My kinking nightmare

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, haven't been on here for a while but thought I had to share my experience last night with you - my first (yes, I know!) cannula kink....

changed set at 10pm as normal, when i inserted it I thought 'ooh, that feels a little odd, like it's hardly there'. Quick thought: 'uh oh, is it not in properly?' (which I think EVERY time i change a set) so the sensible side of me said 'stop thinking like that silly girl!', I primed the set, checked for leakages (none) so was satisfied it was ok and went off to bed.

Didn't get off to sleep very easily but a few hours after I did, my pump alarm went off. In my semi-conscious state, i assumed it was telling me the cartridge was low (realised this morning that my cartridge was only half empty so I must have REALLY been out of it to think it was that!) so I silenced it and went back to sleep. A few hours later, it alarmed again and this time I blearily looked at the screen to see the message 'occlusion'. Thinking it would be in the tube somewhere (which I do find happens occasionally), I stopped the pump, unhooked it, flushed the tubing and reattached it (all with my eyes closed and half asleep I would add!). turned over, went back to sleep.

...or at least, I would have liked to. 5 minutes later, more bleeping and this time i did wake up, checking the tubing. All ok there. I wondered what was going on but got up to go to the loo. Whilst up, I did a mental body scan and thought 'ooh, I feel a bit dry mouthed, I wonder if my reading's high?'. Tested to find it was 14.9. Which, given I'd done 2 lots of HIT in the last 24hrs and had gone to bed with 5.9, was very worrying.

Thought it must be the cannula, so I changed it - it was only when I pulled the old cannula out I found it was as the picture........ so I'd gone 6 hours without proper insulin dosage (god only know how much I had actually got from the kinky cannula). gave a correctional dose, then off to bed again.

As a result, was shattered this morning when I was up at 6am but sugar was 6.9 so went off to work....only for me to crash at 3.2 when I got in the office at 9am!

This has come at the WORST time: just yesterday I read the article in the paper of the pumper whose pump faulted and she developed KDA. Left work and just home now, shattered, head-achey and with loads of work left to do.

Diabetes 1 - Rachael 0.



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I can't really say anything about it apart from *hug*
Thanks Laura 🙂
Hope you're feeling better now? 🙂
i am actually ! think things are finally starting to settle down. Thanks 🙂

i'd actually really like to know how it's physically possible to kink like that given the introducer needles are straight and metal and i pull them out at the same angle they go in!
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What pump and sets are you using, Dory?
Using the accu chek aviva combo - but rather ironically had a letter from my clinic regarding my 4 year renewal yesterday and they offered me the choice of accu chek, medtronic veo or animas!!!

to be fair, this is the first kinked cannula i've had in the 4 years iv'e been on pump, so not holding it against Roche.
Oh the joys of pumping:D i hated it when mine decided to bleep in the night (mine liked bleeping at night, it knew i hated the thing, so this was its way of getting back at me) like you it took it out on me the next day.
Pleased you sussed it Dory. Its the not knowing bit that gets me. Work gets in the way doesnt it 😉
Poor you :( We were told that it's best practice to change your cannula before a meal, so you have time to notice if there is a problem (especially with low basals - my son's pump has never alarmed for an occlusion, even with a kinked cannula). I do change his cannula at bedtime, but I routinely check his BG at my bedtime and again during the night, so would pick up the rising BGs. Hope this was just a one-off for you 🙂
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