my HbA1c when do i get it

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
does anyone know how often a type 2 has thier HbA1c done?
i had my last one taken on 3rd of june. i thought you got this done every 3 months but maybe i got it wrong. no one has contacted me.
In theory every 3 months in practice dependant on your sugery 6months and some will try to push it to once a year😱

If your results were taken at the hospital clinic it can take several weeks for them to get back to your GP, if you GP took them then it's about a week and it should have been entered onto your medical records..

I would make an appointment with your sugery DSN so that you can discuss them, in the future I would ask if you can have your bloods done before seeing the DSN so that you can disguss the results at the appointment..

You can also request a print out of this information as well, you may find that your surgery might ask for a small charge for this very much depends how tight fisted they are really... But they can't refuse
I'm 6 monthly when first Diagnosed it was 3 monthly it depends surgery I think
thanks ellie and donald, i will give them a ring on monday
Hi Tracey hope you managed to get some answers today,,I am led to believe there every 3 month then after a while go to every 6 months,, at the moment im anything in between those figures lol ..x
I would say it depends, if things are generally stable and no changes are being made to medication then every 6 months should be fine. If there are concerns or changes then 3 monthly is better. I tend to get mine done every 3-6 months, i wouldn't leave it longer than that.
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