my high readings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
type 2 diabetes , how do i bring readings down when they reach up to 15. I can see type 1 can eat Jelly babies etc to bring their readings up to prevent hypos .
I know it makes sence to keep foods down and watch what i eat , but what about the unexpected highs ? specially when its not conveinent to take walks ,go out etc ?
Ifeel as im only learning things through these forums , hope my questions dont seem daft , but i feel uneducated and not doing myself any favours ,, ta :D
Hi Mimms,

don't worry about asking any questions - the forums great for this! Not sure I have any ideas for you apart from excercise, and trying to use low GI foods, but there might be other T2's who can help?
When your levels are this high - do you know the reason why - is it because you have eaten a high carb meal - if it is then perhaps you could start by decreasing the portions of the high carb part of the meal and increase the protein. Are you on any medication as this might need tweaking. I am sure someone will be along soon to give you more detailed answers.🙂Bev
Early after diagnosis when I had a high reading I did go for a quick 30min walk. But I know you said that exercise wasn't always convenient for you.

I'm struggling to give any other kind of answer other than trying to prevent the high readings in the first place. However, I guess that drinking a reasonable amount of water to counteract any possible dehydration caused if the body starts trying to get rid of the excess glucose via the bladder.

Hello and welcome to the forums.

I think nearly everyone is advised to go for a walk to bring the numbers down. It is not always convinient, especially if you are officed based or have lots of meetings.

I try to keep as active as possible and if I have to work at my desk for long periods I try to take regular breaks, I go wash my hands, check the in box, have a chat to my manager, wrigle my ankles and wrists.

Workingin an aircinditioned building makes me thirsty, so I find pleny of sugar free drinks also help.
I to have high readings but I only find this out when I go for blood tests for something else. I do worry about it but I know that i'm still not eating all the right foods but i'm still finding it hard to adapt and resist the foods i've always had and enjoyed.

I have been told that drinking plenty keeps your blood sugars down so that's what I tend to do.

Its hard to adapt but I try not to worry to much. How are you adapting?
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