My immune system may actually hate me.....

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Been to the doctors today about a number of different niggly things that my nurse friend felt may be linked. The doctor is pretty sure that I have an underactive thyroid as I seem to tick all the boxes, off for blood tests on Thursday.

So if it's all confirmed that leaves me with three autoimmune conditions (diabetes, asthma and the thyroid thing). Now I know autoimmune conditions often occur together, just a frustrating thing I guess! So I was wondering, do other people on here have a range of different condtions such as this, can anyone beat my (potential) three (😉), what else shall I be looking forward to....?!
oo thats a pain for you aymes good luck with tests on thursday ,at the minute diabetes and anemia are the bains of my life
Hi aymes, I'm not aware that I have more than one, but my Dad has had psoriasis for the past 25 years, which is also auto-immune, so there may be a genetic link there.
I thought I was doing well with two, but you just beat me! 😉

I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was a tot, although I no longer suffer from it I'm told it may come back. I also have eczema, but I don't think that's autoimmune.

I always remember being told by our pharmacology prof as uni that it we had to get a disease, we should get a thyroid disease, since they're the easiest thing in the wolrd to treat! Mind you, I don't think he actually *had* thyroid disease, so I don't know if he was qualified to comment on behalf of those who did... 😉
Hi I had Asthma from about 18 onwards , I was quite bad for a while but now seem to have "grown out it" as I rarely use an Inhaler and havent had an Asthma attack for ages 🙂 I was using Becotide and Ventolin. 🙂
I always remember being told by our pharmacology prof as uni that it we had to get a disease, we should get a thyroid disease, since they're the easiest thing in the wolrd to treat! Mind you, I don't think he actually *had* thyroid disease, so I don't know if he was qualified to comment on behalf of those who did... 😉

Well that's a good way to think about it! I'm not too concerned if it is that, at least it can be treated and hopefully I'll start to feel better in myself, better than not knowing why I feel a bit grotty!
Hi Aymes,

Fingers crossed thursdays test come back with nothing, but if not at least all three are treatable!

Been to the doctors today about a number of different niggly things that my nurse friend felt may be linked. The doctor is pretty sure that I have an underactive thyroid as I seem to tick all the boxes, off for blood tests on Thursday.

So if it's all confirmed that leaves me with three autoimmune conditions (diabetes, asthma and the thyroid thing). Now I know autoimmune conditions often occur together, just a frustrating thing I guess! So I was wondering, do other people on here have a range of different condtions such as this, can anyone beat my (potential) three (😉), what else shall I be looking forward to....?!

Hi amyes
I also have just been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and I am now on pills (levothyroxide) I am aways still feeling very tired. I am suffering big side effects from them but have been told to stay with them as things will get better (i hope) I have collapsed on the floor while hubby was out so just managed to call a friend and I have daily battles with the nausea, got to go back and see Doc in sept. I also have a wheat intolerance along with glutten so food is a problem and of course there is the diabetes along with the hayfever 365 days. Oh well it could be worse.:(:(:(
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Ive had some symptoms of an underactive thyroid and I went to have a test done. I went back to a different doctor to get my results and she said it was a bit 'borderline'. She didnt actually seem that sure though, so when I next went to my usual doctor I checked with him and he said the results were normal 🙄 I'm really unlucky so I wouldn't be surprised if I get thyroid problems in future, urgh lol
So if it's all confirmed that leaves me with three autoimmune conditions (diabetes, asthma and the thyroid thing). Now I know autoimmune conditions often occur together, just a frustrating thing I guess! So I was wondering, do other people on here have a range of different condtions such as this, can anyone beat my (potential) three (😉), what else shall I be looking forward to....?!

Good luck on Thurs, Aymes! I also have an underactive thyroid which has only recently been diagnosed. I get what you mean about it being a bummer, I got pretty cross with my body too when I found out, however since being pout on levothyroxine (which I guess you'll be put on too, or something similar, if it is underactive) I've actually felt a lot better. I figure taking one little tablet in the morning is worth it if I don't feel as tired!

Ive had some symptoms of an underactive thyroid and I went to have a test done. I went back to a different doctor to get my results and she said it was a bit 'borderline'. She didnt actually seem that sure though, so when I next went to my usual doctor I checked with him and he said the results were normal 🙄 I'm really unlucky so I wouldn't be surprised if I get thyroid problems in future, urgh lol

That's how mine started, Katie. I was borderline for a while but now just the otehr side of the border. Doesn't mean the same'll happen to you of course, hopefully it won't, but worth keeping an eye on!
It is a pain having all these things, but yes all are treatable.

My nan had asthma and eczema, I have diabetes and hay fever. My dad has diabetes and problems with insect bites.

My friend at work has thyroid problems and has to have regular tests for diabetes.
That's how mine started, Katie. I was borderline for a while but now just the otehr side of the border. Doesn't mean the same'll happen to you of course, hopefully it won't, but worth keeping an eye on!

the thing is... apparently it was never borderline. the woman who told me that... i swear she wasnt even a doctor haha, she seemed confused. her first language wasnt english so maybe she read the notes wrong 😱

My usual doctor said the results are normal!! I will go back if I notice any other symptoms. I get heart palpitations and loads of my hair falls out all the time, and dry skin. Ive had swallon glands a few time too.

I havent had palpitations that much recently and no swallon neck glands for ages, so fingers crossed im ok!
Been to the doctors today about a number of different niggly things that my nurse friend felt may be linked. The doctor is pretty sure that I have an underactive thyroid as I seem to tick all the boxes, off for blood tests on Thursday.

So if it's all confirmed that leaves me with three autoimmune conditions (diabetes, asthma and the thyroid thing). Now I know autoimmune conditions often occur together, just a frustrating thing I guess! So I was wondering, do other people on here have a range of different condtions such as this, can anyone beat my (potential) three (😉), what else shall I be looking forward to....?!

sorry to hear that, but at least its treatable with a little pill? and if it makes you feel better, dont know the symptoms of thyroid, but so far i have diabetes, (asthma and eczema since year dot)..........I thought they tested you automatically for thyroid at clinic? Am i wrong in thinking this? I know i have been tested a couple of times as the docs keep teling me is associated with diabetes. Hope you get sorted soon :(
I've had my thyroid checked loads of times, usually when I have complained of tiredness, but it turns out I'm just tired, nothing wrong with my thyroid. I have no autoimmune conditions.

I hope the tests shows if there is any problem and if it's not your tyroid they can find out what it is.
I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid and diabetes at the same time. double whammy on the tiredness front, but better now. I had no side-effects from the Levothyroxine, one tiny (thank goodness) pill I take 1st thing. Good luck Aymes.

Oh, I also get exzema in my ears! They itch like mad!
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