is er...not like that at all...when I look at ALL my data since starting my ratio is something like 70/30 and apaprently over the past two days ive had no basal at all (load of rubbish)

what on earth?! Am i taking too many boluses?

I don't know if this has any relevance Sam as I'm different and not pumping, but my basal bolus is nothing like 60/40. My bolus is around 8 times my basal amount, so my total daily insulins is 11% basal and 89% bolus.
I don't know if this has any relevance Sam as I'm different and not pumping, but my basal bolus is nothing like 60/40. My bolus is around 8 times my basal amount, so my total daily insulins is 11% basal and 89% bolus.

Dyu know northey, sometimes I think my DSN spouts a load of rubbish, I really do 😱😛:D
I thought the ratio was 'supposed' to be the reverse, like 40/60 basal/bolus? Entirely from memory mind; it's in the hanas book...
Oh lord, sorry! Meant to say what fantastic levels - whoa. And sorry about the incredibly grim hypo. How very very scary.

Take care.
lol thanks patricia! I'll bring that up with DSN next time i see/speak with her. I honestly think that my ratios as they are with that are heading for spot on. It's just playing now (especially overnights 😱) But dyu know, after the failure that was my last group session, I don't think i'll be going to next months one - but thats a different story for a different day and something that will be on the blog at some stage!!

But thank you very much!! It was pleasantly surprising I have to say.
actually here's a question

dsn says that basal vs bolus should be at around 60/40%

mine is er...not like that at all...when I look at ALL my data since starting my ratio is something like 70/30 and apaprently over the past two days ive had no basal at all (load of rubbish)

what on earth?! Am i taking too many boluses?

Well done on your basal testing Sam!

I would like to say, but this is just my opinion that I think basal/bolus ratios are poppeycock :D How can they set specific "targets" when boluses are so different daily? I can have as little as 1 unit for food or as much as 25 units for a meal? Its nonesense. Surely you can only have such ratios if you eat the same things and bolus the same amounts every day of your life?

Well done again Sam!
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